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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by pensive

  1. I used to not be so much of a soap bar gal - gels for me, thank you. But then by experimenting with various e-tailers, I fell nicely into the habit. BPAL soap? I'm on it.


    As many others have noted, the packaging is gorgeous. This is a bar you unwrap, not tear into, just so you can see the inside exemplifies the same quality devotion and attention as the product itself.


    Dorian immediately became one of my first BPAL loves and no matter what mood I'm in, always hits my top five favorite scents. There wasn't much doubt I was going to like the scent of the soap, but even good scent can't help a bad soap. I am pleased to report Dorian is definitely not just a "good" soap - no, it is an EXCELLENT soap.


    My main concern with this soap was wondering if the scent was strong enough. It is. It could be turned up a notch, but then it might start to interfere with after-shower scenting. Besides, if I want more Dorian I just have to go reach for that bottle.


    The soap is appropriately bubbly, makes the shower smell gorgeous, and is overall more smooth than other soaps I have tried.


    I love it and wouldn't hesitate to get more. I also wouldn't mind a Dorian shower gel or lotion (hint hint). If you're wavering about it, don't. Don't make the mistake of letting this run out and you potentially missing out until a new batch is done. :P

  2. Late to the party, coming along all the same.


    :P Midway is truly, all that. It's evil cotton candy, and light at the same time.


    In the imp it is sweet and wicked, without being cloyingly so.

    It does fade off, then come back for one last call - so don't be quick to reslather. I mean, I took a nap with it 'fading away' then woke up to a delghtful sugary smell.


    Oh that's me. I say that a lot with BPAL.


    It fades very quickly, and while I am wavering towards the second bottle but still part of me wants to also just catch the moment, and let it go when it will. Like the carnival itself, something lovely and intriguing will always come to take its place when the ride is over, and I don't always need to cling to the balloon, but instead watch it gently float into the sky to enjoy it the most.


    Verdict: I await my bottle with happiness.

  3. Arabian musk with two roses and a bevy of Middle Eastern and Indian spices.

    In the imp: Roses
    On me: Roses
    Drydown: Roses. Where's the spice?
    Verdict: Well I just don't know about this one. I may keep the imp for a while.

  4. Hey, work it with the coconut! :P

    Wet: Mmmmmm, exotic lightly rummed coconut

    On me: All coconut, all the time

    Impresssion: It's Spooky minus the mint chocolate.

    Verdict: Well, I do like it, not thinking I need a bottle for it.

  5. Black amber erupting with a dark volcanic surge of fiery dragon's blood and a burst of melati, rose geranium, mandarin and black currant.

    Imp: Sweet and warm.
    On me: Very flowery. Where's the rage?
    Impression: Too cheery for its name.
    Verdict: Geranium and jasmine with all the joy sticky power of dragon's blood and amber. But I don't wanna have it stick to me. Blerg.

  6. I think I want to wrap myself up in this lovely smell.

    Imp: Fruity-spicy-amber

    On me: Amberish with a twang of green

    Drydown: Ohmigod yum. Lots of delicious amber touched with a spicy fruit.

    Verdict: More pls! :P

  7. Imp: ooo pretty lavender..

    On me: Yo whazzup lavender? And what is that funkified smell in the back?

    Drydown: The funk has faded.

    Verdict: lavender seems to knock my butt out - this or I'm too tired too often lately :D


    It's a meh, I think. Don't hate it but don't actively like either. :P: needed!

  8. Sniff: Pink Moon is like those sugar candy flowers on a birthday cake.

    Wet: Candy - very candy.

    Dry: Its pleasant in a sort of creamy floral, its really candylike on me.

    Impression: PINK! Victoria Secret Pink!

    Verdict: Well, its likeable, but not in a way that had me wanting to lick my wrists or anything. It reminds me of Prague, but I like Prague better.


    :P It has found a good home.

  9. This scent is distracting as all get out at work.

    Imp: Oh baby, bring that cherry loving right here.

    On me: As advertised. And sexy, to boot.

    Impression: OK to me, where Hearth is the gentleman in the study and such.. this is the woman in the red velvet dress that snuck off from the holiday party and met him there. :D Good times, good times.

    Verdict: This is HearthLite. Deep winter for me. Just a 5ml sometime. :P

  10. Next time the voice says "you need this vs Kingsport" - do NOT ORDER THE KINGSPORT.


    That'd be a lesson. :P


    Imp: Minty!

    Wet: Wickedly cool crisp cucumber.

    Dry: Minted cucumber.

    Impression: *wrist gnaw*

    Verdict: I am oh so sad I didn't order this, but will treasure my imp deeply.

    (Don't reckon anyone's got a bottle that doesn't work for em do they? :D

  11. Imp: Mmm, peaches, sandalwood, how can we miss?

    On me, wet: Lovely peachy goodness.

    On me, dry: Where did it go?

    Verdict: Love all the notes but it disappears in nothing flat. :P

  12. In the imp: gorgeous. Lilies, I smell.

    On me, wet: Cold and chilly floral.

    Drydown: ACK. Alright, which flower isn't playing nice? is it you, rose? lily? gladiola going gross? There is soap and a rotting flower on my wrist.

    Verdict: Well I really do like the initial scent and would put this in a burner. :P it's sorta creepy, which considering its a funeral oil, I'm down with.

  13. :P

    I emailed two friends with the subject: "BPAL: OMG. You Must TRY." while wearing Dorian (its still on me, mind you).


    I honestly think this was ‘the tea’ scent I was looking for. On me it is vanilla tea, with just an itty bitty drop of non-offensive lemon. I could wear this anywhere, everywhere, any weather. This is also 2x better than Snake Oil (which I wouldn’t probably get a bottle of, but oh hello, I want a bottle of this). Yeah I know, some of you just put me on the "you so crazy" list.


    Imp: Creamy vanilla tea.

    Wet: Tea plus a drop of lemon.

    Dry: Creamy creamy lickable vanilla and tea.

    Verdict: 10ml? You bet. This zoomed up to the top of the love list with Alice.
