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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Redsnoopy1977

  1. This stuff is to die for, smells just like Shark said, like brownie batter with creamy undertones or even chocolate cake. Its basically to me like a Bliss bath oil which ive been dying for since I got into BPAL years ago! I dont know how but BPAL's chocolate notes are to die for and SO realistic! Its such a sexy scent I really wish this wasn't just limited edition!

  2. This is so pretty and simple, I don't get any sassafras but it smells like a deep seductive full bodied vanilla, and its really NOT overly sweet, just sweet enough, like a fine french gourmet confection or bourbon vanilla sugar glaze. This is amazing by itself but would also kick ass layered or even combined with other bath oils. FYI I use my bath oils traditionally in the bath, as an in shower moisturizer and out of shower moisturizer.

  3. In the bottle - Sweet apple the same exact apple in creepy


    Wet - Red sweet delicious juicy apple ..total LOVE


    Drydown - The apple is still bright and juicy only now i detect the candy portion of the candy apple and with a generous slathering of pure white sparkling sugar crystals infused with the most scrumptious vanilla. YUM - now the candy corn is making an appearance. My FAV BPAL scent of all time!!!!! I really hope they decide to resurrect this every year I am getting at least 3 more bottles. Complex, pretty, AWESOME throw! its still going strong and ive had it on for an hour now.


    Overall - TOTAL LOVE! I dont find any part of this artificial smelling at all and its very very realistic, makes me wanna nom my arm lol

  4. I love this! Its way better 2009 Pumpkin V by far because that one is all coffee all the time. Pumpkin Latte was awesome, in the bottle it first smelled kind of cakey with sugary espresso and a little pumpkin, on my skin more coffee but it fades a little to a perfect fall scent. I love the vanilla and sugar notes in this. My daughter told me I smell like pumpkin pie but i dont smell the pumpkin too much. I almost wish the espresso was a wee bit weaker but overall this is an awesome scent and I cant stop sniffing myself!

  5. This is amazing, sugary cool coconut with a teeny hint of icy mint (its really noticeable when wet) and maybe im weird but the floral note in there smells more fruity than floral which I am extremely happy about. It lasts awhile and has an awesome throw. It does remind me of Snow White quite a bit on the dry-down however but I like Snow White better just a little. This is the perfect summer scent I really wish she would add this to the GC


    Edit:: Ok this is weird but I am definitly picking up something like pine trees in this but only when its wet and just a tiny hint adding an icy touch. Is anyone else getting this?

  6. Wet - I totally smell blackberry, sugar, maybe raspberries and i do detect a sweet vanilla especially when its wet. It kind of reminds me of the berry in Berry Moon but much stronger. When it settles down on the skin it leaves a nice soft berry scent. Its a beautiful scent. I do not get any mint like some other reviewers however it dont percieve this as a cold scent..its quite warm to my nose.

  7. Okay here is my take:


    In the bottle: The luscious Bliss chocolate note with fresh sweet lime, the lime is stronger.


    Wet: Sugary lime woah awesome throw i must say. there is a little chocolate that tries to come out but the lime beats it into submission.


    Drydown: Its still sugary lime. What is happening here after 15 minutes i get whiffs of my childhood, in the mid 80's playing with my scented Strawberry Shortcake dolls.. that smell it smells JUST like that. I dont think companies scent their dolls anymore but woah.


    My husband says its awful, smells like a baked messy lime disaster but i do not agree. He said it would have been SO much better without the chocolate and baked smell he gets.


    My final take...Lovely, but the drydown gets a bit weird i wish it could hold that sugary lime stage longer but ive been re-applying often.



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    Hot cocoa, tiny marshmallows, white glue, stick-on googly eyes, and felt!

    I got this today and here is my take:

    Wet - chocolate marshmallow goodness! I want to drink this!

    Dry..what is this? Boo?? This smells like a much stronger Boo with a little Bliss. Like if Boo and Bliss made a baby this would be it. So for those of you who love Boo this is a MUST have.

    After a few hours I dont smell any chocolate ..just Boo.

  9. Okay this is the same exact chocolate note as in Bliss, however I do not know how she does it - it smells EXACTLY like mexican hot cocoa...so realistic im tempted to lick my wrist LOL. BPAL has the only chocolate note that smells realistic..its more than perfect.

  10. I just tried this and LOVE IT. Its the perfect apple cider! Even after the drydown I dont get the candle scent some reviewers experience, I can smell cream, apples and mild spices, the perfect amount. This scent is put together beautifully.

  11. I bought this via Ebay a few months ago and mainly because my birthday is November 4th and it is my fav month weather wise.


    First sniff - there is definite pine in there - very green lush but cold at the same time. There is a teeny hint of a sweetness playing around and I detect the actual smell of snow..or how the air smells during the winter. I have never smelled a perfume or any scent that evokes the true scent of early winter so this really amazed me. I lived in NJ my entire life before moving to FL so smelling this oil makes me feel warm inside. The best part is...the scent stays true from the time its applied to several hours later and it lasts. It is BEAUTIFUL and I REALLY hope Beth brings this back eventually.

  12. I just got my bottle, i am totally confused...


    Wet - hmm this smells exactly like a lighter version of Cockainge but lets see what happens on drydown...


    Dry - Cockainge but slightly less spicy.


    Does anyone else get this? I even put both scents on, one on each arm and yep almost the same to my nose. I really really wanted this to smell like cream and linen :(

  13. Wet -I detect strong Cherry/almond and i think a little buttercream peeking out. No boozy notes for some reason.


    Then the transformation begins! I smell strong honey! Sweet thick golden honey all over the place which is a REALLY good thing.


    Totally dry I still get whiffs of the sweet honey however there is a note that comes out I am having trouble describing that lasts and lasts....it reminds me of this shop I used to frequent in NewHope PA when i was 16 years old that carried different oils, wiccan herbs/supplies and always smelled like sweet incense. It makes me love this scent even more because it brings back those memories for me. I LOVE this and plan on a full bottle.



  14. In the bottle all I can smell is musk, when I dab some on my wrists some berries start to bloom but not very sweet berries and I cannot pick out any single berry notes. After it dried further and after about 15 minutes the musk steps down a little and the berry comes forward well cautiously but I could not smell any orange blossom honey :( I REALLY wanted to love this one so badly but sadly its not for me - sometimes i really hate my skin chemistry.

  15. Ok today i tore open my BPAL order and there was Sticky Pillowcase with the most adorable bottle staring me right in the face! It has an illustration of a pillowcase with little golden handprints on it and an array of golden wrapped candies spilling out - the bottle alone is an excellent reason to buy it!


    In the bottle - Wow this is strong but pleasantly so, i can detect brown sugar and a darker sweetness loaded with strawberry syrup and sugary taffy. I dont get any candy corn though. It kind of reminds me of a general store my mother used to take me to as a child when they had all of their halloween goodies and curios out.


    Wet - Strawberry syrup like the kind that comes with those frozen sweet strawberries you can buy at the supermarket. There is the brown sugary smell comming forth. I do see how another reviewer stated they got a "Yankee Candle" type of scent from this, but its way more complex. This is definatly more of a fall fragrance - like a dark sugary voluptious scent that fails to become TOO sweet. There is an excellent throw to this yes - I cannot stop smelling my wrists!


    Dry - Where is the candy corn? It never made an appearance! at least not on my skin. I can still smell that strawberry syrup and lucious brown sugar but it is faded, it becomes a rather gentle scent and slightly less sweet.


    Overall this is a MUST HAVE! Worth every single penny.
