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Everything posted by Eros

  1. Eros


    Upon opening imp, strong smell of roses(??) and instant headache. But I pressed on, lol. The rose(again ??) disappeared almost immediately, no surprise, heh...taken over by sweetness & a *slight* hint of grapefruit. Drying it turned powdery sweet...in fact *very* powdery & somewhat soapy, then, *poof*, gone. I'm thinking of other forumites' reviews and the mention of "old lady perfume". Nice, but not for me.
  2. Eros

    Bat's Blood

    Wanted to LOVE this one and yay, I do!! Which is why I have SO little of it left, oh no!! Dragon's blood and...jasmine w/something almost creamy. Stayed true from wet to dry down to hours of wear. I adore it!!
  3. Eros


    Wet, all I get is bitter lime/rind scent. As it dries, its accompanied by a strong eucalyptus, which never works for me, unfortunately *sigh*. Really wanted to fall in love with this one. Oh well.
  4. Eros


    Touch of pine but mostly eucalyptus. Not even a hint of the orange in this one. Very Vicks Vaporub to me Couldn't get past that to actually try it on my skin. However, my son really liked it. More "piney" on him. Definitely more of a masculine blend I think
  5. Eros


    Very dry and green upon opening bottle. Something patchouli-like about it, which isn't a good thing for me. Juniper is quite strong in this and as much as I like the way it smells, in a perfume oil, makes me sneeze Couldn't try this on, unfortunately...Its one of those that I just know is going to send my allergies into high gear. Very interesting(even if only "sniff tested") blend nonetheless.
  6. Eros

    Black Rose

    Roses all the way. Lovely dead, forlorn roses~From wet to dry down. Unfortunately, gave me a headache immediately upon opening the bottle, this one will never work for me I bit the bullet and kept it on for a few hours and it stayed true. Definitely has staying power, when I finally had to wash it off...it didn't go away. Wish this one didn't give me a headache, its absolutely beautiful!
  7. Eros

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Sweet floral w/a bit of spice & ...cinnamon? Reminiscent of something I can't quite put my finger on. Wearing, stays true to how it came out of the bottle. A very thick & decayed flowers sort of feel to it. Quite lovely!! Waited until my second try wearing this before reviewing it and alas, just like the first time, although I adore it, I'm getting a headache Life can be so unfair, blah!
  8. Eros


    Love the incense smell and feel to this one but unfortunately, didn't work too well on my skin I think for me, this would work best in an oil burner. On me, it makes me sneeze. First thing I got upon opening the bottle was a bit of sweetness w/a very light "sting", like burning sage almost. Very soothing. Scent seems to dissipate quickly(from the top of the open bottle). Definitely more of a masculine blend imo, for whatever its worth I like this enough that I think it deserves a good home, rather than using it in an oil burner. I'll burn incense instead, lol.
  9. Eros

    New Orleans

    Upon opening~Jasmine, which my nose always seems to pick up on first. Same thing wet, the other notes are there, but not enough that I can actually *say* I'm picking them up. More of a, I can *feel* them, if that makes any sense. Dry down/wearing~Definitely lives up to its description! Humid and sticky but in a good way. Worn it a few times & I really like it! But since there are others I also want to try I'm letting this one go to a new home
  10. Eros


    Got my two imps from Laochodia today, yay!! And of course, thanks!! Upon first opening imp, strong candy-like smell & thought, uh oh.... Only used a drop on each wrist due to icky allergies acting up, blah. Dry down~sweetness subsiding into softness w/the sublest bite(amber?), not picking up the vanilla at all but the honey is definitely there. Also something a bit more "perfumey" floating around but can't put my finger on it... After about an hour soft, mostly honey and what comes to mind~thick, syrupy(not in a bad way) and languid. I'm liking it! I'll use one imp for sure before deciding whether or not to get a big bottle. 05/02/05~Yep, must have a big bottle of this. Wears well, I can catch the loveliest glimpses of it swirling around hours after putting it on. I was really worried when I first opened the imp but I'm SO glad I got this! I *did* have to layer it w/my beloved Hunger, though, just to see what they'd do together. OMG~absolutely beautiful!! They blend together so purrrfectly On my skin, of course, not mixed together in a single bottle or anything, that would be unforgivable! Together they bring out the best of both w/o interfering w/one another. In addition to my previous description, 'O' creates a feeling of voluptuosness...juicy, ripe and ready to be "plucked".
  11. Eros

    La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    Have had this one for....3-4 yrs and apparently, never tested it. Full 4ml shorty(I think?)... Upon opening bottle....jasmine?? With a subtle, spicy bite. Only slightly green to me & only tested off the rim but it stayed w/me for a looong time Didn't really pick up anything other than what I've mentioned, well, maybe a touch of something citrusy. Slightly sweet but not extremely so. Very nice & smooth. Kind of like a lovely courvoisier(sp??), not in the scent so much but more in the description. If that makes any sense...warm is what I get from it. Stayed true all the way from open bottle to dry down to wearing. Really like this one but there are others I like even more so I believe this one will go into the swap pile
  12. Eros


    LOVE it!! Wet~strong orange but not sweet really. More of a tangy orange, which is good Dry down~hint of vanilla and black narcissus with the orange floating around. After wearing for 15 mins +, purrrrfect blend of each. A very rich, decadent scent, imo. Fades after 2-3 or so hours *cry*. Okay not completely but I want it to stay forever, heh. MUST get more asap!!