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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. Ugh, my head doesn't seem to like this one :( Jasmine and apricot overload. Giving me a bit of a headache...I don't usually have any kind of negative physical reaction to the bpal, but this seems to be an unfortunate exception.

  2. Good god that's a lot of red musk!! :eek: Like Scheherezade and Smut had a love child that wanted a lot of attention. Good lord.... Fruity red musk with an insane amount of throw. A bit of this a bit of that - I really like benzoin so that may be part of why I like this blend. Ballsy. Feminine, but very ballsy. I love it :D

  3. Nice. Strong blast of rosewood while wet - very earthy! Like dirt stuck to a bulb's roots you've just pulled from the ground as well. Slightly spicy from the frankincense. Glad I got to try this! Much more nature-based of a perfume than I often get. The feel of being outdoors weeding :)

  4. Very sensual and confident scent. A great deal of musk in this one and I wouldn't have guessed white musk - I would have gone with black or red musk, it's stronger than I've ever gotten with white musk :) A "fuzzy" scent. Rich and almost masculine. I usually like poppy, so that doesn't hurt either. Short throw and duration.

  5. Sharp and bitter myrrh with a hint of non-sweet, fruity currant. Then it got really interesting and turned to this barely there dust scent which is not a bad thing in my book. I love dust and earth scents and mandrake didn't work on me. This blend seems like it might, though :) Needs further testing.

  6. Nutmeg! That's what this is :) I was guessing light clove or cardamom. Awesome. I love the strong wash of opium as well. This is rugged and spicy and almost masculine. Great scent!


    Quick edit to say how refreshing it is to find a nutmeg scent - I have tried and failed with so many clove blends since my skin hates clove, I'm so happy to find a spice scent I adore :D

  7. Sparkly citrus on me as well. Fruity notes take over and there's a bit of powder mixed in from the amber. Something smelled like my mental picture of blackberry vines for a bit which was interesting, but then it kind of flatlined on my skin.

  8. Oya

    Hrm. Not sure about this scent. I smell something very reminiscent to another bpal I just can't put my finger on. Sort of like strawberries...cherries?....Maybe Bordello since plum is listed in the notes, but not the kind of plum I adore in Prunella - cough syrup kind. Not for me.

  9. This should have been epic amounts of win with musk and bourbon vanilla, but fricking jasmine! Why, oh why do you constantly interfere with the oils I try this week. I keep trying on blends with it and my skin keeps amping it until it's drowned out everything I was looking for. :evil:

  10. Mmm, wood and incense - just what I was looking for and enjoy in All Saints. Nice to know there's a GC with a similar vibe for me :) Very simple, stark scent like a burning stick of sandalwood. Perfect.


    Edit: Well, crap. I didn't realize I'd already reviewed this one. Sorry! :(

  11. Sweet, thick, and dark. Hard to pick out individual notes other than a vague hint of floral that's begun to be corrupted by rot. Interesting scent. I probably have such a twisted and dark mental image since the name's so close to Shelob ;)

  12. I've been stalking this imp for awhile and was very excited to swap for some. Grapefruit is usually overpowering on me in a citrus soap kind of way, so here goes...

    Hm, tons of grapefruit as I expected as well as a bit of lavender and chamomile. Very soapy. None of the currant or musk I was hoping for. Darn :( Might work for enabling my mom, who likes citrus scents a lot, though. I'll stick with Schrodinger's Cat for my citrus needs.

  13. I'm always leery of foody bpals that have a creamy or buttery sound to them after the unmitigated disaster that was Butter Rum Cookie. Here though, I get a strong opening blast of warm, buttered pastry with a strong dash of juicy berry. Once it starts to dry though, I start getting the sweet rose thrown in - like eating a freshly out of the oven summer treat with a big bouquet on the table. Interesting mix of sensory pleasures :)

  14. Dark chocolate and pepper-smoked caramel.

    Why hello, what seems to be smoke single note on me :lol: This is pepper and smoke and that's about it which is beyond fine with me! I love smoke scents and this reminds me of my Villainess Friction or Pyromania soaps. Unfortunately it is very low throw and fades quickly. But oh the smoky smoky goodness!!

    Edit to add scent description

  15. Started out as an "OMG this is amazing!" blend of amber and beeswax with a sweet layer. Once it dried it was just a perfumey sweet smell with nothing really standing out and very low throw :(

  16. Dust. Dust with a hint of musk and decayed herbs. Oooooh :D I can't wait to try this on my husband! It's very subtle and rugged on me and I have the feeling it will be dead sexy on him.

  17. I've been stalking Othello for ages since I adore every note listed. What I get on my skin is very, very different from what I expected. It's odd, but I get the exact smell of sparkling cider - the kind that has berries or something along with the apple. It's just a sparkling, effervescent, red berry smell. Okaaaaay....not at all what I was going for. I'll probably try this again later but this is super weird on me.
