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Everything posted by Brianne

  1. Brianne

    Velvet Unicorn

    Why I got this: Cherry with other assorted candy scents. Too tempting to pass. Why I was concerned: If you read my other Velvet scent reviews you'll notice that I keep mentioning that BPAL scents with the word "sugar" or "candy" in their descriptions rarely work for me. I keep trying anyways, because I like a good candyish scent. What it ended up being: Disappointing. It goes on vaguely sweet with a hint of what smells like soft caramel and some vaguely pinkish candy scent. It disappears very quickly indeed, ten minutes of this on and I can barely smell it anymore! This was the one I was looking forward to the most and it was the one that ended up being the most disappointing on me. What it reminds me of: Midway and Marshmallow Poof. I wouldn't get too excited about that though, because the throw and lasting power of this is nowhere near what it was for the other two. But I kind of think if those two scents had a child, it would smell a bit like this. But this child is a wussy that doesn't stick around ;_;
  2. Brianne

    Velvet Cthulhu

    Why I got this: To be honest, the decant circle I was a part of didn't do individual scents, just a full set of the Velvet scents. Otherwise, I never would have tried this! Why I was concerned: Oh why was I not is really the question. Cedar? Myrrh? Frankincense? This is some kind of Brie-bane unholy trifecta of scent or something. What it ended up being: This is the sixth of ten Velvet scents that I tried, and it's the very first one that I actually like. Odd that, because I never even wanted to try it - it just goes to show you! This goes on vibrantly green. It's so... ZAP! GREEN! that I can imagine it would be exactly the sort of scent I'd want to wash with in the mornings to wake me up. It's not minty and it's not citrusy, it's just green with a bit of woodiness and resin. A very well rounded scent. Though, I could not see myself wearing this as a perfume, I think it's a fascinating scent and so far the stand out of the series (keep in mind I still have four to try). After 20 minutes or so, this is more like fresh cut grass than anything else, but it's still refreshing and nice. What it reminds me of: Fresh Cut grass and green tea
  3. Brianne

    Velvet Nudie

    Why I got this: I love skin musk and anything with the word "nudie" in it is going to get my attention! Why I was concerned: BPAL scents with "sugar" in the description have not worked out well on me in the past What it ended up being: It's a very close scent, definitely a skin scent as one might expect from both the name and the notes. Unfortunately, the floral note takes a soapy quality and keeps this from being really loveable to me. It's nice enough, and wearable in a way that I think it's pretty inoffensive and could be worn by anyone anywhere. What it reminds me of: It reminds me of Bonne Bell's Skin Musk only it's more floral and soapy. Sort of in the same vein though.
  4. Brianne

    Velvet Clown

    Why I got this: Licorice and cigar smoke are right up my alley and tempted me to try this blend Why I was concerned: BPAL's candy scents have rarely worked with my chemistry. Add to that the ominous sounding "greasepaint" note and the "scorched marshmallows" and it seemed like a big gamble. What it ended up being: I had every right to be concerned, as licorice is a no show on me and the cigar smoke is faint and fleeting (like the whiskey note). The end result is burnt sugar and an odd fruity scent that's not quite fruit and not quite sweet. What it reminds me of: It's VERY VERY similar to Sugar Skull on me so take that for what it's worth. If you loved Sugar Skull, this may be for you. If you hated Sugar Skull you might find yourself with the same reaction as me!
  5. Brianne

    Velvet Panther

    I'm not someone turned off by vetiver at all - I actually like it in most blends, so I wasn't afraid of this scent for that reason. For me - the term "dark musk" means that a scent is going to turn into "Old Man at the Swap Meet". It's got a pretty bad record on my skin. But after I read dark musk I read.... star anise. OMG. I love star anise. And then... mandarin! Ooooh. Anise and mandarin? Yes please. I was willing to overcome my fear of dark musk for the chance at an anise and mandarin scent. No such luck though. Anise, mandarin and vanilla are all MIA for me in this one. Oh but dark musk is definitely there don't you know. This scent is musky, murky and musty on me (ie Old Man at the Swap Meet). Sad
  6. Brianne

    Velvet Pink Kitty

    I was immediately reminded of Pink Phoenix when I put this on, but it was only that first few seconds that resembled it to me, after that it was nothing like Pink Phoenix. I got pink for sure (though BPAL's strawberry note never smells like strawberry on me, it does smell appropriate "pink" and sweet) and then I got the gritty scent I associate with BPAL's sugar note (such as in Sugar Skull) and then the juniper (the gin). It was really nice at first, but like most other sugar or candy blends, it disappears in record time. Within 2 minutes it was mostly gone from my skin. The remainder of the time it was a light juniper scent with a touch of sweetness. Little to no throw - pleasant enough but also a bit vague on me and just not enough "oomph" in this for my tastes.
  7. CXXIV - This one just eludes me. I can smell it well, it has excellent throw. But I just cannot pinpoint what I'm smelling. Definitely some Snake Oil, but I think there is a resin in this also - frankincense maybe? And also a touch of floral? I just cannot say for certain here, I AM fairly sure there is resin added to that Snake Oil, I just don't know which one! EDIT: I feel certain now that there is orange in this. It's very obvious in the bottle, but not at all on my skin.
  8. Brianne

    Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1

    I really wish they would have used a different pen to write the numbers down. Before I even put my fingers on the bottle, the numbers were smudged (still readable thankfully, but barely). Now that I've touched them, I have to rely on my handwritten labels on the top in order to see what they are, because the pen is pretty much gone. Good thing I wrote it down real quick! Dorian is one of my favorites, so I was really eager to get this! CXIV - The bad news is that this is a leaky bottle. The good news is that I don't want to send it off to anyone else anyways, so what didn't leak is staying here with me because I LOVE it. It's so straightforward and I really love a good straightforward scent these days. Dorian with lemon. The lemon starts off bright and sugary sweet, but settles into a creamier, but still very bright lemon. It makes for a version of Dorian that is perfectly summery! CCXXXXX (that is how it is written) I think this one is pretty straightforward also - quite a bit of Dorian in this one, but with a wood of some sort. I want to say redwood, because redwood always smells a bit "nutty" on me in it's wet stages, and this one certainly does. This also has a bit of extra citrus or the citrus that is normally in Dorian is really played up by that wood note, because it dries down with more of a citrus note than regular Dorian does.
  9. Brianne


    I get the cream note in the bottle, but on my skin it just goes POOF I guess, because this is apple and floral and nothing else. BPAL's apple note is just odd on me for some reason - it is too green and has a slightly bitter quality, rather than sweet or fruity. So I'm getting a green-ish apple scent backed by a girly floral. Very pretty, but I would have enjoyed it more if the cream note had stuck around on me
  10. Goes on very gingery - has a foody quality, but not in a really sugary sweet way on me. Smells like a big chunk of ginger cake.
  11. Brianne

    Voodoo Lily

    Vaguely reddish spice scent - not too spicey, it's actually really subtle but has a reddish/warm vibe to it without being cinnamon-y. Not sure what to make of this otherwise though!
  12. Brianne

    The Hamptons

    Vaguely fruity smelling - in a sort of watery way, like currants smell sometimes. Softly boozey to me, I don't get a sharp booze note from this. Very toned down scent on me!
  13. Brianne

    Moon Rose

    A crisp, pale, almost translucent rose dusted by moonflower and midnight dew. Definitely rose, but a pale rose. Touched by a crisp and slightly salty ozone note. I would say this rose is more "wearable" than a lot of others.
  14. Brianne


    This scent is very straight forward on me. Light herbs with a touch of bitter apple (not sweet apple or fruity apple, it's bitter and has a sharp "tangy" quality to it). Interesting - I don't think I could wear this as a personal scent, though I think it might make a nice room spray!
  15. Brianne


    Lysander is a strange mixture in that I would THINK that these notes would clash. Even when I smell them, I think, "Hmmm those are odd together"... but they aren't BAD together. The tonka and benzoin create a warm, slightly sweet smell that reminds me of caramel. But it's backed by lilac and something woody. The result is strangely addictive (as I sniff my arm for the 25th time) and I actually like it... but wouldn't wear it (as it's just not something I could see myself wearing despite the fact that I enjoy the smell).
  16. Brianne


    Prunella goes on like sharp white florals, but does eventually tame down into florals backed by a softly sweet plum. Reminds me of Spring - nice but definitely a floral!
  17. Brianne

    Bony Moon

    I'm not typically a fan of white sandalwood or cedar (though I don't dislike either) but the phrase "lunar herbs" piques my curiousity every time. Many of my favorite lunacy blends have "lunar herbs". It's pretty woody and the herbs make this seem very ethereal and light. It's pleasant but too woody for me.
  18. Brianne

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    Chrysanthemum Moon is one of my favorite lunacy scents so I had high hopes for this one, which sounded like it might be similar. Indeed it is, in that it's smokey florals backed by incense. It's simply beautiful - a very grown up floral I think - it's an equal balance of flowers and incense, so that people like me (who don't really enjoy a straight up floral scent) can really appreciate it also.
  19. Brianne


    When this is wet, it's a dead ringer for my much-loved original Hunter Moon. As it dries down, it stays like that. It's heady incense and plum - sexy and very distinct.
  20. Brianne

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    This goes on VERY cherry blossoms - but with a touch of soapiness. It's really spring like and clean/floral. I don't dislike cherry blossoms at all, I think they smell quite pretty but they aren't really *me*, so I really got this scent for the other notes. Luckily, the musk and moss creeps in and makes this cherry blossom slightly more palatable for me. I never get much "vanilla" from this - it's pretty much moss and musk and cherry blossom. Very soft and delicate, and yet surprisingly unisex in my opinion.
  21. I tend to fall in love with almost every apricot blend BPAL has put out, so it's no real surprise that I adore this one. It goes on like sake - green but boozey but settles into a bright apricot scent. Gorgeous!
  22. Brianne


    The whole time I was wearing this, I kept sniffing it and thinking, "This smells like something I know..." but I could not put my finger on it! It was driving me nuts, but I figured it was just going to remain one of those mysteries. I came here to review it and saw someone compare it to Siren! That was it! It smells very similar (and yet not exactly the same) as Siren to me. It's more ambery than Siren is in the dry down, but the end result is a feminine, smooth and sexy scent. It's not for me as the amber is too strong for my tastes (and I prefer Siren anyways), but it's a very nice scent and I can see this being popular with some! EDIT - (I wrote this review to put here earlier today, so forgive the edit already!) The more I sniff this, the more I like it. It's really growing on me, and it's becoming a winner in my eyes. Oddly enough, it eventually moves past a mostly-amber phase into a more orange blossom and vanilla phase. Lovely.
  23. Brianne

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    This smells like vanilla on me at first, nothing else. As it dries, oakmoss comes out a bit and cuts the sweetness of this a little bit. That's all I get from this though - it's pretty but it's a too subtle for me (and stays VERY close to the skin, with little throw).
  24. Brianne

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    This goes on like rice pudding with plum. The longer this sits on me, the woodier it becomes - it's very plummy though - not plum blossom, but plum. Rich and purpley in tone, backed by sandalwood and the clean, perfumey scent of rice. This is really nice - I think it's a sort of "grown up" scent, the kind of scent a woman would wear. It does remind me a great deal of Bordello, but if Bordello was woodier and not quite as sweet.
  25. Brianne

    Man With Phallus Head

    This scent is just all wrong on me. I don't know why because none of the notes in this are particular notes I have issues with. And there isn't a real reason that this should smell overwhelmingly of white floral, but it does. Just soapy, white floral that eventually goes powdery also due to the daemonorops (dragon's blood tends to do that on me). I don't get honey or musk or smokey anything. Sad