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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. I have to echo theandorran: Floral, floral, floral :( Can't say I'm a big floral lover and that's all I'm getting out of this. Wish the musk, amber, tangerine, and bergamot would come out to play but alas, the florals take over.

  2. Hm, thought I'd reviewed this one but I guess not. It didn't go so well, to be honest. My skin doesn't really take to the wine note too well so I had an inkling this would be disaster. Strong wine scent with the normal sour-ness that always shows up on my skin balanced by a sticky sweet sugar and fruit. Not for me, but it went to a good home :)

  3. Pepper was all sweet, soft floral on me. Lots of rose, which wasn't surprising since I amp it pretty hardcore. I wish I could get the pepper and orange out of it that others do! hints of honey turn up a little later. Pretty, but not for me.

  4. It was interesting to try this on one arm with Abe Sapien on the other. They're both aquatics, for sure, but sooooo different! It's amazing how much variation the lab can get on an element. Where Abe was dark, murky, bottom of the ocean water, Fit is the opposite. This is the surface of the ocean, glittering and glimmering in the light with salt clinging to your skin from the wind blowing the spray against you. It's sweet, clear water! Very reminiscent of Calico Jack or The Phoenix for me, thank god since those are my two favorite aquatics. Keeper. For sure.

  5. This is gorgeous. Drop dead sexy :twisted: A bit had leaked onto the plumbiong tape around my decant and the dried scent of it had me crossing my fingers it would be this good on the skin. It's vetiver and a really strong dose of vetiver at first, but it morphs quickly into a confident, sexy, masculine scent that is dark, and almost foody like I could snuffle close then take a bite out of it ;) This is the winner hands down of Hellboy for me (which is a surprise since I thought Liz was a sure thing. I'll have to try them mixed as someone suggested!)

  6. Strong aquatic cologne. It was interesting to try this next to the Gris Grimly Fit of Artistic Enthusiasm (?) decant I had on my other arm. THey were both aquatic, but Abe had a rich and manly, dark, water at the bottom of the ocean with kelpy bits swimming in it feel to it. Where Fit was closer to Calico Jack, Abe was closer to Cthulhu or one of the other aquatic Picnic in Arkham blends.

  7. Liz is a curious kind of lady. Sweet floral with a hint of vanilla comes through wet, but when I dry I'm amping leather all over the place! Leather and smoke with a hint of vanilla flowers. The odd thing is that while that combo sounds amazing to me, the notes don't seem connected to each other. It's like I'm wearing two different scents on one arm that aren't blending together. Interesting and I'll definitely try it again after it's had some time to settle.

  8. Some day I will accept that cologne = vomit with my skin chemistry :cry2: My husband probably thinks I'm a nut job now since I put it on my arm and started coaxing it along with "ok, you're doing fine!....goooood bpal.....wait, what are you doing?!...No! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Off to the swaps.

  9. This smelled so yummy on arm when I first applied it! Rich currant cake straight out of the oven! Unfortunately, the more it settled the less distinct the scent became :( Faded away pretty soon after that. I may have to try this in a scent locket it was so nice while wet.

  10. Yay, I can add another Snake Pit blend to the win pile :lol: So many of them didn't work on me I was getting worried. This is the least Snake Oily of the ones I like though it starts out as spearmint layered over traditional SO. Then it morphs into the oddest mint tea scent like SO translated into tea. Great for summer!

  11. This aquatic works really well on me! They tend to be hit or miss and compared to others I think the reason I like Olokun so much is that it really smells like the bottom of the ocean. Lots of kelp and salt roiling around in a peaceful drift of scent. Great throw! Good refreshing summer scent.

  12. Strawberries and red musk! I'm not a big fan of strawberry except for the actual fruit ;) This is a strawberry syrup - super sweet on my skin. Blends in an interesting way with the red musk to be sure. Not a keeper on me.

  13. The odds were not good on this one since almond doesn't really like me but it hasn't been too bad, really! Strong scent of almonds to be sure, but not overwhelming. The musk is a really "dirty skin" kind if musk - I've yet to figure out which one does that on me, the last time I smelled like I hadn't had a shower in two weeks it was wearing Sed non Satiata so I'd guess they're similar notes. Very faint and light. I have to really snuffle my arm to get anything.

  14. I put off trying this one since I thought the wine would go bad on me as it often does. Not so! This is a fantastic dirt scent, strong and dark waves of black soil. Later a sweet grape juice element came into it, but not in a bad way. Keeper!
