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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. I bought this one for my neverending love of BPAL's tea blends :P This one was a bit unexpected as far as sharpness while wet and early in the drying stage - (this is what I expected Le Pere Fouettard to smell like but it ended up being old Ichy instead). The beeswax was quite potent early on. Now that it's thoroughly dry though, there's a dusty, peppery, slightly sweet, but still a little bitter from the wool melange that is really nice! I was a little nervous that I bought a whole bottle untested, but I'm happy I'll have this in good supply!

  2. Cool and clean, with a sharp herbal bite. Now that it's been on for a while the sweet sap of the pine is coming out a bit more. This reminded me of Snow Storm too, though less medicinal in its herbiness. I think this one would be fantastic as a room scent. I ran across a few Holda references coincidentally the week before the Yules were announced so I've been really curious to try this one! Keeper :P

  3. Yesssssssss! :P This is warm, golden and sweet when on wet. I'd never heard of gaufrettes, but if they taste as good as they smell I may have to look up a recipe! Once it dries it's this amazing blend of leather and golden syrup. Mouthwatering! And no licorice on me, or only a very small amount which great because I was a little leery about that note.

  4. I really wasn't expecting the lemon in this one and thought for a minute I'd put on the wrong imp this morning! It's strange and sort of "Pledge" smelling. Not quite what I was hoping for, but I do adore the other Arkham incenses. I guess I'm not a big lemon person. This requires further testing!

  5. Oooh, I am very grateful for my sniffie of Elegba! This is a not a foody coconut and smells slightly browned or blackened. Very thick, rich and syrupy. Sweet, but in a not overpowering kind of way. Keeper! :P

  6. Sadly, Aeval is absolutely AW-ful on me. Death by rancid sweet pea dish soap. I'm about to go try to scrub it off my arm again, although I've already gone through one layer of skin. Blech :P I really wanted to like this one with the whole Ireland thing :D Not meant to be. Good to remember from now on that sweet pea = bad on me. Luckily one of my swap partners wants to try this :D

  7. I also am pretty rose-less with this one, which is fine (although BPAL has some of the only rose scents I've ever enjoyed!) - I get soft, white lilies. Insanely comforting. I love this and will have to track down some more of it :P Great bedtime scent if I'm just in the mood to sleep.

  8. I ended up with a combination of Lycanthrope's description of airiness and Tania's baaaaad poppy experience :D Not so good I'm afraid. I could be projecting, my ex is a Pisces and I get a little huffy with that sign - that's probably why I'd describe this one as nauseating airhead :P I think I need to let go of some Pisces issues though... :D

  9. Urgh. Not so good on me, sadly. I like the patchouli, but apparently apricot and my skin chemistry are not meant to be. Sickly sweet, but close to being a keeper. Guess that means I'll look for more patchouli BPAL :P

  10. I've had this one on for about an hour and it's faded to practically nothing, but it's really great when freshly applied and in the drydown stages! Then I get the ozone and maybe a floral or some kind of green plant in the background. It smells very wet, green and alive. So not very Lightning-like :P but completely delightful!

  11. This has the same "sparkle" to it that Shattered has on me. I don't usually like lavender much, but this is sweetened by the magnolia. Nice, but not something I'll wear often. (Iago is on my other arm and I think this must be the oddest pairing I've tried yet with BPAL...) A very innocent smell and the high altitude aspect to it works well for Yvaine's character :P Glad I got to try it!

  12. Malevolent, dark and shadowy: sinuous black musk, wet leather and vetiver.

    Wet on the skin it was like a punch in the face the vetiver was so strong. As I scrolled through the review pages it started to settle down (thank god!), I mean I really like vetiver, but that was too tooooooo much vetiver. Now the leather is starting to warm up and the vetiver is a crawling, clawing note just behind it. It's still pretty strong when my nose is right to my arm, but the scent rising off my skin is fantastic! The throw on this puppy is great :D

    oooh, making my mouth water now - this is getting better by the minute! Bad man holding a riding crop :P

  13. I get something very fresh and almost sage smelling from this one. I've been having awful stress nightmares for a couple months now on a regular basis and this blend helped immensely! I woke up refreshed and relaxed and am very grateful for that! I didn't detect very much lavender, but it was a slightly astringent scent in a comforting way. Thanks BPAL :P

  14. Uh-oh, can't...stop....nuzzling...arm! Dee smells unbelievable! Amazing! Perfect!! It was a strong men's cologne for about a minute, although the leather and something like tobacco was very prominent at that point as well. As it dried, the leather did indeed soften and I'm getting the dusty rosewood swirled with a light background of incense. This is fricking amazing. Top ten BPAL easily! :P


    And I just got more as a frimp in the mail! YES!!!

  15. This is one of the loveliest BPAL blends I've come across! I only get a hint of sweet apples, but it is a delightful balance between that and a fresh plant-like smell. I would have guessed some kind of flowering moss, but whatever is in here it is sprightly and sweet with a slightly bitter tinge of oak in the background that makes you come back for a second sniff. Worth the wait!

  16. I was so excited to get this one as a swap! The smell of wet tobacco is most prominent on me, a little sickly sweet but not bad at all! As it dries I get an almost lemony tinge that I associate with the Lab's opium smell on me. The incense is pretty subtle in the background. I like this quite a bit and will hold onto my imp with both hands :P

  17. Woah! I thought I would never find a BPAL "burning" scent I didn't love but this one just smells BAD one me :P Darn it! I was really looking forward to this one. It's not so bad once it dries, then it's a slightly cedar-ish, vetiver smell (this is so weird because I loves me the vetiver...). But on wet! I almost washed it off and stood in the bathroom looking at my arm in horror for a while. I'll try this again later, but it's not looking good for Brimstone.
