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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. Ack! I spilt it!! :( Well, not wanting it to go to waste I rubbed what I could get off my table onto my arm. It's so fresh and gorgeous! Very much like Squirting cucumber, without..y'know, the strong dose of cucumber ;) Fresh and lovely - why oh why did I have to spill it?!?!

  2. Hmmm :think: light. Much lighter than I was expecting from an "aggresive" musk blend. Not very distinct - where Smut turned into a rich sex-fest, this one has a slight bitter orange tang to it. Doesn't really blossom on my skin. I had really high hopes for this, but musks are really unpredictable on me - glad to try it though!

  3. I might be having a wierd chemistry day, but I don't get alot from this oil. I get a little sweetness and some slight cakey-ness, but not much incense or really anything to pin down. I'll stick with All-Saints ;)


    Edit to add that this is '07

  4. I was really, really hoping for more hay out of this one :( Smells exactly like Pumpkin IV '07 on me (the one with sweetgrass and sage). Warm, golden pumpkin with the grassy note coming through after about an hour. Nice, but I'll stick with Pumpkin IV. It does change a bit and become... denser than IV '07 after several hours. Interesting!
