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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. I'm getting a lot of cinnamon bark - woodier than normal cinnamon and a little less spicy, as well as vetiver. The citrus note and earth was stronger when I first applied, but this scent is fading fast!

  2. I had tried this a long time ago and never wrote up a review. I remember I really liked it but retried it today. I forgot to look up the scent description but my first thought was mmm musk! and it smells...purple :) Warm, yummy and almost bold, but still soft and nuzzly around the edges.

  3. Not sure what's in this one, but it is very sweet and fragrant. Quite pleasant! I've tried it a few times and couldn't for the life of me remember what it smelled like the next day so I held off revieweing until I'd tried it three or more times :huh?: Nice, but not distinctive enough for me.

  4. This is a great pumpkin blend to my nose, since the pumpkin note takes a backseat to the rosewood and tea rose. Starts out with buttery pumpkin that quickly morphs into a warm, woody, polished scent with a hint of rose. The rose grows and grows as it sits and eventually it's a lovely rose/wood scent with the buttery pumpkin waaaay in the back to give it extra warmth and depth. Great blend! Keeper :)

  5. Man, I could have sworn there was a little musk in this! Sharp ozone snow as expected but instantly darkens into an enormously complex scent with a hint of fir and something sweet. Maybe it's the chrysanthemum? I did love Chrysanthemum Moon...


    Yay! Just looked outside and it's snowing in lightly falling little flakes drifting down in a determined sort of way. Perfect for this oil :)

  6. Hyssop! My sweet, sweet friend :) I think that's the note that made me love Gennivre so much and it is in full force here. Light, seet, completely wearable on the days I'm feeling so happy I'm light as air. Clear and light like the shimmering reflection you get off water or metal. Soooo happy I got this one!

  7. Dear, sweet gods this is good!!


    My beloved plum (I NEVER would have expected that to become one of my favorite bpal notes) and thick, rich, black tobacco :yum: So sexy and dark! I can't wait to smell this on DH - it just screams jump on me and have your way with me...in leather pirate boots. No leather in the scent, that's just the sexiest clothes I can imagine right now. Land-locked Captain Jack sparrow :lol:

  8. Nun, the Snake: opoponax and lemon verbena. Gimel, the Camel: patchouli, heliotrope, pomegranate, and almond. He, the Window: frankincense, myrtle, and hyssop. Shin, the Tooth: carnation, myrrh, red poppy, and hibiscus.


    I get quite a bit of almond and a smoky, light honey-spice. Interesting. Kind of like the nutty incense zankoku_zen mentioned. Not sure if I'll wear it very often. Pleasant, just not something I'd reach for unless I was in a very particular mood.

  9. Yum, yum, yum! One of the first I tried out of my load of decants and I was not disappointed. Lovely and rich with a dusty, fruity darkness that I could have sworn was the dusty plum I love in On Darkness. Must be the pimento berry. The vanilla, patchouli and myrrh combined to leave a long-lasting scent of incense almost like Midnight Mass on my wrists. It doesn't last terribly long on me, unfortunately, but it's gorgeous while it's here. Complete and utter keeper.

  10. It certainly nailed me in the face! I'm a pretty big fan of the snow scents, and this was no exception! I like the slightly dirty aspect to this that I haven't gotten from other blends. One of the closest I've gotten to a nice, wet dirt smell, though awfully shivery cold ;)

  11. Not so much strangely sinister as warm and interesting. Hard to pin down what I like about this scent. Lots of redwood and tonka with a bit of tobacco and musk. Some black currant to add a bit of fruit. I'm not sure yet if this is a keeper. I like it (?)... I have nothing against it anyway, but I'm not sure how often I'd wear it.


    It does remind me of my boss' daughter who asked for a jack-in-the-box of all things for Christmas :)


    Edit to remove scent description

  12. This was unexpected since I hadn't read any of the reviews before I tried it. With the notes I was expecting warm, musky, leaves and peppers. Instead I got frozen, green plant-sap with a slight floral note, like a dewy morning in early spring when you're still getting frosts on the ground. Interesting and very refreshing, but not really my thing.

  13. I was really thinking I would like this more :huh?: Amber blends can be my favorites, though they often go the dusty route. I tested it a few days ago and don't remember it being a stand-out scent. Redwood and teak with some moss and a bit of the snow note...but I'll have to try this one again to be sure. I was left with a big feeling of Meh, unfortunately.

  14. Huzzah! :joy: This is fantastically peppery with cardamom and nutmeg - no cinnamon or clove overload like I usually get! This is the perfect spice blend to my nose. Foody, but not *too* foody if you know what I mean. Warm and comforting like things baking in the oven while you putter around the kitchen on a gray winter afternoon. Please don't change, little imp!

  15. I was very hopeful for this one, but a little worried about the caramel note, (the caramel in Melainis turned my most anticipated Lupercalia into Coca-cola). No such thing here! The caramel is present, but behaving itself and is nicely subservient to the musk, patchouli and a bit of petitgrain, I think. I'll be trying this one again once it's sat for a while. I can only imagine it will get darker and more luscious as time goes on.
