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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. I love SophieCedar's description! Humanah humanah for sure :laugh: It's primarily red musk at first, but as it sits on my skin I start getting a little of the iciness as well as the juniper. It's truly lovely (but I love red musk blends to death, so odds were it would be a winner since my skin amps it.)

  2. Mmm. I amp red musk, so this is primarily a mix of musks and a hint of leather. It's not terribly strong, (that's partly because I have an aquatic screaming off my other arm), instead it's warm and pleasant. Sexy, even. The leather is getting stronger as it sits on my arm. Keeper.

  3. Woah. This is one strong aquatic on me. Almost headache-inducing, it's so strong! There really is a dribble of Snake Oil, but it's a salty, salty aquatic primarily on me. Refreshing and very bracing, but I'm not getting the complexity others are out of this. (Dang, I really wanted hay.)

  4. I was frimped this by the wonderful Alainn. It's so cuddly! On wet there was the immediate scents of lavender and chocolate. Sharp lavender mixed with mellow chocolate - strange, but okay. As it began to dry, the vetiver came out and entered into the fray. Now that it has fully dried, I'm getting soft and mellow (almost powdery) vanilla with hints of the lavender, cocoa, and vetiver. Yummy!

  5. There's the scent of sweet, crushed grass straight out of the decant (from the Post's t-shirt grab bag marathon). On my skin it's all airy freshness. I thought it might be similar to Druid or Goofballs or something else with grass, but the flowers in this or the sap changes things up a bit. It really smells like the holy grail of soaked earth/flowers scents on my skin. Don't get me wrong, there isn't any aquatic at all - the airiness just smells so clean-washed that I'm getting post-Pacific-Northwest-rain-shower-in-the-Spring. It's glorious. I can't believe this was a random frimp, when I've been looking for an oil to do this on my skin ever since I got into bpal!


    And maybe it's all in my head. But I love it to bits!!!

  6. So weird. Wet on my skin I was smelling something like peanut butter(?) :wacko2: Now that it's dried I get the mallow/marshmallow foodie and graham cracker comparisons. It's a warm, brown, foodie scent that I can really see appealing to people. It's a little too sweet on me, but nice. Very nice. I, too, was hoping for more coffee, but my skin sucks up bpal's coffee note so I'm not surprised that it isn't making an appearance.

  7. This was quite a morpher, with an ash and soot smell on wet. Half an hour later, it had turned into a spicy cologne with just a hint of ash in the background. I compared it to Dee, and it is not too far off from it except that Dee is a little sweeter on me. Yum!

  8. This is as delicious as I was hoping it would be! I'm always on the hunt for good hay blends, and this one is fantastic. Goes on as a slightly soapy cologne, then explodes into this rush of intriguing scent with hay and bergamot blasting at you with both barrels. Love it. I've returned to it again and again this past week. True love.

  9. I just bought a decant of this, and there's nary a hint of lemon pledge, thank god! Instead I get a sweet aquatic that's almost a little minty with slight florals and the slight scent of decay. This one seems to have aged well. It might be a keeper. Very atmospheric and bright at the same time.

  10. Yep. Spicy, sweet pumpkin. I should have read the reviews before I bought my decant, since pumpkin can go either way with me. I'm wishing for the blackberry to come through, but this is very nice! Pumpkin pie-ish and very strong throw. You don't need to apply much with this one!

  11. I ended up buying a decant from theseagrows, and it's a whole different scent on my leather-loving skin. This is pure earthy-leather so far with a waft of vetiver and a hint of sweetness from the fig. I wish it had more throw, because this is manly and gorgeous :wub2:

  12. Ohhhhh my god :thud: This started out as a ho-hum, fairly masculine blend with strong red musk, but on the dry-down my skin is amping the red currant, red musk, and vanilla. The throw is fantastic! It really smells like Marianne and Crowley had a baby without the strong, sexy leather that makes Crowley so unbeatable. I will be reaching for this on a regular basis!

  13. At first this was a strong cologne with some woods and maybe vanilla(?) - I second the Van Van comment. Usually beeswax is a note of doom for me, so I was leery when people mentioned that one. However, this has dried into a very comforting, warm and snuggly musk scent with a hint of sweetness and decent throw. A keeper!

  14. Amber. We meet again, my powdery, scent-swamping frenemy :evil: I can't believe my skin chemistry has changed so much in the last three years that I used to hunt down every bpal that had even a hint of amber because I loved it so when I first got into bpal and now it's a death note. Complete deal-breaker every fricking time. But I live in hope that one day I'll find that amber blend that works again. Sigh.

  15. I could have sworn there was cedar or some kind of blonde wood like in Aziraphale! Must be the frankincense but this is so very Aziraphale except with hints of leather and a light sweetness. It's a godawful pun, but it really is divine! :blush:

  16. Good

    Good is just what I pictured Sugar Moon to be - it's sweet and sparkling and clear and sugar sugar sugar :eek: I can imagine that it will be a huge hit with the bpal'ers. Not so much my thing I think. I like things a bit more snarly and less, y'know...good ;) Very pretty.

  17. God, I WISH I got what everyone else is getting. I'm still in search of a good field scent since Blade of Grass covers my fresh, sweet, dewy grass needs. But this is the same problem as I get with Scarecrow that it turns to harsh,chemical smell that reeks of nail polish remover. It's heartbreaking!! :cry2: Why won't you love meeeeeee?!?


    It's such a beautiful scent in the vial that I may finally hunt down a scent locket type thing.
