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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by msulima1

  1. I got this because I am spending a semester studying in Mexico in September and I wanted a special oil to wear while there. This sounded perfect!


    In the bottle: OMG cocoa! And faint berries, which I'm guessing is the wine. I'm not detecting corn per se, but I do get a savory scent. Oh, I do hope this lasts!


    Wet: Chocolate and Cinnamon. I agree with the cinnamon gum assessment. Very nice.


    Dry: The cinnamon is treading very close to giving it a craft store feel, but the wine and chocolate are keeping it in check. It reminds me of autumn.


    2 hours later: Very faint cocoa and cinnamon. I'm kind of disappointed that it isn't stronger, but I definitely do not mind slathering! It's beautiful.


    Verdict: I am going to have a VERY hard time hiding this from myself until I leave for Mexico! It is love! I'm anxious to see what wonderful memories will spring to mind when I sniff this after my trip!
