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Posts posted by lioness

  1. Oh noes!!! I was hoping, and also not hoping (so maybe I'm happy about this?) that this scent would work on me, but it's just... Not.


    In the imp it's very patchouli, with something else that I'm assuming is Hemp, but I can't say cause I've never smelled it before.


    Once on my skin it's getting slightly cedar-y, which is not good (cedar is a headache inducing note) and it's reminding me of a friends cabin.


    Once dry I'm getting faint whifs of the vanilla and the patchouli, but once the hemp realizes that they're attempting to be seen he engulfs them once again, and it's just fainly sweet cedar.


    I don't have a headache from it, (yet) but I don't think this is something I could wear. Now to decide if I'm happy about this or not...

  2. This was a bottle that I ordered unsniffed. This is one of two that I've ordered unsniffed in the past 6-8 months, the other being Boo. Boo worked amazingly on me, and my luck has continued with this blend!


    in the bottle I get cake with a little something else, my nose isn't the best yet, but I'm thinking it's a greenness from the cucumber.


    on my skin it's the most glorious scent in the world! Have you ever had Earl Grey tea with milk and sugar? You know those last few sips where the tea has gone cold, but it still tastes amazing? That taste is what this smells like! I feel like I'm drowning in a lovely, cool cuppa!


    After a while the scent disappeared, which made me sad, but oddly I could still get a few wiffs of it when I turned my head.


    Today(I tested this yesterday) while I was doing some cleaning, I kept smelling cake, and it smelled amazing! I was smelling it still the next day while I was sweating!


    I really really want to be able to get at least one backup of this, I think it's amazing!!! :heart:

  3. I wore Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe for Christmas (and felt like crap so slept most of the day away anyway).


    I felt like crap on Christmas too, and also slept most of the day! I wore Tanin'iver (I'm pretty sure) on Christmas, but nothing on NYE because I was at work. Tanin'iver is usually my special occasion scent, though for birthdays (parties or my own) I will wear Cake Smash :D

  4. Oooh me likey!


    in the bottle it smells mostly of apples, and something sweet. Almost like a caramel apple for some reason.


    Wet on skin, holy apples batman. It looks like the apple ate everything else in this blend just to be able to say "Hello! I'm here!" I get you, you're there, is anyone else home?


    Drying I can smell the guava, or the passion fruit, or maybe it's a nice blend of both. The apple is still there, it's just sulking because I wanted to see everyone else. I'm also smelling, banana? Strange...


    Overall? I'm so glad I sprung for a bottle, she's beautiful! :wub2: ((*brownnose* just like everyone on this board ;) :lol: J/K Love you all!))

  5. oooh dear... I'm not sure about this one...


    In the bottle I'm getting berries under a biting note that I'm going to assume is the cognac. It almost smells sour?


    Wet on skin, very much the same. I can't put my finger (nose?) on what it smells like. I'm getting a lot of possibly leather?


    Dry, this is better, it's not as biting/sour and I'm starting to get the berries, fig and cream, and the cognac and leather are starting to behave.


    I must look like a weirdo, I keep huffing my arm to figure out what it smells like! :lol:


    For this one, I think I'm going to have to try it again in a few days. (Just got it today) and go from there. :)

  6. In the imp I wasn't sure what my thoughts were on this, it smells kinda like soap.


    But once on I took a liking to it.


    It's kinda sweet, and all the notes blend to me not one really stands out. Except maybe the Lavender, but it just kinda pokes it's head up and says "I'm here" and then goes back to blending.


    On the fence with this, Not sure what I was expecting, but it's def. not that!

  7. I really wanted to love this scent, I LOVE Frankincense, but I knew once I'd smelt it in the imp that I wouldn't like it.


    Wet on it smells very fresh, and slightly like cola (i see a trend here)


    Dry it smells kinda powdery, and the frankincense is not there, just a powdery cola.


    I really wanted to like it, but alas it is not for me. I'm sure there will be others who will love it.

  8. This was a last minute "why not get a half decant imp to try" And I'm Very glad I did!


    In the imp I loved it right away, I would buy bottles of this just to use in oil burners if it didn't work on me! I get a citrus note with the beeswax as well as some other people here, and I loved it!


    On the skin, it's smooth, like rubbing a beeswax candle on your arm, with out the bits of wax sticking.


    I could wear this all the time in the winter, it envelopes you in a comforting embrace.


    I really must buy bottles of this :P

  9. Gelt

    Very very cocoa in the imp, makes me want to nom it, but I will place a drop on my skin and be content.


    Wet on the skin: Still mostly cocoa, with a bit of spice to it.


    On the dry down: it smells like cake with amber icing, very warm and comforting.


    This totally wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but it's lovely, I must get a bottle.

  10. I wanted to love this! Milk, honey, fig? yum!


    But as I've been finding, my skin tends to curdle milk (but not cream which is v. weird to me but alas)


    It smells kinda funky in the bottle, and then I get it on my skin and I amp sour milk. It smells off.


    I managed to get an imp and a bottle, and gave the imp away to a dr. that I work with as she loved it, the bottle is in swaps. :P

  11. I wanted to like this way more then I do, but something about it smells just off to me, like it's just starting to ferment rather then already have been. It also went powdery on me a little bit.


    Ahh well, I'll swap it for something I really like.

  12. In the imp it's a sharp sweet scent that doesn't smell at all to me like dragon's blood resin, almost candy like.


    Wet on it's very sweet, almost too sweet, (and I'm a foodie, vanilla loving girl!)


    After the dry down: it's very sweet still, but slightly powdery, it reminds me of a candy I used to eat as a kid, those banana marshmallow things. I wanted to like this one, but I think it's a bit to candy like for me. :P


    Over all it's a nice scent, but I don't think I'll be wearing this often enough.

  13. I did not like this one when I first put it on. At all.


    That said, after the notes settled in on my skin, and the overbearing carnation softened up, it's a very lovely scent.


    I'm getting Cinnamon hearts mostly, which I'm assuming is the carnation, cardamom and pepper working together, but for some reason i'm also getting a hint of a citrus in here. (?)


    Over all I do like it, but not enough to get a bottle.

  14. At first I didn't like it, but I left it on because I wanted to see what it was like after the dry down.


    It has a nice herbal scent to it, everything is mixed very well, with a slight fruity/incense note.


    I think this one would be very nice on a cold gray January day, it reminds me of the changing from summer to autumn.


    I don't think I'll be getting a bottle of this, but I won't be trading my imp after all!

  15. in the imp it smells like nail polish...


    on my skin, it turned into cedar chips :P I like patchouli, I think I like YlangYlang, and orange is nice. But never tried Vetiver before..


    I'm sad this didn't turn out well, though I didn't give it enough time before washing it off, I think I'll try it again when I don't have a headache.

  16. In the Imp I didn't like this at all, but wanted to try it out to see what, if anything it morphed.


    On it smells sweeter, but I'm still not sure I like it much, it smells like candies my grandad used to eat.


    I'm on the fence with this one, not sure I like it, but will try it again in a week or so.

  17. Hi everyone, I just have a quick question;


    I made two orders in Sept and haven't gotten CnS yet for either. One order was made Sept 20, the other Sept 26th. Should I be emailing the lab and asking about my orders? They were made via Paypal, and both payments were accepted.


    Am I just getting antsy? (I had made an order on the 16th of Sept and already have that one here.)


    Thanks for any input :P



    I would wait a bit. I just got my order from the 19th only a few days ago and I only live a couple of hours from the lab. :D


    Thanks Portalkat, I think I'm just getting antsy cause my first order came so quickly!

  18. Hi everyone, I just have a quick question;


    I made two orders in Sept and haven't gotten CnS yet for either. One order was made Sept 20, the other Sept 26th. Should I be emailing the lab and asking about my orders? They were made via Paypal, and both payments were accepted.


    Am I just getting antsy? (I had made an order on the 16th of Sept and already have that one here.)


    Thanks for any input :P



  19. Another Frimp that was on my wanted list :P


    In the imp: cherries and a hit of licorice


    Wet on skin: Woah! Cherry blossoms and Licorice!


    Dry on skin: This started to go powdery and pepper-y for some reason (pepper? weird) and a slithtly unpleasant scent that made me sneeze!


    Ooh boy, turning to soap, pepper-y soap :D Looks like we have another swaper.

  20. So I've read a few of the reviews and noticed that this is a pansy scent.


    In the bottle: not getting much from this, sorta sweet with a little spice.


    Wet on skin: oOoh this is kinda nice! Soft, and slightly spicy at the same time, I can smell a lot more with it on my skin then in the bottle.


    Dry on skin: A very clean, almost watery floral, nice, but not something I'd wear too often.

  21. As a frimp in my first order, I figured I'd try everything before tossing to the swaps pile and this was one that at first sniff was neither here nor there.


    In the bottle: Kinda smells like paint thinner but floral. This does not bode well for our little imp.


    Wet on skin: OMG Lilly! Get it off get it off get it OFF! I hate lily's and thought that since it was the last note mentioned, it wouldn't be as strong.... Boy was I wrong!


    Dry on skin: Still mostly lily with something cooler, but over all smells like hairspray (like filigree_shadow said)


    Overall? I had to wash it off, it was giving me a headache. :P
