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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. Dry, dry dry lavendar, bergamot and sharp citrus. As someone who loves masculine scents, this is one of the few where it's so cologne-smelling in a pleasant way that I think I'll pass it off to my husband. I was hoping for the earthier scents of leather and patchouli, but instead I get a very well blended herb combo. Sharp and dry. Decent throw.

  2. Moonflower overload. It's happened before.. :( Too bad - I really was hoping the musk would fight my skin's tendency to amp the floral. I get a similar smell to Silence with this one (another oil where i was crossing my finger for musk ampage.) It's light and delicate and very pretty. I can see why people would like this one.


    Edit: Two hours later and the musk has come through, but I seem to be very hit or miss with some of the musks. When they're good, they produce some of my absolute favorite blends but when they're not.... :whack: (I'm the one getting whacked on the nose by the musk police). This turned to the sour, "you haven't had a shower in a week and girl, you need it!" musk smell just as it did for me in Sed non Satiata. The flowers kept fighting it off and they're slightly ahead right now. This may be a deal breaker.

  3. Ye gods, I love this blend! It's dark and malevolent with enough bourbon to sweeten it up a bit (but not too much). Really reminds me of Sloth which I tried a day later. It's making my husband's allergies go nuts and he swears there's pine in it :huh: I'm not getting that, myself. Good throw and staying power. This vetiver really works!

  4. Without reading the notes, I expected crazy amounts of vetiver, oppoponax and benzoin like other "hardcore" oils I've tried or something with a lot of Brimstone. What a surprise this was! It's beautiful and delicate. I completely get the verbena that an earlier poster mentioned. It's dry, "fuzzy", and spicy. I like the citrus-incense description others have talked about. Not a great deal of throw, but I've been huffing my arm for five minutes I so enjoy it. :D A dark, rich woodiness is starting to come through and blend with the incense qualities. This is one of my favorite Salons so far, but I'm an incense nut. Sometimes the listed notes don't work so well on me, but this is one of those oils where when it works - it REALLY works. Fantastic :)


    Edit for grammatical fixing



    2 hrs later: Oh. my. God! This is an amazing blend. It's settled into a spicy, peppery, dry Incense/vetiver combo that I'm absolutely wild for! Right up there with (and surpassing some of) my other incense favorites like Riding the Goat, Midnight Mass, All Saints, and Carfax Abbey - and it's a GC!! :dance:

  5. This started off as a pretty nondescript, spicy blend. Once it dried though, it was beautiful! I'm becoming a big fan of myrrh and the sandalwood and incense notes blended together to make a subtle, dry spice. Not bad amp-wise and seemed to have good staying power. I don't usually run into oils that morph to the extent this one did, but this imp will be going into my keeper box :)

  6. Wow :) Wet out of the imp this was a cloud of smoke (huzzah!) It's dried into a masculine swath of salty sea air, light clove(?) and the faintest hint of something that sweetens it. Very manly :twisted: Calico Jack visiting a seedy bar after he's had a romp with his significant other.

  7. Mantis' patchouli and amber sounded like big heaps of win when I read the scent description. On my skin though it's straight up Irish Spring :( I'm hoping the longer I wear it, the more depth will appear, but it may be off to the swaps pile, darn it!


    (I'm wearing Red Queen on my other arm. When my husband hugged me a few minutes ago, in a typically anti-BPAL reaction, he asked " Why do you smell like soap and Hallmark?" Rrrrrr)

  8. Another review following the lovely crebbsgirl :) I have to say this worked fabulously on me! I'm always leery of fruit notes, especially cherry, but currant usually works pretty well. On wet this is dark, juicy fruit but a rush of dusty cedar forest come through and dominates almost immediately. Eventually they settle into an odd pairing, but dark and lovely. This is trying to sneak its way into my permanent stash...

  9. Me and crebbsgirl seem to be trying all the same stuff :)


    Oh Sloth, how I love thee. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my smarting nose and watering eyes for a minute as the vetiver genie escaped from the imp. On my skin this turned to rich, deep, and oh so very VERY dark black myrrh. Hello sexy! Good throw, fantastic staying power. A black hole of rich, sinful...slothiness? I really, really dig this. Reminds me of The Great He-Goat a bit, but without whatever note that makes my husband's allergies go haywire = win. Makes me want to retry all the myrrh scents I swapped in the last few months.

  10. :cry2: How the hell did this go wrong?!? I love every note in here, especially swarthy black musk! But alas, it turned straight to powder on me. Powder!! :rantrave: (sigh...) I'll try it again, but otherwise this is going straight to the swaps. I am right with crebbsgirl on this one. What the hell man?

  11. There was a light brush of flowers bursting out of the imp when I first applied. (Made me a little nervous, I'm not a big floral fan). A sharper woodsy-spice not was predominant on initial dry-down. I would have been really happy if that note stuck around longer, but its faded to almost nothing now, just a slight muddle of flower and musk. Hardly any throw. I'll try this one again, though, because it has alot of promise!


    Edit: A few hours later this was a lovely golden perfume with a hint of my beloved musk. Perfect for after a bath and hanging out before bed.

  12. I'm getting a lot of woodmoss and lavender out of this one. Like many others, it went on so faint I reapplied a few times. Once it warmed up to body tempature though, it roars a bit. Strong, sharp, slightly bitter and slightly sweet with a hint of musk in the background. This whole Lupercalia series is really puzzling me because many I thought would be true love are meh on my skin, and then others I thought would never work are my new favorites :huh:

  13. Peach! Wine's don't usually work on me, or peach for that matter, but this is a delightful, sparkling blend. The blood orange perks things up and a deep, spicy, rich peach scent is what comes through. Not a great amount of throw, but such a good oil, I'll hold onto my decant.

  14. Very strong smell of lavendar and bergamot (of course) like an organic laundry detergent. Once it dries it's barely there with a clean sweetness that's very enjoyable. I think I'll scent my sheets with this one ;)

  15. I was really surprised with how much I like this one! I'm not a foody BPAL'er, but this is such a sweet, delightful blend I can't resist it :) It's a very fresh, springy blend and I can't get over that it has every note I don't care for (fig, cream, berries) and I'm still nuts for it. The lab folks are geniuses, that's all I can figure... Decent throw of creamy berries with a deeper fruit smell I guess is the figs. Not much paper bag and only a hint of leather, but it has good staying power. I'll treasure my imp and may need to track more down.

  16. Oooh :eek: sparkling, diabolical grapes bursting with musk and spices. Winner! The attar of rose is warm and slightly powdery, but not the full on powder I usually get from some flower notes. It grounds and warms everything well. This is really, really nice!

  17. I don't know how the lab can make a perfume that sells small and soft and fuzzy like a bat's tum, but they did it :D This is probbly my favorite Salon so far. Musk and amber of the pale and dusty variety as well as some flowers. Soft and slightly feminine on me with good throw!
