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Everything posted by izile

  1. izile

    Pink Snowballs Bath Oil

    I was disappointed with this one - I wanted my beloved Pink Snowballs in a bath oil, and this is lots of snow, mint (which I never got in the original oil), and not a sign of pink warm glow of rose or floral anything. It's also exceptionally light, I know it's cold outside and that may be inhibiting my sense of smell (but I had no problem smelling my atmo decants), but no matter how much I huff, it's really light, ghosty, the mint fades off fast and leaves a barely there snowy-blah. :-( to the swap pile with you!
  2. izile

    Purple Snowballs

    In the Bottle - candy, but warm, spicy, sugar plum candy - something distantly floral, but subtle in the background. Wet - Much more balanced, there's the snow! and juicy plum starts to come out, though still candy sweet and some interesting spices playing peek-a-boo in the background. Dry - the candy does calm down eventually and everything plays well together with the "snowball" scent that's distinctive of the series, with a little floral and spice notes in the back, but a warm plummy sitting right on top. So far, almost the entire snowball series is a win for me! This is definitely a fav!
  3. izile

    Little Flora

    after reading the reviews that suggested you'd like this scent if you like Rose Red, I swapped for a bottle. In the bottle is a beautiful, bright, green floral. Wet - lovely, light, realistic, slightly sweetened cream in the back, but subtle and not foodie. Beautiful! Dry - laundry detergent - not even the good kind. No flower, no cream, just, dry, powdery, laundry detergent. *weep*
  4. izile

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    oh thanks so much! -k, I updated the BPTP tab on my google doc all the way up through yules (even got the dorian HG and the bliss smooch - think that's all new in the GC area) - can let me know if I missed anything, but think that's up to date now, too.
  5. izile

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    no problem! but oh! I haven't had a chance to update futher, do you have a link to the one you've been working on with the Yule update?
  6. izile

    Harvest Moon 2013

    This one wonked out on my chemistry hard. In the bottle - straight up soggy fallen leaves on the bottom of a wet forest floor - slight odor of rot and something powdery-floral in the background, but very subtle. Wet - it's definitely the powdery potpourri style rose, not the fresh rose I prefer. It's still playing a 3rd fiddle to the red leaves super-dominating everything - they still smell a little wet/rotty, but are gaining some spicy edges. Dry - no. rose is nothing more than a powdery afterthought to bundles and bundles of finally dried off, un-rotting, fallen dead leaves on a forest floor. It's not un-pretty, but this is definitely not a perfume for this little elfling. On the swap pile it goes
  7. izile

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    Yeah, but a lot of times, how would you even *know* what you were missing, if it was missing? Yes, if I remembered "oh, I'm missing "___" I could go find the notes, hell, even in the BPAL reviews section - but I'm not even aware of what my gaps might be (aside from TAL/BPTP - maybe if I get a quiet bit today, I'll look at catching up on BPTP, at least) BUT, I think my list is now complete - as far as I'm aware -
  8. izile

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I have the Lupers - but that's about it - and I can't be sure I have all or there aren't gaps. I'm not good at this. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aph0q1dUpDf4dHdxblY2bkJwekhfQzVSaTFOLWNpbGc&usp=sharing that's what I've got - but you'd have to strip out the color coding and tally codes in the first column. And that has nothing SINCE the Lupers - oy - was hoping someone else had been going and could help fill in the gaps. EDIT: OK, I gave myself a project - and I think it's *mostly* updated, basically went off the "new" page, so if it's there, it's on the google doc - I got a dead link for the last pickman stuff with Lilith's creations, so those aren't there (yet)
  9. izile

    Exhibit Hall Fatigue Bath Oil

    I haven't gotten to try this in a bath yet, only just on my skin, straight - but Mmmmmm. It is bright and sharp! I love the combo of peppermint and citrus and this is an great blend of citrus with all the variety to keep it from getting too sweet. It still reminds me a bit of girl scout camp where they taught us how to suck the juice out of an orange half through an old style peppermint stick. Love!
  10. izile

    Mechanical Dragon Manufactory Atmosphere Spray

    There's definitely amber somewhere in this, but as it's not on my skin, it's very nice! Gives it a very warm golden feel. I get a very mechanical feel first, it smells metallic with a bit of an "oily" smell, but not in a bad way. It's bright and light, clean metals and clear oils; not gunky. Kind of reminds me of like sunlight on clean metal; like washing the car in summer but without the smell of soap and grass. The lingering smell seems to be the almost spiced leather with lingering resinous smell (which, again, not on the skin, so very nice!) It's nice, and I think it'd be especially good for a more gender neutral or masculine environment.
  11. izile

    Con Cramp Relief Massage Oil

    sweeter and less medicinal than UGH! But still pretty potent. I think I get a good bit of gingergrass and peppermint at the forefront. The big thing is, this stuff works amazingly! At D*Con I used it every night on my feet, and it worked wonders. Just the other night I got a full rub down when I was being all stiff, sore and crampy and it just really relaxed everything away. I think it's just as effective as UGH! But I find the scent much more pleasant and less abrasive.
  12. izile

    Aunt Rosie's All-Purpose Cephalopod Bath Oil

    This is really growing on me, though it's a real morpher. In the bottle, I get the ambergris and coconut and rice milk with a hint of tea. In the bath water, a little ginger, a lot more tea, still coconut and rice milk, lot less ambergris. On my skin afterwards, I smell like orange pekoe whole leaf tea - specifically - I know because this is the tea that is traditionally used to make good Southern sweet tea, I know that scent *well* and I smell - JUST LIKE orange pekoe whole leaf tea with just a hint of rice milk/coconut to give a slight creamy edge. Will be good for fall/winter especially when feeling a little sickly and when I just want to bathe in tea
  13. izile

    Vol. 1 - Tricks & Treats Hard Candies

    LOVE! First, all the candies shared the same base, the same kind of old fashioned hard sugar candy where there's almost a rough dryness when you first put it in your mouth - but it doesn't last terribly long. Goulish was the first one I started with, and it was really good. I love cherry candy, and the cherry flavoring is a really nice dark cherry. I got a liqueur flavor, but I don't think I ever recognized it as coconut, more than regular amaretto. Blue Pumpkin Floss - probably my least favorite. The flavors seemed to fight a bit more than in the other candies and came off overly potent and not that well balanced. Didn't get nearly as much blackberry presence as I would like. Autumn Cider - really nice! It was the sith's favorite. I liked the blend here of apple and spice, with nice citrus highlights. The butterscotch wasn't as dominant as one might think (it's normally a very potent flavor) but balanced nicely to give an over all impression of a real Autumnal mulled cider with the blend of flavors.
  14. izile

    Red Velvet Truffle Bath Oil

    I'm going to be in complete contrast of the above. I normally don't like foodie scents, but saw this at NYCC and had to test it out. Wow! I got a really defined sweet cake-ness to the general smell, but on the top, piercing through the entire scent was this incredibly sharp and twangy cream cheese icing smell. It really helped take the edge off of what I would normally consider as too sweet and too foodie, having that sweet/sour cream cheese tang shoot out across as the top note, really keeping the rest of the scent in check. Definitely going to be looking for an ounce of this.
  15. izile


    OK, my skin chemistry did a number on this. I was really worried about some of the notes, but it smelled really good in the bottle so I grabbed one quick before they were gone. While wet it was very sweet and kind of odd, I'm guessing the honeysuckle maybe? Maybe the sarsaparilla? But sweet, not too patchouli (I normally hate patchouli) and nice, but not in a foodie way. Dry = coconut. I kid you not. Not Obatala coconut, but a really dry, husky, sweetened coconut. Like a really nice coconut got split open and then left in the sun and has dried up, concentrating the sweetness in the meat and its rough husk. It smells really good, it's almost like a dehydrated mounds bar, where you're only *thinking* about the idea of chocolate (could be the sarsaparilla and vanilla combined enough to give a foodie nod in my brain)
  16. izile

    Miss Jenny

    I never detected any of the pale woods on me, and I'm glad the amber was absent, as it tends to turn everything into baby-powder-of-doom. The peach is present, but light, and not a lush juicy peach like Josie, but more of a light, fresh peach that blends easily with the florals. I really get the peony and carnation distinct of each other, and it's a very pretty blend, though I don't think I really know what freesia smells like. It's also an amazingly sexy blend considering the floral dominance. I wore it to a party the other night and the throw was pretty decent, had a few people comment on how good a smell this was, and I was definitely surprised by how it dried into something really sexy, not just "pretty" which is what I kind of expected.
  17. izile

    Mrs. Lewis

    This is pretty much dead on for what it says it is. I always smell sandalwood as rather light and dry, the white variety being a little musty/powdery in particular. The rose here, is like the Cherokee Rose SN in that it's also the powdery perfume-y variety of rose. This isn't the rose from The Rose, or Rose Red, or even Peacock Queen or Dawn: Maiden - this is the rose in Ouija - and with the double whammy of powdery and dry - it just felt way too "lil ol' lady" for me.
  18. izile

    Nymphes de Pave

    <3 <3 <3 This is definitely in my favorite scents family. The bourbon vanilla takes a more creamy than vanilla note, and combined with the honey and rose otto, it's loosely in the same family as Nymphae Avernales and Dawn: Maiden - but there is a nice, deep, lingering light fig note that just blends gorgeously. It reminds me of the fig in Carnal (another favorite) but not as domineering. I guess that's the "white" aspect of the fig - but it balances well and it has good through and lasts a long time and I just sat there snuffling myself going - DAMN - I smell GOOD!
  19. izile

    Miss Ida

    I grabbed this one, because in the bottle, I got a great gardenia smell with just a bit of lemon verbena - never noticed the jasmine, and the vanilla was nice and subtle. Wore it today, first time by itself for a full day. Yup - totally different, it's gotta go. French Vanilla, how much, specifically FRENCH vanilla. Gardenia? I dunno, no gardenia here. Jasmine, maybe a touch of powder from that (I tend to baby-powder-of-doom on jasmine) and a lingering edge of lemon verbena, just a light little herbal citrus hint. But *BAM* I smell more like old style French Vanilla ice cream than anything else. That is not a good thing to me.
  20. izile

    Juniper Mint Hair Gloss

    I really liked the scent of this one, but it was very hard to detect. Whereas other hair glosses I could spray directly on my hair and then smell them on my hair for hours, if not all day (honey lasts FOREVER), this one I had to spray in my hand then hold my hand over my nose to get a good smell at all. It smells lovely! Very light and balanced between an herby, true-to-life mint, and a not-too pine-forest or gin-like juniper. It also only lasted about 30 minutes at best before I couldn't smell any traces, even when huffing my hair. if you think the others are far too strong, it would probably be good for you. But it's way too weak to keep, so on the swap pile it goes. --------- EDIT: smelled a whole bottle at the lab's table at NYCC - apparently it's just me. Shook and sniffed straight from the bottle at the table and got next to nothing. Tried wiping some on my hair - nada. Apparently me and this scent just cancel each other out somehow. Weird.
  21. izile

    Virgin’s Blood Bath Oil

    Absolutely gorgeous! It seemed a little old-lady powdery in the bottle at first, but once it hit my skin it balanced very well. Reminds me HUGELY of Dawn: Maiden, which is one of my favorites. Lasted well, and had decent throw, too. Can't wait to try it in a bath.
  22. izile


    In the bottle: A Vetiver punch in the nose. After that fades away, I'm left with a little nasal tingle that reminds me of pickles, I'm assuming that's the gingergrass. Wet: Where did you go?? I just put you on? Hello? anyone? oh, hi! OK, ginger cream, that's nice. But man, that vetiver pickle is hanging on in the background. Dry: fades FAST and I end up with something that smells like a slightly pickled/gingery wet, rotten, wooden stick. Oh, and for the record. I am well acquainted with kudzu. It is endemic all over the area I grew up. Kudzu does not smell at all like vetiver.
  23. izile

    Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono

    In the bottle: smells like fresh green florals, bright and spring-like. Lovely! Wet: stays pretty much the same, but less sharp green, more soft petal, and a little bit of vanilla starting to round out the edge. Dry: Like a weaker version of wet, but something odd is catching on the edge. Hard to define. It's not really pleasant, but not a complete turn off as you really have to huff it to notice. It's a little dusty? musty? Like maybe the flowers got cut and put in a vase in a retirement home. EDIT: (10 min later?) PURSE CANDY! That's what it is. It smells like floral candy that's been at the bottom of grandma's purse since the Nixon administration.
  24. izile

    Snowy Mountains and Kingfisher

    in the bottle: First and foremost I smell the labs not-mint snow note. This is the same snow note I remember from 2009's Snow Maiden and/or First Soft Snow. Otherwise, that and a little light floral, probably the honeysuckle. Wet: BEAUTIFUL. I get more honeysuckle and pear than snow, but the snow is still there. No odd "ozone" scent that I had worried about. Dry: it's starting to get a little powdery on me (was worried with the amber and musk, but it's not ALL powder, definitely mossy, soft, sandalwood-y. The snow and pear and floral of the wet type is almost completely gone and replaced by this very soft, kind of cuddly/fuzzy scent. Liked it better wet.
  25. izile

    The Vine

    I. LOVE. THIS. I had thought it was going to be a rather iffy scent, but LOVE. In the Bottle: beautiful, bright, crisp, ripe, sweet, juicy pear! Wet: the best pear you've ever eaten, the perfect pear with just the suggestion of honey and a gentle side of vanilla cream Dry: Lovely balance. There's still mostly pear up front, and a beautiful pear at that, but there is a warmth now from the honey that wasn't there 5 minutes ago, and the vanilla cream has stepped up and balanced as well. To me, this reminds me a bit of a not-floral pear version of Josie, which is one of my favorites, so this is a total keeper!!