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Posts posted by sitanpu

  1. A Latin word that means to sigh or draw a deep breath, that also suggests longing, desire, yearning, and a passionate wish. Ylang ylang with white plum, white orchid, jasmine, calla lily and lily of the valley.

    it's sort of cool and clean while still being fairly warm. It reminds me of spring. :P

  2. I received a frimp of this with my lab order today, and this smells lovely. On my skin, it smells a LOT like the Vintage Vanilla incense by Candles by Cows. All spicy but warm and rounded..

  3. I didn't get this because I thought honeys didn't work on my skin.

    I was horribly, horribly wrong. It smells all smooth, and rich and honeyed and it's hard to describe it better. I still haven't even sent it off yet for Fire Eater's Honey Moon partly because I've been at work during Post Office hours, but secretly I like having it around to open up and take a huge whiff of!

  4. Ooh, this is good. I received a 5ml of Old Morocco off of ebay, and received it today. Opened it, tried to apply, reducer makes it spill *all over* my leg and arm. Luckily, this is a glorious scent. On me it's lasted all day but is a bit faint. It's all warm vanilla and sandalwood(?) and spices..and smells exactly like I thought Snake Oil would. This is like a Snake Oil that works on my skin. A sexy, but beautiful and elegant scent, memorable but not overbearing.

  5. The scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla.

    This just smells like mansex on me. And my boyfriend. And anyone else I put it on, and it's not just me saying that!
    This is my second try at it, and the first one smelled bad in a different way, so I'm thinking about trying one more time. I *really* want to like this.

  6. Oh, now this scent I like!

    Like many others, this was a lab freebie, and I am so glad! I thought I found all the scents with vanilla, but I completely skipped this one, which is sad, because it is so feminine and sexy on me!


    I'm not surprised that I like this, vanilla and white sandalwood are some lovers of mine. :P This is really long lasting, too. I put it on around 10 last night, and I toss and turn all night but my wrist still smells like Zephyr...13 hours later! I used to think "long-lasting" for me was 6 hours maximum, but this takes long-lasting to a whole new level!


    While the individual notes are hard for me to recognize, this has the same scent as Aeval does that made me love it--only without the "sitting by the pool" feeling. I think I like this one more.


    The lab is great! ;D

  7. This is definately my new favorite scent. I wasn't even going to order it, but got an imp of it so I'd not just be buying a single imp, and this is so SWEET!


    It smells like a strawberry milkshake, only home-made with real strawberries and maybe some flowers thrown in. I've been smelling my hand (I use freckles as test-spots) so much I feel dizzy with the pinkness, and I love it!

  8. Oh wow, I just got an imp of this today and in the bottle it has a very odd scent. I agree with whoever said it was nutty.


    I've applied this twice now, and all I know is that it's fairly faint, and it smells precisely like my teacher's house.


    The second time, I got the cinnamon. This is a lovely scent, and seems perfect as a room scent.
