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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. This is a dark and spicy blend with a faint hint of the ylang-ylang - although I wouldn't know what flower it was if I didn't have the scent description in front of me. Not really sure how I feel about this one. It keeps swinging between soapy, floral, and spicy goodness. I'll have to try this one again later.

  2. I really amp almond, so I was a little afraid of Bastet. I can't resist an amber or musk blend, though... This was surprisingly pleasant! The almond comes through, but it's swirled with a creamy, thick smell that is almost foody :) Charming!


    Edit for grammar

  3. Oh god! Not good! Not good! Abort! :ack: There is something sharp and sour in this blend that really doesn't work with my skin! Not sure if it's the bay rum... I could have sworn I've tried bay rum before in BPAL's and it's been fine. Hm. Anyway, this is not for me. Like sour potato chips, oddly enough.


    Edit for impassioned spelling

  4. OMG this is gorgeous :eek: Beautiful! Rich, golden notes that are vaguely floral, but a bit amberish and musky as well. Not alot of throw, but it's such a warm, langorous scent that I don't care - I'll just keep reapplying ;) Mmmmm I think I like golden musk and grey amber!

  5. This worried me at first (I'm not a big fan of banana). It went on pretty icky - sweet husband thought the title was appropriate because it smelled "like something had died, alright" :rolleyes: Someday he'll come around to the BPAL... After it dried though, there was some quick morphage into the scent others have been describing. It really is spot on for a hint of banana drifting over cold marble and stone at night. Very cool :D

  6. Sweet, soft vanilla with the faintest touch of floral. No amber or sandalwood yet.


    After about half an hour the vanilla gets richer when the amber kicks in. Pale, sweet fragrance with minimal throw.


    Edit because I accidentally erased most of my review - oops.

  7. Hello tropical flowers and fruit. I was a bit worried when I firt put this on that it would be the scent of fruit flavored gum like some reviews have mentioned. It's already changing though, and I get a peppery note coming through. It's cooling down and becoming a watery juice blend with some spice. Strange.

    Finally it turns into a light, pale celadon green smell. Very strange and airy. Can't say it's really a keeper.

  8. Creosote, coal, and industrial waste.

    This is so wearable! Vetiver, but not a the thick, greenish-black smell I usually get from vetiver, but a light, gritty grey ash. Somewhat compelling with an organic, herbal, vaguely cedar scent. Really interesting and strange but beautiful :D

    Edit to add scent description

  9. Fruity, floral amber. This is like liquid gold on my skin - started to turn a bit powdery as it dried, but it recovered nicely. Very confidently feminine. Quite different on the wrist from the inner arm - almost a Midnight Mass incense on the wrist when fully dry. Good stuff, but not sure how often I'll wear it.

  10. I finally found you!!!! I've been stalking this oil to find a decant. Now that it's in my warm hands (it was frozen solid when I got home since it's -30 with winds here in Chicago :P) There's been some separation of the oil that I'm not sure what to do about. I've never had an old oil like this. I gave it a good shake and I hope that won't ruin anything :ack: I hope I don't get addicted to a discontinued oil....


    It's good, it's really good. I may have to stalk a bottle now! Rats! (heh) ;) Light yellow smelling. Dusty and wild with a musky cloud close in to my arm. I do get feral and snarling from this little guy. Keeper, though the throw is pretty minimal - I'm afraid to slather since it was so hard to find!

  11. Patchouli, Kashmiri tea, cardamom, black pepper, carnation, and clove.

    :yum: Clemence is a spicy, smoky cup of Lapsang Ouchong (sp?) tea for me. Smoky like a campfire roasting a handful of clove and cardamom spices in the embers. Awesome. Very brown with good color and staying power. Feels very exotic :) Keeeeeper!

    Edit to add scent description

  12. I was curious to try this one so I bought a partial bottle hoping I'd like wisteria - I know I like bamboo. Not quite what I was hoping for. The wisteria is a little too Bath and Body Works on me. :( It's a lovely scent, cool and sweet like an Autumn evening in another region, but no for me. Not much throw either. Off to a better home!

  13. Happy day - I ordered a bottle of this from the lab at the last minute before the Halloweenies went down. I'm only just getting around to reviewing, but I enjoy this one quite alot! Especially on the Miter :yum: The pumpkin doesn't come out quite so much on him as it does on me and the leather comes through better on him. Dark, earthy and hot. Yay :twisted:

  14. Oh yes indeed! This is what I was hoping for in a Fall scent - I definitely get the mist and golden apples. Ths dried leaves crackle in the background. Much more successful than Punkie Night for me. I need to track down more of this stuff!

  15. Lovely! Sweet, fresh lavendar in the imp. I tried it opposite an arm of Dorian to test Lil' Vic's effects. There's more depth and body to this one versus Dorian who's very pale and reserved on me. Not much Snake Oil on me, but the Dorian + lavendar and spice combo is very nice indeed :D
