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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. This started out as a sunlit orchard of blood oranges with some flowers strewn along the way. Now, however, it's changed into a weird brownish scent with a slightly bitter and sharp hint of citrus waaaay in the back. Some linden blossom coming through also I think. No pine, amber, or patchouli whatsoever :P Sadly, it's kind of meh on me.

  2. This is fantastic if you like the incense blends. Dry, dusty sandalwood-type incense. Like the decaying wood in an old church. Amazing! I will hoard this imp and keep an eye out for a bottle. Woodier incense than Midnight Mass, but equally good :P

  3. Dark, dirty and slightly sweet with hints of the black coconut. I really dig this one! Smelled subtle but very enjoyable. Long lasting and just the right touch of un-foodie coconut. Paired really well with Bengal's honey and spice. Good one!

  4. This starts out as a delightfully villainous blend of smoke and musk on me and then my dratted skin starts amping the clove as usual <sigh>. I catch a hint of myrrh, smoke and musk so hopefully those will come back a little stronger once it's sat on me awhile. Not bad!

  5. :P Plastic?!?! Why don't you snakes like me? King Cobra has been the only one of the half dozen snakes i've tried to actually work on my skin. I love Snake Oil and I can't figure out why these notes that usually love me keep going meh or bleh and to top it off I wouldn't even guess there was SO in here since I get nary a whiff of it. Off to a better home with you, my slinky friends.

  6. I don't know what's up with me and the Snake Pit, but the ones I expected to adore just aren't working out so well. I love Snake Oil to death and the other ingredients in here are all winners. I just don't smell much of anything though with this one. A bit of vetiver when wet and a bit of an Elegba-type coconut but no Snake oil! Wierd. An hour later I'm getting more warmth out of the coconut but it's so faint I really have to snuffle my arm. I'll try this again later, but it's the same problem I remember having with Western Diamondback - low to no scent.

  7. I almost thought I'd mixed up my imps of On Darkness and Lines, because the description listed here is closer to what I got from OD :P This is sweet, icy and airy. It has good throw, too, and is competing pretty well against the OD on my other arm. There's a hint of...violet? Reminds me of my Lucky Chick violet body scrub if I left it in a snowbank. Yummy with a bit of musk in the background that I hoped would be more prominent. I'll wait a few hours and re-evaluate, but at this point I only need my mini decant. I can see how this would be very popular though!

  8. This was soooo not what I was expecting :P It starts out barely there and then WHOMP! It blossoms into this rich, dark purple scent of berries, a hint of woods, winter air, and a sweet incence with some spice. It really smells like wandering into a winter forest and stumbling across the elves from The Hobbit having their Solstice celebration. Very complex on me and an absolutely gorgeous holiday scent. It's so full-bodied compared to Lines Among the Euganean Hills that's hanging out on my other arm for comparison. Pretty amazing. I don't think I need a bottle, but I'll clutch my imp in a tight grip.

  9. I'm not sure why, but I'm in the camp that really likes the civet. Gives things an extra kick in the junk so to speak. This one does go on reeeeally strong, but a wee bit later I'm just rolling in a cloud of red musk with a little something extra. Hm...rolling...maybe it is the kitty in it :P

  10. This is dusty cinnamon right now and I don't know why patchouli doesn't work well on me in my BPAL's because it's one of my favorite scents for incense, etc. Just one of those things, I guess :P Ok...but not great on me.


    ETA: Alone got a lot better after several hours. Now it smells very well blended and spicily scrumptious :D What a morpher!

  11. This was a nose curling streak of vetiver when I first applied it. Once it started to dry, though, the dragon's blood really started to come out with its usual sweetness on me. Now that it's sat for even longer the red musk, one of my absolute faves in BPAL scents is rearing its lovely head :P Not bad!


    Edited to say that: several hours later this smells like lily of the valley and is really really pretty!

  12. Fantastic! Leather with smudges of soot around the edges :P My husband's vegan coworker is in love with this scent also and claimed she couldn't get it out of her head for days. This is like Pere Fouettard without the cookies. Delightful!

  13. This was a generous decant from the lovely Cam :P This went on smelling very hot with something very spicy like cinnamon coming through loud and clear. This settles down after a few minutes into a slightly sweet, piney, (eucalyptus?) scent with decent throw. Almost an aquatic tinge to it but I may be losing my sniffing-marbles. I like it!

  14. Very floral in a non-traditional way. I can't pick out any specific flowers and it's not overly sweet. Plant-like with a green base. Herby in the driest stages. Didn't last terribly long, but had good throw while it was there!

  15. Lovely! Absolutely lovely! Sweet, soft moss in a better dose of it than I've ever gotten from a BPAL blend. I don't think I've noticed the musk as much (partly because I have Satyr on the other arm) but after an hour it's started coming into the foreground. I really like this!! Maybe not bottle-worthy, but this imp isn't going anywhere :P

  16. I've been anticipating satyr since I first perused the forum reviews and when I first put it on I have to agree with some of the critics - I DO smell like a horse. Huh. Not in a bad way, it is just really animalistic. This is one of those that makes me wrinkle my nose but when I go in for a second sniff it's not as strong. I like it? It's getting sweeter and milder about an hour later. Now that I'm thinking of my horses (big, doofy buggers that the are) I think I'll try mixing this with Gunpowder, my favorite horse scent and see what happens :P ooooooh nice! Now there's a horse scent!!

  17. Oy. Plastic ahoy :P This isn't going over so well on my skin. I get the lily of the valley I liked in my baby BPAL days with High John the Conqueror, but it's very strong in a powdery, overwhelming lily kind of way. I usually love musk so hopefully it will pop up soon, but right now it's strong flowers heaving themselves at my nose and that's about it.

  18. I got you through a lucky swap whim Scheherezade, and it is looooove at first sniff :P Is that? could it be?? the smell of a USED BOOK STORE?!?!?? with the hippie lady at the counter from my college-town I miss so much! So red musk is a go with me, I guess. War was very strange smelling and I wanted to love it but there was something strange getting in the way of that blend. No such problem with Scheherezade :D Warm, dark red, spicy MMMusk!
