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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by oakmoss

  1. First of all, the coffin is great! Heavy and creepy and wonderful. It will make a lovely addition to my Halloween decor. Crypt Queen herself smelled very fruity-bubblegum in the bottle, but I was so happy about the coffin that I didn't care. On my skin, the bubblegum disappears in a flash, replaced by pomegranate incense with a whisper of rose. The dusty quality others have mentioned is amazing -- it really does smell crypt-y, with a faint sharpness of damp stone. Something you might want to wear when you go visit Spike. witch.gif

  2. I hadn't worn this in a while, but I'm making an effort to use my LE blends more, after the disaster of having Strawberry Moon turn bad on me. Better to run out because of happy usage than hang on to something that is slowly losing its goodness! So I slathered on the Snow White on the way to bed last night and spent an hour or so drowsily reading and sniffing my wrists (that sounds kinkier than it was...). The gentle creamy floral sweetness was just as I remembered, a scent that somehow reminds me of those little silver fairy bells, the really GOOD ones, not the cheap knock-offs, that emit a crystalline flurry of chiming when you roll the ball around in your palm. Snow White has that same fairy quality, something sparkly and not easily defined or grasped or held. And then... on about the 50th sniff... SNOW! Just for a second, a flash of scent memory that melted away as quickly as a snowflake on my skin, but I could see so clearly the image of flowers under snow, caught in ice, captured forever in this gorgeous perfume.

  3. In general, I would say not to worry about it too much. BPAL perfumes, being oils, use the different notes in different ways than conventional perfumes. My suggestion would be not necessarily to shy away from the notes listed in Chanel No. 5, but rather, to have your first BPAL choices be fairly simple, with maybe no more than three or four listed notes, so you can educate your nose to the various scents. And if you do get a Chanel vibe, you can always swap it! :P

  4. I put a little of this on last night for Lammas Eve, having not worn it in a long time. I had remembered the woodsmoke and the woodsy feeling, but had forgotten the fruity rich goodness that runs underneath it. Now I remember why I bought two bottles. It's coming out of the special occasions box and going into regular usage, for sure!

  5. Okay, everything everyone said above.

    And also:






    :P Yum. :D


    I bought this for a male friend, but a bottle is coming to meeeeeee sooooooooon. Deliciously spicy hot goodness. You want some of this.

  6. Nuit might be a good choice, as she is a star goddess, or Urania, muse of astrology. There are the three star scents in Excolo: Zorya, Utrennyaya, and Vechernyaya (Midnight Star, Morning Star and Evening Star). And Yvaine, in the new Stardust series, is described as "The high, crystalline scent of a star-filled night with blue lavender and lush magnolia."

  7. Try the homeopathic remedy Coffea Cruda, which you can get at many drugstores and natural food stores. It is for wakefulness with mental hyperactivity and it works like a dream (a nice, peaceful dream) with no grogginess afterwards at all.

  8. Oh, how delightful! I wish my friends were costume-party type people! I may have to insist on it for my next major birthday.


    I know that Atia likes food and spices, so a foody-spicy blend does make sense... but.... I'm actually inclined to think that she would go for a strong but feminine rosy floral blend, like Peacock Queen ("This is a blood red, voluptuous rose, velvet-petaled, at the height of bloom. Haughty and imperious, vain, yet incomparably lovely to the eye, but thick with thorns of jealousy, pride and hatred"). I mean... come ON. :P


    If you have any of these LE blends, they also seem Atia-esque to me: Bearded Lady ("A seductive and flowing exaltation of femininity: Turkish rose, stargazer lily, violet, honeysuckle, amber, star jasmine and vanilla"), Agony of Longing, Gypsy Queen, and Svadhinaopatika.

  9. I'm so delighted to have some of this precious stuff, which I've been wanting to try forever. The sweetness that I got on first whiff from the bottle doesn't stay on my skin, but rather, it morphs into a more "perfumey" kind of classic scent. I can understand the hair spray comparison, but in a good way, if that makes any sense at all, which I doubt. :P The only problem, at least on this first try, is that it's making me sneeze! Big time allergy attack, which could be a coincidence, though I haven't had one for a long time. I'll have to try again and see. Did anyone else have that reaction? I've never gotten sneezy with a BPAL blend, that I can recall, so I wonder what's in it that set me off.

  10. As many have mentioned, this has a clean-linen scent, with an undertone of soapiness. It's the kind of scent that wouldn't bother me if someone else smelled like it, and I don't think it would bother anyone else if I smelled like it, because it mostly just smells like someone who has freshly showered or shampooed, rather than a perfume scent. That said, while it's not unpleasant, it really isn't anything I would choose to wear as perfume, so I'll happily pass on my imp. So far, the only Carousel blend that has worked for me is Mama-Ji, but man oh man, she is the perfume of my dreams, so I'm not complaining! :P

  11. This blend surprised me, because I was expecting something more forest-y, and instead it rather reminded me of stone at first, like moss growing on damp stones. I was reminded of Black Opal (but was too lazy to go get it to compare). On drydown, a delicate spiciness emerged, wending its way through the moss and undergrowth, like a strain of faery music barely heard on a midsummer night..... I think this would smell great on a man, but it's very suitable for women who don't like "masculine" blends too (like me). I wore it to bed and had strange and vivid dreams.

  12. All the notes in this blend are ones I love, so it's not surprising that I love them together. In the bottle, it reminded me of when I wear Hope and Faith together -- perfect rose, perfect violet. But on my skin, and especially after half an hour or so, the pear adds a sweet fruitiness to the florals, not really edible-foody-pear, but rather, just breathing in the perfume of a freshly cut pear. I love most of Beth's rose blends, but this one has zoomed to the top of the list, no question. I've pretty much gotten over my desire to hunt down rare LE blends, because I know there are always more treasures to come.... but this one.... agony of longing inDEED. I will want MORE.

  13. I've been searching for the perfect lemon for summer, so was happy to receive a frimp of Venice in my Blue Moon order. I had it once but frimped it away myself without much interest. In the vial, it's strongly lemony, just what I wanted. On my skin, it starts to morph into a lemony-floral immediately, as my skin does it's usual uber-amp of jasmine, dragging the rose along kicking and screaming (to continue the jasmine/rose crime scene depicted above :P ). Lemon is corrupted by jasmine's evil influence, and the whole thing turns to dry laundry detergent faster than you can say "Tide gets your whites whiter." I'm going to try this in a scent locket to see if it's any better, but my quest for the Holy Lemon Grail still continues.

  14. Okay, I'll differ a bit from the Cucumber Chorus here :P and say that this is not just cucumber, it's ENGLISH cucumber, that really old-fashioned gourmet cucumber that makes you say, yessss, this is what cucumber used to smell and taste like back in the olden days when vegetables and fruits had real flavor. So there's that green wet scent, and the fresh-mown grass greenness, and then on dry-down there's just a hint of lily-of-the-valley -- imagine lying in the shade on a warm summer day, smelling the sweet cool grass and lily-of-the-valley, nibbling elegant cucumber sandwiches and reading something by Agatha Christie, perhaps....

  15. Oh, body chemistry, you are a funny thing. In spite of the almond note that always goes wonky on me, I took a chance with a smidgeon of Bilquis, and sure enough, this blend went through the wet-dog phase mentioned above and then into fishy. And a very particular kind of fishy -- not ocean-freshness fishy, but haven't-cleaned-the-aquarium-lately fishy. And the wet dog is still sitting there, nose against the aquarium. And someone is feeding him almonds. Old, dusty almonds. :P Okay, okay, this is NOT about whatever beautiful scent Beth made. This is between me and my chemistry (and the dog). Sorry, Bilquis.

  16. This is a goddess-worthy perfume indeed -- rich and warm and generous, many-layered like a rose rolled in fine spices, the petals touched with cinnamon and sandalwood, wafted through aromatic incense. It just kept getting better and better, from the first sniff to the last fade-out. I need more than one bottle of this.
