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Everything posted by MissMorbus
This is the perfect sweet dirt in the bottle and wet. It has a very wet feel to it that must be the melted snow. On me, it takes about 5 minutes for that perfect sweet dirt to completely disappear and it turns very masculine. I think the culprits are balsam and cedar. I get this same masculine scent every time they are listed in a blend. Oh well. I don't really like wearing masculine scents, but I think it would definitely be good on a man. I really wanted to love this one.
This is such an unusual scent, I have trouble describing it. It's very fresh and creamy, but also slightly earthy. The fig is definitely in there. I agree that its a drier fig. To me, its the same fig that's in Aeronwren. It doesn't really morph on me. The fig comes out just a little bit more in the dry down. It has good lasting power and a pretty strong throw. I love fig, and this is really the type I love. This will definitely be a bottle purchase for me.
At first while wet on the skin, it's all molasses and lots of it. As it begins to dry, I start picking up the red current and its very sweet and fruity, I think the sweetness is the molasses and vanilla. As it continues to dry, the red current settles down a lot and I start picking up on the patchouli and everything gets a lot more grounded. I'm not detecting anything that makes me think moss, so I think it must be very well blended with the patchouli. I love fruity/patchouli scents, and this scent is no exception. I will definitely be picking up a bottle....or two! *edit* I applied this scent last night at about 11pm and I could still smell it on my arm this morning at 8am. Actually its still sort of lingering (if I stick my nose on my arm) and its 9:40am, although I think all that's left is the moss and patchouli. I consider this a heavy scent, but it doesn't seem to have a ton of throw. It stays pretty close to your skin. Something in this sort of reminds me of Urd, but it's not really like Urd. It must just be the way the notes mix, they just have a similar feel. Urd is one of my very favorites, so that's a good thing.
In the bottle: Whoa...sweet fruits with maybe a teeny bit of red musk in the background. Wet on skin: Still sweet fruits but the musk is more noticeable. This is very sweet, but the musk tempers it just enough that its not too sweet. Wearing: The fruits begin to fade and the musk comes out to play. It still stays sweet, but it calms down a lot. This reminds me a lot of Mme. Moriarty, but sweeter and a little less sexy. If Mme. Moriarty is the sexy bad sister that smokes, drinks, and has sex with random hot strangers in bar bathrooms, then Semiramis is the good sister that goes to class, does her homework, but still likes to party on the weekend. It lasts for several hours. I probably need to reapply it half way through the day. It stays sweet (like when wet) for most of the day in my hair. Overall, I love it. Mme. Moriarty is my all time favorite, and I was hoping for something along the same lines with Semiramis. That is definitely what I got. *edit* lol...disclaimer....I'm not implying that Beth is anything like my description of Mme. Moriarty.
I received a frimp that I can't find anywhere on the site. I searched for it on here too, and I even looked over the up and coming list. It's Shango. It came straight from the lab, so I know it is bpal. Anyone have any idea what this one is? ETA: Oops...I found it under Excolo. Sorry about that...just ignore me.
DCLXXXVII (no idea what number that is): Wow, this scent has a kick. It is a very masculine scent. It definately has some dark musk in it. There is something kind of woody and green, but really strong. Maybe cedar, pine, or fir. Its also very spicy. In the bottle it has more of the strong green/woody scent, but on drydown, it gets really spicy and musky. All in all this is a wonderful scent, especially for a man. I don't see myself wearing it (I don't mind masculine, but this maybe a little to manly for me), but I think this may be the perfect scent for my hubby (he has been searching for his idea of the perfect man scent). This is the kind of scent that puts hair on your chest. Ooo...now I am getting incense, but not sweet incense, more of a spicy incense or resin. Very well done Beth. I can't wait to give it to the hubby. I really think he will love it. ETA: I love the label. Way to go Macha!
This was a frimp from the lab. This is by far the darkest oil I have ever used. I agree that it smells very earthy and musky in the bottle, with perhaps a little bit of spice. On my skin I still get an earthy, musky smell, but I can also smell the ylang ylang now. It reminds me a little of Malice because of the ylang ylang, but Lust is a bit muskier and dirtier. I'm really loving this. I tested it for the first time last night, and now I am wearing it for the first day today. I think this will be a bottle, but I will wait to see how I feel by the end of the day. *edit* Ok, the day isn't even up, and I ordered a 5ml. Yeah...I like it.
I'm really excited about the new blogs on the forums. I hope it turns out to be a lot of fun. Although, I really don't need another blog. I'm getting really excited about my last lunar order. I hope the CnSs start going out soon. My internet is down at my house until Thursday. That was the soonest they could come out, so the I won't be able to play on here much unless I am at work. And when I'm at work, I won't be able to play much. Speaking of work, I better get back to it. Scent of the day: Nosferatu Thanks SV and QS for all your hard work on our shiny new forums. *edit* Our internet at our house is back up. Turns out it was a problem in the area, so it was fixed when they worked on that.
No, I don't rinse it out. I use it more like a serum to tame frizzies when I am styling my hair. I just use a few drops, and it gives my wavy/curly hair a lot of seperation. I have baby fine, soft hair that gets really staticy in the winter, and this helps with that too. I don't really think it weighs it down, it just makes it smoother. Also, I try too keep it away from the scalp because I think it would end up looking greasy after a while. I have long hair so I mostly use it on the length of hair that hangs below my jawline. I would assume you could use coconut oil as a hot oil treatment in the shower too. It has absolutely no scent, so it wont change/affect your bpal. I have also heard that coconut oil is the oil you should use if you want to make a dry oil spray. It is one of the lightest oils and will spray out of a bottle. I haven't tried that though. I think its supposed to be really good for your skin too, so I guess you can really just rub it everywhere. I rubbed a little on my arms while I was doing my hair, and it felt a lot lighter than the jojoba that I have used. Oh, and an 8oz bottle will last forever. I think I have had mine for a year, and I'm not halfway through it. Someone in this thread (I think it was this thread) said that it will pretty much never go bad. Sorry for such a long reply. I hope it helps.
I just thought I would add my two cents on this. I mix my favorite scents with coconut oil in a glass dropper bottle to use in my hair. Coconut oil is supposed to be one of the best oils for your hair. I get it from http://www.thesage.com/index.html. Its a fixed oil. I think they sell the bottles too.
Gomorrah One of the Biblical Cities on the Plain, destroyed by God with fire and brimstone because of its people’s pride, prosperous ease, deceit, hedonism and indolence, and their callous, uncharitable hearts. A gritty, sordid and languid scent: ripe fig, date and currant with black herbs. In bottle: This has a dark gritty feel to it. Close to dirt, but not quite. It has a slightly sweet scent to it, which I assume is the fig. It almost has a cocoa scent to it. On skin: This stays very dark and gritty. I can definately pick up a kind of planty feel to it, but I can also smell something sort of like fruit. It also has a kind of burnt herb smell to it. It smells kind of dry and dusty too. Its very deep and dark, I just don't quite know how to describe it. I really like this scent. It's very unique and interesting. I am glad I have a bottle of it. Its not an everyday scent for me, but I think it will get a lot of wear. Rating: 5 of 5 *edit* 6/19/06 This has really grown on me. I love it, and find that I am reaching for it more and more often. This will definately be a 10 ml.
Fortunato Beth had me at berries and booze and sealed the deal with patchouli. In bottle: Tart berries and booze, which I assume is sherry. I'm actually not sure if I have ever had sherry. On skin: Wow the tart berries are amped up at first, but they settle down after a little bit. The berries seem to get dustier, and the sherry gets a little drier. I never can really pick out the orange peel, but I can tell its helping the fruit with its tartness. I can definately smell the patchouli under there making everything dirtier, perhaps its the one making everything dry and dusty. I'm not really sure what rose hip smells like, so I can't really pick out where it is. I really like this scent. Its a tarter, fruitier scent than my beloved Blood Countess. The patchouli really helps round it out and keep the berry from being to sweet and tart. I'm not sure if this will warrant mass hording, but I will definately enjoy my bottle. But then again, its only the first day I have worn it, and I have pleanty of time left to massively horde. rate: 4 of 5 ETA: I am actually kind of disappointed, because in only a few hours this has faded down to pretty much a skin scent on me. I am having trouble smelling it. I knocked off a star for it.
Zombi A frimp from the lab. In bottle: Dirt with some roses. On skin: The roses really come out to play on my skin. It is the same rose I smell in London. The dirt is still there. It reminds me of rose bushes that are freshly planted, even though I have never planted a rose bush. I don't enjoy wearing a strong rose scent, but I really do like this scent. I like rose in a small amount, as in I like a good whiff of it every now and then. I think I would end up with a massive headache if I tried to wear it. I am thinking about putting it on a cotton ball in some musky old drawers I have in my house. This scent would be perfect stored in an old wooden box or drawer. ETA: Hmm...I was just re-reading this, and realized perhaps what I need to do is find a really woody scent and layer it with Zombi. Hmm...I will keep that in mind. And also, I panicked just a little when I used my imp to make a quick sachet sort of thing for my yarn drawer. Perhaps I will have to get a bottle for home use. I will put it on my list, but I'm going to wait to see if I like what it does for my musty old yarn drawer.
London Received a a frimp from the lab In bottle: Wow....roses. On skin: This is the best rose scent I have ever smelled. It is perfectly victorian, and it perfectly portrays the idea it is supposed to. It stays true to its rose scent. It has a little bit of something else, but it just enhances the rose, so I can't pick out what it is. Unfortunately, rose just isn't something I want to wear. If you love rose, then this is definately for you. I may send this over to my MIL because she loves rose.
Antique Lace Received as a frimp from the Lab In bottle: Sweet, soft, vanilla. I can smell something else under the vanilla, but I'm not quite sure what. On Skin: I still smell the soft vanilla. Now the linen and florals are coming out. This reminds me of something, I just can't place what. It dries into a sweet, clean scent. It is a very lovely blend, it just isn't my type of scent. Throw: I don't think this has a very strong throw. It is probably something you could slather. Rating: 2 of 5
Nosferatu I have been wearing this scent for about a year now, but am just now writing a review. This is one of my top ten scents. In bottle: I can smell the dry earth and the dry bite of red wine. On skin: I still get the dry earth, especially while it is wet. I can now smell the herbs, that kind of give it a sweet, but not flowery, scent. The red wine bite and dry earth mix and become one, but is sweetened by the herbs. This reminds me a lot of spring. It makes me want to go work in my herb garden. It is a very unique scent. It's so unique that I can't wear it constantly. I have to wear it for a few days, then take a little break from it. If I wear it too often I get tired of it. I especially love wearing it when spring first shows up and the plants all start growing again and the trees start budding out. Throw: It has a decent throw. Its not too strong, but I still catch whiffs of it through out the day. It last a long time too. Its last well through a work day, and into the night. Rating: 5 of 5
Blood Countess I have been using this scent for a year now, and I am just getting around to writing a description. This is my absolute all time favorite scent. I have loved it from the moment it hit my skin. In Bottle: I smell gooey, wet, ripe plums and berries, maybe just a tiny bit of flowers mixed in. On skin: I still smell the plums and berries, although they are not as gooey and wet anymore. This scent dries to a very sweet scent, but not foody. I can smell the undercurrent of the flowers now, which are keeping the fruits from being too fruity. Overall this is a very happy scent for me. No matter what is happening in my day, if I get a whiff of this, it automatically makes me smile. Throw: It has a decent throw. I only use a little, because I feel like if I really slathered, it would be overpowering. It last for ages. In fact if I skip a shower, then I can still faintly smell it in the morning from the day before. The hubby says he likes it best when it is a day old. Rating: 5 of 5
I really like this scent. Its very fresh and clean and tart, but it gives me a massive headache anytime I try to wear it. I think the culprit is the white musk. I have a 5ml that I have been trying to find other uses for, but even if I mix it in lotion so it isn't as strong I still get that damn headache. After about a year of trying, I think I am going to have to put my well aged bottle up for sale or swap. I really really wanted this one to work though.
In Bottle: Wow. Grape incense. This smells exactly like the little voodoo shop on Burbon Street in New Orleans that I have to go to everytime I am down there. The last time I went was 3 years ago on my honeymoon. This scent is bringing back so many giddy happy memories. It has sky-rocketed to the top of my favorites just for the nostalgia On skin: It is staying pretty true to the bottle. I can definately smell the grape, only its a more general fruitiness rather than a grape candy scent. I can smell whiffs of fruity grape, but the incense and patchouli are staying close to the skin. In general this scent stays close to the skin. I imagine it as a dense fog, creeping around your ankles. I love it. Rating: 5 of 5 This scent lasts pretty well, I wish it lasted a little longer, but thats ok. Its just an exuse to buy a bigger bottle. It lasts about 5 hours on me. *edit* I just wanted to add that I can not express how much I love this scent. It is one of my absolute favorites. It may even be taking the place of Blood Countess as my number one.
Malice: (bought 5ml unsiffed...very brave....I know) In Bottle: Whoa...this is one strong scent. Its very floral, but also very sharp, I can honestly say I have never smelled anything like it. Whoever said it will knock you into next week was right. I was a little nervous, but I applied a little to my wrist. Wet: Very sharp. I think what I am smelling is the clove and ylang ylang. The best way I can describe it is that it has the kick of smelling clove, but the sweetness of the ylang ylang. It has a very powerful throw. I really like it, but some part of me is still nervous, I think perhaps, because of the ylang ylang. Drydown: The sharp floral sticks around for a long time. Probably an hour or so. Then it morphs into a sweet, incensy, woodsy scent. It still has a biting floral undertone, but it has been beaten into submission by the patchouli and myrrh. It isn't an incense shop type of scent, it is more of an outdoor festival where people burn incense constantly scent. It reminds me of going to the Ren. Faire. Lasts: 8 hours or more...I dabbed a tiny drop on when I got home from work to get the sharpness again. Overall: I love this scent. Its a very dangerous, risky scent. I have never had a scent change so drastically. I am glad that I was brave and ordered a 5ml. I love that it morphs, I am sad to see the biting floral go, but I am also relieved. I think that without the morph it would be too sharp for me to wear all day. I also think without the sharp beginning, I would be bored with the sweet incensy end. This is definately in my top ten.