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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. It's a little embarrassing how stereotypical I am as a Scorpio :P But my sun sign really sums up the vast majority of my moods, personality, health. relationships and interests. So I am extremely happy this scent works this well on me! It contains many of my favorite BPAL ingredients like the wormwood, basil, musk and opoponax :D It's very hot smelling. Dry and spicy - sexy and mysterious. Hurray BPAL!! :D

  2. Ohhhh, I like this one! After a few skin chemistry missteps through the Carnaval this one is perfect on me! I really get a smell like before it starts to rain :P The ozone makes this a clear, almost clean scent but one of the other elements comes through almost as a warm, sweet ...citrus? It's very elusive. I'll have to try this one again to put my finger on it. So glad I got a bottle of this!

  3. Oh my! This is so beautiful :P I get a little of the delightful Lady Una with the sugar honey-nectar from this. Doesn't bash you over the head quite as much as Lady Una though :D A little creamy, some dry incense in the background and the fresh fae mist is lingering around the edges. Fantastic scent!!

  4. I was frimped this (I think by zankoku-zen) a little while ago and finally got through enough smellies to have this one pop up for the day. It's a warm, sweet amber on me with very prominent flowers - the lily more so than the rose. Warm, but fresh. I like this and will probably hold onto the imp!


    Not to mention that I've been obsessed with Boeklin for several years :P

  5. This is a very feminine fragrance on me. I was hoping for some heavy duty musk, vetiver and amber. What I get in dry down is absolutely delightful, though! Sweet floral when wet that dries to a light incense gently kissed with white flowers. I like this very much!

  6. This is a great scent! Slightly salty and aquatic with a sharp green fern base. Very fresh and beautiful. No wine yet, which is fine with me :P I'll be holding onto this one for a long time!

  7. The perfume of life-in-death: embalming herbs, black myrrh, white sandalwood, black orchid, paperwhites, tomb dust, and Moroccan jasmine.

    :P This is one of those CD scents that blew me away though I wasn't sure from the description whether I would like it. I don't really get much floral - mostly a resinous, incense smoke that kind of reminds me of Mr. Jacquel (?) in a more feminine incarnation. Really lovely! I know I'll get this one before the Carnaval leaves town.

    edited to add scent description (hopefully I did that right...)

  8. Hello sexy! I had a feeling this would be one of my BPAL favorites and Theodosius delivers on all counts. Mmmmm-HMMMM! :P I get a touch of vanilla and a lot of the tea with almost a hint of lemon or something citrus on the edges. Some cedar or something too... This is utterly fantastic! Dorian didn't really work on me very well, but this is so wonderful - as if my beloved Severin got together with Dorian in a tantalizing, deliciously scandalous fashion. Amazing.

  9. <muttering quick prayer to the BPAL gods> "Please don't let this be only jasmine on me. Please oh please!"


    Phew! :D Melisande works against all odds on me. I amp jasmine and especially vanilla to the point where I usually avoid blends that contain those notes. But the art for Melisande and the other parts of it made me really want to try it! I'm happy to say that on wet I get quite a bit of jasmine, but it calms down after a very short time to an almost cocoa-bean flavor with sweetening flower in the background. I've never tried anything with vanilla BEAN so maybe that's the difference. This is grounding and earthy, with enough sweetness from the flowers to make it complex. It's a little bit dark and I am so happy I have a bottle coming soon!



    edited for grammar's sake :P

  10. Yes! A sister to SGA. Wet - this is yellow apple to SGA's green apple. A little sweeter and less tart.


    Dry - Oh my! This is becoming really complex. The apple is still there, but it is interacting with those herbs and it's thick and slightly golden amber tinged. :P This is a kinder and friendlier charater than SGA and I'll be picking up a bottle as soon as I run out of this imp. Wow! Hmmm almost like apple wine (?) now - vaguely alchohlic in a good way.

  11. Hm. Not convinced with this one, but to be fair, it was a long shot. I get a deep, dark purple vibe off this. Lots of plum and lots of wine that unfortunately turns into a cloying cough syrup scent. Rats!


    There is a nice powdery layer beneath the fruit though.

  12. I too have a hopeless book crush on Crowley :D and I think I can safely say I love his BPALian representation too! Unfortunately the imp I swapped leaked in transit or at my house because there was only a wee drop left in the bottom. After very carefully smearing that lone drop on ye olde wrists and inner arms, I can say that Crowley smells diabolically sexy. This is a bad man who could talk you into some really fun ...ok, really naughty...things :P


    This is just indecently hot :D and it keeps getting better with each passing hour as the elements show up. I mostly get wafts of red incense and musk, but there is sweet leather there too and I can't do justice to how orgasmic this smells.


    Many, many bottles.


    Oh yes.

  13. "Watery blue-green" you're not kidding around! This is crazy strong. I put a little on my arm and may have to wash some off. I love aquatics and that's what this boils down to on me - strong aquatic with a green, flowery combination. I like it but Thalassa the Galapagos Mermaid was this strong and made me unwell so I'm hoping Bayou doesn't follow that path straight to the swaps pile... Yup, had to wash it off - husband had a bad reaction to it also. I think Wiley's Swamp is more up my alley for aquatic with floral and recommend that for anyone else who thinks Bayou is a little too much of a good thing.
