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Posts posted by Brianne

  1. I'm another one who is not getting orange in this blend, or cream really. What I DO get is a vaguely fruity, vaguely woody scent which dries into a lovely soft mixture of sweetness, fruitiness and spice/woods. It's all very well blended, and very soft - unfortunately, that's the downfall of this scent as well. It has very little throw or lasting power. As pleasant as it is, I doubt after 15 minutes that any but me can smell it (and that's with my nose to my arm).

  2. This is a lot drier and greener than I was expecting. I don't know what "brown amber" is, but to me this smells like musk and dried grass. It has a bitter and astrigent quality to it which makes this a less "comfortable" kind of musk and more of a soapy kind of musk.

  3. This is very straight forward, it's pomegranate wine. I don't get the other notes for some reason, lotus tends to be very strong on me but here it's just not showing up. It's very pretty - wine with a nice juicy tone to it. THe pomegranate tends to fade by the dry down though and what's left is really a soft wine scent.

  4. TKO is way foody to me - very much like one of those vanilla lemon cookies sprinkled with powder sugar BUT with lavender added to it. Lavender is definitely dominant here and then there is a foody vanilla and something with a lemony edge. It's pleasant, but there is also something slightly "off" to my nose in it's drydown. A sort of out-of-place herbal smell behind the foody scent.

  5. This is WAY more wine-y than I was expecting - it's wine and then it's soft soft spices. But mostly it's like POW! WINE! - if you've smelled any wine BPAL blend, you know what to expect of their wine note - almost astringent going on, potent but mellows out into a softer, softly spiced wine note later on. This is exactly that BUT with added spice. It's pleasant, will make a nice scent around the cold months.

  6. This is exactly what I was expecting - earthy patchouli and rose. It's warm and has that lovely bite that patchouli has, but is equally backed by the rose (which has a bit of a powdery quality here). Not for me because of the rose, but lovely all the same!

  7. This is such a pretty scent - it starts off as bright lime, juicy and tart. It's backed by some soft herbal greens which really ground it and tie together well with the musk. It's very pretty. The problem is that it lasts for all of 5 minutes on my skin. Even with my nose parked right on my skin I can barely smell anything after a few minutes. Such a shame too, because this is yum otherwise!

  8. This goes on strangely fruity for some reason but that very quickly dissipates and the remaining scent is no doubt the masculine version of Obatala. It's almost exactly Obatala except for underneath the lovely clean shea scent is a softly woody herbed background. It makes me think of a mixture of Obatala and Buck Moon, so of course I love this. Even though it's the "male" version of Obatala, much LIKE Obatala it is a very gender neutral scent and could be worn by anyone. It's very lovely.

  9. This goes on very green but also with a strong punch of rose. After a few minutes it's definitely softer than it starts, but it's also still quite predominantly rose with a very fern-y background and a tiny bit of powdery herbal-ness from the lavender.

  10. I love this - with the exception of the fact that I don't get any licorice in this at all, it's exactly what I hoped it would be!


    It DOES smell like cherry cough syrup in the bottle. It goes on much sweeter though - it's sugary sweet and syrupy cherries, like a freshly opened jar of maraschino cherries. It's so thick and sweet, you almost imagine that it's *pulpy* with cherries inside the bottle.


    The cinnamon certainly peeks through on the drydown and it's a red hot cinnamon, not a subtle cinnamon stick. This is very sweet but totally gorgeous, I imagine this will age very well :D

  11. Definitely a morpher on me - it goes on very tangy - for lack of a better word - and pungent, but definitely not floral. It has an oddly bitter quality to it at first. As it dries, it establishes itself more as a floral and becomes a heady and strong white floral bouquet backed by the masculine hint of whiskey. Predominantely floral though.


    Goes on strangely bitter but morphs quickly into a white floral bouquet with an edge of soapiness and a faint masculine/spiced whiskey behind it.

  12. Definitely goes on masculine and incensey - though I get the patchouli, I think the amber is more dominant in this blend so the dry down has a bit of a powdery vibe to it. Though - like most scents - I can see this being worn by a man OR a woman, but I definitely think this leans heavily to the masculine side. The spices come out more in the drydown and lend to a slightly "herbal" tone underneath

  13. This scent was not quite as foody or rich as I think I was expecting, but still very nice. The apricot is there but a bit more subtle, the real stand out note is the cherry to me. It's a bit on the tart side, not a real deep, rich cherry. There is a sort of vanilla-y pastry note in the background too, which helps these fruity notes stick a bit. It's pretty straightforward as a scent, doesn't morph much. I think it's lovely enough to warrant keeping around and letting it age a bit. I think a little time aging will probably show this to be a really lovely scent!

  14. I always desperately want to love these fruity foody scents, but they never jive with my chemistry. The fruit is often lost in the scent and the scent overall tends to disappear in minutes (about 15 usually). This is no different for me unfortunately :( There is something "off" about the scent on me - a slightly misplaced note under the cakey sweetness that doesn't agree with me but that I cannot place. I don't get strawberry or carnation at all, I do get cake and a smidge of grapefruit (perhaps that is what is throwing me off?).

  15. I've seen the word lush used in a review here and I think that hits the nail on the head. I'm not keen on florals but wanted to try this one anyhow because the description summoned up imagery of Hawaii lol. This is a rich, lush tropical floral - it's heady and that Hawaiian ginger really shines through in this.

  16. I was concerned that the milk note in this was going to sour on me like it does in other scents (Milk Moon for example). Luckily it does not! This is less a "clean" scent to me than it is a floral. A pale, sugared floral - it has soft and powdery sweetness, nothing too foody though. It's a very light and wearable scent, and where I normally think these sort of "fresh" scents are unisex, I think this one definitely has a feminine edge to it. It doesn't last long on me, but it's very pretty and my Mom complimented it right away.

  17. This scent progresses exactly like this on me:



    Bitter apple


    Subtle nuttiness and vague fruitiness, light throw


    The dirt was very distinct when it emerged, I was kind of surprised by it, it was an unusual turn for this scent. In the long run though, I'm left with a very "quiet" scent which is mostly nutty with a sort of warm fruitiness underneath.

  18. Someone had already mentioned this, but this smells A LOT like Creepy + the milk note in Milk Moon. This is a pretty straightfoward Fall scent with that apple note (which is somewhat bitter on my skin) and the spices. The milk note is just all wrong on me and like it did with Milk Moon, it goes a bit sour. If you didn't have issues with Milk Moon, pay that no mind (unfortunately, no matter how hard I wish, the milk note never works for me). The ginger adds a nice touch to this, and it's remarkably subtle for ginger. I'm not sure how I feel about this in the long run - pleasant Autumn blend but the milk throws me off a bit. Guess I'll have to try again later!

  19. A few people mentioned this having a vaguely "nutty" scent, and I agree with that. A touch of that sort of... tangy earthy (I know that's a weird phrase but it's the only way I can think to describe it!) hops smell. A touch of sweet incense. Slightly resinous, only the tiniest bit sweet, with a nutty vibe. Unusual!

  20. I thought the idea of a white, sugary but soft scent was appealing so I had to try this! The first thing I detect is buttercream - sugary sweet and rich. Almost immediately though, a note of "linen" appears (which makes me think a bit of the Dormouse for some reason, even though the scents almost nothing alike). It's very soft and low key and the sugary sweetness becomes much more subtle once it dries. It's definitely a white scent and soft and mellow with a hint of sweetness. Pretty and a more accessible "foody" style scent, though not necessarily for me.

  21. With notes like gorse (evergreen) and fumitory and sage and ivy.... it's little wonder that the first impression I get from this is GREEN. Potently green, like fresh cut grass and wreaths of winter greenery. After only a few minutes though it takes a turn from a sharply green scent to a green but deeper, masculine and tad musky scent. The end result is pleasant, but definitely on the manly side and certainly green.

  22. Those who are comparing this to Mme Moriarty and Snake Charmer are totally hitting the nail on the head I think. I find Snake Charmer to be less resinous than Mircalla, but it is fairly close to Mme Moriarty. It's gorgeous red muskiness with husky patchouli and clove. Most of the other notes are a bit lost on my skin, but that's okay because those three work together beautifully. If you don't care for red musk, steer clear of this one though. I love it, but I know many people are not into it. The drydown is more clove than anything, and it's surprisingly soft given how heady this starts out.


    Very pretty and sexy and sophisticated!

  23. Count me among those that think the description for this is really not in sync with how the scent actually smells. Croquembouche is an almond and caramel dessert (which sometimes has chocolate also) and then almond and caramel is listed again in the description. So it's safe to say that what I had expected was caramel and almond with the slight possibility of chocolate.


    That is totally not what this scent is. It's very almondy in the vial - in fact, it's actually BOOZEY smelling it's so almondy. It's very strong. Stays that way for a minute or two on the skin. Then it takes a quick turn to the left and becomes.... ROSE.


    Why, oh why, does this smell like rose?? It's not like.... "oh hey this makes me think of rose". Or "this almond is coming off kind of rosey". It's just straight up rose, even the almond pretty much disappears (though it makes a slow reappearance in the later stages of the scent). Caramel never even shows up on my skin. I am just confused by this scent because even though it's pretty often when a scent surprises me and isn't quite how I imagined (for better and for worse), it's not very often where the scent is just about exactly opposite of what I thought it would be. I was expecting foody, rich, warm and golden. This is very potent floral.


