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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by MilkAndSugar

  1. MilkAndSugar

    Black Lotus

    Mmmm...Amber, Myrrh, Sandalwood and an exotic Flower. Spells "YUM" to me. The scent is fruity out of the bottle. Neither I, nor anyone who sniffed it, could decipher *which* fruit, though. Kind of a cherry/strawberry/figgy hybrid. On, it is pretty strong for a while, but mellows down to a sweet, flowery, berry incense scent. Myrrh, Amber and Sandalwood give it a deep, warm, ever so slightly smoky quality. It reminds me of a good quality lotus incense. Though the scent is warm and sweet, it's also deep and dark. If I had to give a color to this blend, it would indeed be Black. The description on the site is perfect. The drydown is like a whisper, and almost like a flower topped skin-scent. Very likeable. When I wear this, I get images of an Egyptian temptress, walking through a shadowy, incense smoke filled temple with a self-satisfied smile on her face. You can tell she's up to something. I haven't seen the movie, but I love the film score, so I also hear music from "The Queen of the Damned". Not the soundtrack, mind you, but the wonderful score. Black Lotus is great for those days when you need a confidence booster. A winner, at least in my books. -Milk
  2. MilkAndSugar


    I dabbed Oneiroi on when I went to bed last night. I wasn't really expecting anything special, so I was very impressed on how well it worked dream-wise. I had a night of vivid dreams which I actually recalled in the morning! This is a big thing for me, as at this point in my life I don't dream much. I don't know why that is, stress maybe. It feels odd, since I used to dream a lot. This was such a help, that I would consider buying a big bottle just because it works so beautifully and helps me dream. I didn't care for the scent all that much, it wasn't bad, just not me. I smelled the Jasmine and Lavender mostly. Couldn't pick out the Mugwort, but then again I don't really know what it smells like. It's a comforting scent, something I had no trouble falling asleep to, but I think it's not of the perfume variety for me. I might change my mind though once I wear it again! That's known to happen with BPAL scents, due to their complexity and the changes in skin chemistry/state of mind. I'm looking forward to trying this on again! -Milk ETA: Tried Oneiroi again and the same thing happened. I only had a few hours to sleep, and I still managed to see pretty darn detailed dreams. So Oneiroi is most definately a great dreaming-oil!
  3. MilkAndSugar


    From the vial I smell Neroli very strongly, which is odd because it's not on the scent description. Neroli is all good, though. Love it. On, the scent warms up quickly. The Neroli scent lingers nicely, and slowly Sin morphs into sweet, light incense scent. On my skin, amber and sandalwood stand out the most on the drydown. I've noticed amber suits my skin very well, so this is a great scent for me, and just about anybody who adores amber. I don't get a lot of cinnamon, though, but I don't really miss it in here either. No song this time, but as I was sniffing my wrists, completely high on the wonderful scent, a quote quickly came to my mind. From the movie about everybody's favourite son of satan, "Little Nicky": Let the sin begin! -Milk ETA: I'm definately buying a big bottle of Sin in the future. It just smells too good!
  4. MilkAndSugar


    From the bottle this really *is* Rum and something buttery. Yum! On my wrists it quickly morphs into a marachino cherry scent. I'm not sure why that is, maybe it's just my body chemistry, but it's still yummy. I like cherries! Once again I hear a song, this time Goldfrapps "Black Cherry" On the cleavage area the scent morphed into a dead ringer for Almond Liqueur. One of my favourite alcoholic drinks! It would be even yummier if the rum & buttercream scent lasted a bit longer (might be just me, though). Candylike, sweet scent. For people who like to smell edible. -Milk ETA: Oh and this might be totally TMI, but it's *that* time of the month for me at the moment, so my body chemistry might be different. I'm really interested in how Hellcat will smell on me a few days later. I'll update this post and let you know how my experiment went.
  5. MilkAndSugar


    Every time I think about the word "seance" it brings to mind Fiona Apple's song "Carrion" where she sings: Won't do no good to hold no seance what's gone is gone and you can't bring it back around, Won't do no good to hold no searchlight you can't illuminate what time has anchored down. Because, honey, I've gone away, I've gone away... From the bottle, Seance is withered roses and hazelnut. Quite yummy. On skin, it becomes dusty and old, definately the scent of an old abandoned house or old memories. There is rose, definately, but it's the kind of rose that has overbloomed and died. The green of the stem and leaves are as big a part of the scent as the bloom. It brings to my mind the kind of roses they sell at a florists, where the roses really don't smell like roses, but they do have a scent of their own. The image this brings to my mind, is a dried up and a little decaying bouquet of long stemmed roses in a vase. All in a very pleasing way! The hazelnut is definately there too, a bit coconutty like Minilux above said, but it's unmistakeably hazelnut. Very pleasing. Underneath there's warm wood. Like floorboards or a well loved polished dresser with sunlight warming the surface. All and all, to me this really *is* the scent of hauntings. Whether one is haunted by spectres or old memories. This is a dusty old manor, or a trunk in the attic, full of old letters. Seance is a really special scent because it doesn't smell like you're wearing a perfume. I liked it a lot and what's curious, so did my mother (she hardly ever likes the same perfumes I like), so I gladly gave my imp to her (to get her hooked! I'm evil!). I can always borrow, or buy a big bottle! The scent isn't very long lasting, but to me that's never a problem because refreshing is half of the fun -Milk
  6. MilkAndSugar

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    This sounds very promising. I'm glad you're ditching USPS & CCNow. Things are looking up! And no, I'm not complaining if you have to raise the prices some. Anything that'll make things go smoother for you and for us, is ok by me! -Milk ETA: Ouija sounds so good!
  7. MilkAndSugar

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    I can tell you how Loviatar is pronounced, being a Finn myself. If anyone cares to know, that is... Loviatar: Lo [as in "halo"] vi [as in "visible"] a [as in single unit of something "a book" etc.] tar [as in "tardy"] -Milk ETA: My sources say Baobhan Sith (also spelled Boabhan Sith) is pronounced [bo-van-shee] and it means "wicked woman fairy". I used Anna Franklin's "The Fairy Ring" as source.
  8. MilkAndSugar

    UK customers! Hi. =)

    I agree with the final prices and limited range of perfumes being possible dampers, but I also want to bring out a different angle on the subject. I understand that in the U.S. almost *everyone* from teenagers to pensioners have a credit card. I can't speak for other countries, but in Finland we take credit cards very seriously, and thus not everybody gets one, and not everybody wants one because of the huge responsibilities owning and using a credit card brings. I also am a small shop owner, and though I don't have a credit card yet, I might have to get one just to be able to do business overseas. So there are a lot of credit cardless people who will have to go without BPAL scents, and they are the ones who would benefit from shops that carry the line or that could order from BPAL on request. I'm contemplating on doing this for my customers in the future, because I know they would love BPAL just like all the devotees here on the boards. Just my input. I could be wrong. -Milk
  9. MilkAndSugar

    International Orders from the Website

    Sorry Beth, I'm here bugging you again. I was wondering when would be a good time to put in an order? I mean do you see a break in the hassle in the near future? Also, I'm still wondering if I could transfer money onto your bank account instead of paying with a credit card? I've never ordered from BPAL so I'm a bit lost. Thanks. -Milk
  10. MilkAndSugar

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I have yet to find a scent that will give me an actual headache, but I'm sure it's out there somewhere. Fulltiltredhead: That's an interesting thought. I myself am an earthy Capricorn, and I love everything thick, resiny, mossy, and earthy (patchouli!). Then there's the Leo aspect in me, that loves everything spicy, sweet, and incensey. I like heavier scents rather than lighter, though I find myself often loving lighter scents also, I just rarely give them a chance because I'm not *drawn* to them. I wonder if this means I should balance myself a little and try water/air scents? As it happens, my birthchart has only one (if my memory serves me right) Air sign present! Maybe I should strengthen that? Anyways, interesting. -Milk
  11. MilkAndSugar


    I just got Bruja in a swap (thanks Blackrayne!). My very first BPAL scent and I'm high on smelling it from my wrist . Ok. From the vial Bruja was really powdery-flowery, and strong. I thought more Jasmine-Lilac than just Lilac when I smelled it. After dabbing some on it started to morph almost instantly. The scent became deeper, sweeter (almost a vanilla undertone, propably the amber) and sexy! I love the creamy notes under the flowers. A very rich scent. After a while it's still strong, so (on me) I suspect this is a long lasting scent. The Myrrh is coming through gently. This scent reminds me of a Lilac Soap I have. The powdery note is still there, so I think this is not for those who don't like powdery scents. The scent is still getting sweeter, gentler, and a little spicy. While I do understand how this scent could remind many of their grandmothers, my grandmother wouldn't have used a perfume as achingly sexy as this . There's *secrets* in this scent. It brings to mind a Victorian garden at night when the Jasmines bloom. Maybe there's a lady sitting by the window, writing a love letter. The window is open and the curtains are gently flowing, wafting in the scent from the garden. The scent mixes with her powdered skin and the Lilacs in the vase, and she's recalling the secret rendez-vous the night before. I can almost see her sealing the letter with wax. Beautiful! -Milk ETA: My parents (the old hippies they are *lol*) said this reminds them of a certain Indian rose incense they used to burn back in the 70's. They have a few cones left, and I can say they're quite right. The scent is similar to the incense before it's lit. Lovely stuff!
  12. MilkAndSugar

    Shipping scale of fees for international orders

    I haven't ordered yet, but I got a quote from Elizabeth. Ok, the shipping costs of a sixpack of Imp's Ears to Finland would be $8.00 -Milk
  13. MilkAndSugar

    Shipping scale of fees for international orders

    Great idea!! I'm for it, absolutely. Also, the different methods of payment could be posted somewhere too, along with the information needed (for example BPAL's bank name and account number for those of us who would like to transfer from account to account). I say go for it! -Milk
  14. MilkAndSugar

    Ok, feeling human again.

    Who was it again who said: "There cannot be a crisis next week, my schedule is already full"? I think it's well put. -Milk
  15. MilkAndSugar

    Ok, feeling human again.

    Glad you're feeling better! -Milk
  16. MilkAndSugar

    Input, please!

    Ok, I thought I'd do my part Name: Piia URL: I do have one, but it's all in Finnish... Photo: None, but I'll try working something out Sin of Choice: Lust, Wrath, and Vanity. I confess to all three. Usually simultaneously. Virtue: Charity and Prudence. This is what I strive for. (a cool site on sins & virtues: Deadly Sins) Astrological info: Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, Cancer Rising How did you find out about BPAL: By pure chance, I bumped into it. Propably on one of my endless searches for natural perfume. Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general: I haven't had the priviledge to try any of the BPAL scents yet, but I still believe you've got something very unique here. I was a "perfumer-in-training" and I wasn't very good at it, so I can really appreciate the amazing scents you've created. The thing that got me hooked, was the fact you use *essential oils* to create them. I've been searching for living, breathing, soulful perfume for ages. Thank you.
  17. MilkAndSugar


    Just commenting on the lilacs+hauntings thing. In history, Lilacs have been planted to protect property and inhabitants from ghosts. It's got a reputation for protecting from the restless dead. I too looove the scent. Can't wait for the lilacs on the yard to bloom! -Milk
  18. MilkAndSugar

    More great news.

    Rats! Someone should them! -Milk
  19. MilkAndSugar

    Incapacitated for a day.

    You're alright, aren't you? I mean, it's nothing serious, right? I'm sending you healing thoughts. Take all the time you need. -Milk
  20. MilkAndSugar

    International Orders

    Thank you Elizabeth for clearing that up. -Milk
  21. MilkAndSugar

    International Orders

    I know exactly what you mean! I've mailed both blackphoenix@blackphoenixalchemylab.com and cupcake@blackphoenixalchemylab.com, and I feel soooo bad because I know Elizabeth is busy, but I have this nagging fear that my emails have taken a wild re-route and ended up in The-Place-Where-Emails-Go-To-Die. I guess we just have to buckle down and wait. Argh. I'm not the most patient person, but in this case I'm willing to give it a shot. *daydreaming of my first batch of Imp's* -Milk
  22. MilkAndSugar

    International Orders

    Hi! I'm a bit confused. When is the International Ordering option coming? Or is it here somewhere and I just don't see it? I'm a bit stupid, so I wouldn't be surprised .