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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. I could have sworn there was papyrus in here! Dry and slightly floral sweet. Hardly any throw, and is now only a pleasant breath of myrrh a few hours after application. Feminine and pretty, but not my cup of tea - give me Mr. Ibis instead.

  2. Woah nelly this one is strong! Funeral flowers with a dark, sweet and slightly eucalyptus tinged. I get not even a hint of rose. Smelling my q-tip this morning it is a sharp aquatic(!) Towards the end of its arm life it leaned towards laundry detergent, but the fresh pungency was very attractive!

  3. Hastur was a real morpher for me. While wet and in the early dry stages I got a thick, black oppressive scent with lots of patchouli and a bit of the brimstone. Once it dried completely though it shifted to a light gray, gritty, wet tobacco stage. Slightly mossy and almost medicinal. I think it might be the labdanum because it is really smoky and a wee bit sour. Sort of Shadwell's evil cousin on me. Come to think of it this is what I was hoping to get out of Famine since I love tobacco. I'm not sure I need a bottle but I'll be holding onto the imp! :P


    Edit because description wasn't needed.

  4. Cancer is the beautiful sweet, fresh green scent I hoped it would be! Yay :P Not too much sweet pea that has turned me off in other blends. Mostly the sweet, watery lettuce with a gentle floral background. Refreshing and calming. Glad I have a bottle!

  5. I'd have to second that review of "nice, but not amazing". Which is too bad because I had really high hopes for all of those notes in Inez! :P All these notes should have added up to an amazing amount of win. The amber was there in its golden glory, but the whole thing was ruined by an overpowering powdery smell with a little non-descript carnation in the background. This reminds me of why it's good to try out decants before buying a bottle.

  6. Drat drat drat! There are two kinds of BPAL rose reactions my skin turns to - cloying and headache inducing and gently romantic. Guess which one this turned out to be... To my nose, what I would call the strong red rose varieties just don't work for me and I always cross my fingers that I'll be getting the softer white rose type (who knows if they're actually those colors, but that's what comes to mind. Old English rose versus Valentines day grocery store rose). The cream just amped the sickly sweetness of this one on me :P To the swaps!

  7. I snagged a bottle of this recently and very glad I did! It's manly, but with a slightly floral tinge in the background that interacts really well with the slightly boozy quality I get as the main note. Swashbuckling with a softer side :P

  8. Musk and Leather - my two favorite words in my BPAL vocabulary :P This was everything I hoped it would be and oh soooooo much more! :D This has the staying power and throw that I couldn't get from DeSade or Whip and that musk just makes it so warm and sexy! I'm ordering a bottle tonight before it goes down.

  9. Mole

    :P Heaven turns out to be populated by bespectacled moles. This is fantastic! Subtle and almost too light on me, but the depth in the moss and the slight spiciness of the sandalwood is warmed by the patchouli when it turns up about an hour after application. Such a kind, gentlemanly blend! I love it and am ordering a bottle straight away so I can snuggle up to this little guy as long as possible :D
  10. Rat

    Hmmmmm this oil was skirting the edge of cleaning fluid when I first applied it, but this dries to a really interesting wood combination! The astringency goes away and it smells like an antique wooden boxed polished to a gleaming hue. I like it but I don't think I need a whole bottle :P

  11. In the bottle I smell the rich squashy pumpkin mixed up with some herbs. On wet the pumpkin stays in the foreground, but as it dries the sweet grass really comes out to play and dominates along with the sage. It's a very herbal blend in the long run on me and not what you'd traditionally think of as perfume (which is why I love BPAL so much). I think this is going to be a great mentally centering blend for me and it was still there hours and hours later with the last but of warm pumpkin holding onto my skin :P I love grass blends and this sweet grass is really interesting!

  12. There is a sweetness to this blend that is prominent when wet on me. When it dried the smell of beeswax was predominant - golden and warm. Reminded me a little of the background in Ichabod Crane. The smoke was the last note to show up but hung around the longest. This is a nice blend. Very soothing :P

  13. :P This is truly luscious on my skin! I'm a Capricorn moon and I needed a little creativity amp so I put this on before a concert and boy did it deliver! I don't know how BPAL can make a perfume smell warm and golden and then cool and outdoorsy all at the same time. A good whiff of pine like my beloved Talvikuu, but a mellow gentleness that will have me searching for a bottle very soon.

  14. Love this! Loooooooove it :P I adore musks and amber and woods and leather so this was my cup of tea all over it. Really sweet at times and almost fruity in a strange way that reminded me of Fairy Market of all things! But then it would flash back to leathery musk more reminiscent of Western Diamondback. This has good throw and is never to stray far from my imp box :D

  15. This was just pure cedar when I applied it. And it stayed in that state for quite some time. About an hour after application I started getting sweet resiny hints of the incense in the background and that does make this a keeper.

  16. This is great! The swashbuckling companion to my favorite aquatic Calico Jack :P Lighter and I guess you could call it more feminine because there's a vague sweetness to this salty air. Once it dries I get hints of leather and the grey, peppery sharp gunpowder. A little bit of Agnes Nutter on the high seas hehehe. This seriously kicks ass. The nausea inducing effects of some other aquatics I've tried don't crop up even a bit. This is perfect from wet all the way through dry down. Bottle worthy! :D

  17. I haven't tried a white tea BPAL yet. It works in a similar fashion as the green tea blends on my skin. This is really sweet and flowery with that bright and shocking tea note. Very fresh and glaringly clean smelling.

  18. This one was very strange on me! Wet I got Bubblegum just like Dymphna. I kept sniffing in disbelief and finally the Bubblegum dried out to be a sweet, dusky men's cologne. Very coppery on top with the barley dust in the background. Not too much liquor but I think the beer was blending in with the barley. Interesting, but I'm not sure yet if I need to hold onto this one. Scarecrow has a more prominent tall-grasses scent and the blood in Hessian of the Hollow suits me a bit better.

  19. I've been enjoying amber in other BPAL blends, so I thought I'd give this one a shot. This dried into a sweet, light and extremely powdery woman's perfume. Nice, but I don't think its going to stay in my imp box long.

  20. :P I'm afraid my reaction to Butter Rum Cookie was to flee as fast as possible. I've never tried BPAL's butter note so this was a good learning experience. My skin does NOT like it. It overwhelmed all other aspects of the scent and made me feel kinda queasy. No cookies for me :D