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Posts posted by rayvn1

  1. This was a strong orange note to begin with that slowly started turning into a strange, milk-gone-bad scent. Custard! I shake my fist at you :evil: This is the disaster of Milk Moon 07 all over again - but orange scented this time :lol: At least now I know to avoid milk notes almost entirely. My skin just doesn't get along with them :( I really wanted to like this, too - sounded so yummy!


    Edit: Wait! Wait!! A few hours later it turned to a lovely, creamy sweet and sugary orange cake :) It just took a reeeeeally long time to do it on my skin. I'll have to figure out if that makes it worth holding on to or if it's off to the swaps...


    Edit #2: Retried this one hoping I'd get to yummy cake sooner and what do you know, it went to yummy orange custartd, cake and florals right away :) Even harder to decide whether to keep it now, since I don't reach for sweet foody scents often. May try mixing with other scents like Haunt's chocolate-orange-incense Oubliette...

  2. This started out as a confident and heady mix of roses, but then it started changing into something much more interesting and complex! The opium poppy (which I love) started to come into play giving it a darker vibe along with the violet leaf and patchouli (yay). The lemon peel added a sharpness that changed this from the comfortable and reassuring feeling I get from most rose scents into a much more active and passionate scent. I'm glad I have enough to test it again because while I may not need a bottle of this, it is an exciting variation on rose that I want to play with more :)


    Edit for my passionate and creative spelling...

  3. I loved Persianmouse's description of an odd man with a background soundtrack of theramin and oboe :lol: This was indeed an odd scent, but where Aelopile was a bit metallic, masculine, oily and odd - this one is bold, metallic, masculine and odd in a good way! A strong dash of men's cologne which I actually kind of like - I do wonder what it would smell like on DH, but I'm keeping it for myself ;) This grips me with metalic claws like Bakeneko does with musk and I'm really enjoying its throw and combination of notes. Keeper, but I don't think I'll need more than my imp. (I think I love this line more than any other in the bpal catalogue!)


    Edit to say I checked the notes upthread again... musk - no wonder I love you ;) and the African balsam must be helping with the dirty/dusty vibe. Nice.

  4. Odd scent on me. Starts out very sharp with the labdanum, cedar and a strong slap of verbena lemon. It turns into a men's cologne that's not that far off from the Galvanic Goggles on my other arm, but where that one works in all its odd majesty, this one just stays...odd. Dusty and oily with a touch of cleaning product. Not for me, unfortunately :(

  5. Pumpkin :) Warm, rich but not overwhelming like some of the pumpkin patch blends. I really, and I mean really amp pumpkin and it tends to swamp blends for me unless there's some strong leather or tobacco in it ;) This isn't too bad, actaully. The amber is very nice and works with the pumpkin scent quite nicely. I don't know if I need to hang onto this, but it was a lot of fun to see what all the fuss was about!

  6. Hi there, Nonae Caprotina (sp?) smell-alike! I'm starting to be resigned to the fact that my skin does not care for the milk note except in VERY rare cases like Miller vs. Cali and I can't remember if that was milk or cream... Maybe my skin only likes cream and not milk as a fellow reviewer upthread mentioned. Anyway, this is a strong milk blend with a dab of fig and fruit. Although....it's starting to smooth out into less of a sour milk and more of a sweet coconut milk. Ok, that could work! I just don't know about this one and I have a feeling that my super-picky scent double-checker (DH) will tell me I'm on crack about this scent and that it isn't meant to be :(

  7. Yessss. I finally swapped for a decant of this oil I've been so curious about. I'm willing to try any and all aquatics in my quest to find a rain scent that actually smells like rain on me. This is pretty good :) I was nervous about the soapy side of things I get with many aquatics and it had the possibility of becoming Irish Spring, but I think it's staying just this side of fresh and watery like Sturgeon Moon without getting soapy. I get a hint of the flowers also and it's nice that it keeps it from going hardcore aquatic. Woo hoo :D


    Edit to say this is getting really, really freaking good. Reminder to self - DO NOT let this one go. It smells like standing in one of the summer downpours here in Chicago :)

  8. Snow note of the sharp and almost on the verge of sour variety. Light eucalyptus gave it a medicinal vibe but the flowers are waking up and giving it some sweetness. I kind of like the fresh sharpness, but this seems gauranteed to give DH a headache since all scents with pine tend do that to him.

  9. This reminds me so much of The Schoolhouse! Lots and lots of sweet, sharp, fresh dandelion goodness :D Very spring-y. I love these grassy scents so this is a keeper for me. I'll have to test it alongside Schoolhouse to see the difference between them because right now it's almost dead on for how I remember that one.

  10. Lots of ylang ylang which isn't a note I tend to get much of. Slightly chemical smelling and astringent. I would have said musky a few minutes ago, but that's gone now. Smelling more and more like floor cleaner by the minute, unfortunately :ack:

  11. So beautiful :wub2: I knew I had to try this one and would regret not getting a bottle. This is a lovely warm burst of fig and musk primarily. Golden and luscious with juicy berries and the lovely blue berry note from Irrelevant and Surreally Disturbing Crawdad Dream. I'm so glad I have an imp and this puppy isn't going anywhere! (except on me) ;)

  12. Crap. This went on really well as a gorgeous men's cologne. Couldn't wait to try it on my Mister. Then the worst happened - it went the same way as my uber-disappointment Famine :evil: Sour vomit all over the place. Really, really bad on my skin. I'm not sure what sets it off. With Famine I was pretty new to bpal and had assumed my skin had a bad reaction to the lilac note, but now I think it must be some component it shares with Dr. Jekyll. Drat!

  13. Ozone and grapes! Interresting. Takes a while for this oil to settle down and blossom on my skin. After quite some time I have a sweet and light grape-ish scent with a bit of cold lurking in the background - not the sharp and slightly sour snow scent of November or Darkling Thrush, this is lighter and fresher. Probably not a keeper for me, but nice to try it out!

  14. This went on a bit odd and powdery, but now that it's dried I really like it :) Cocoa and spice with an incense feel that really reminds me of Xiutechihuatl (sp?). Very similar blend on me though I think this one is a little more laid back. It will be fun to compare the two side by side.

  15. Very sweet and pretty scent. Started out wet with a gigantic blast of white pear juice then settled down quickly into a dreamy rose scent. The musk and pear sweeten and soften. Very pretty, just not something I'd wear often.

  16. I've been stalking this oil for quite some time and I think I may have built it up in amy imagination a bit too much.. I'm surprised with how much cedar and herb is in this. A very dry and light blend on me. A little dusky from the musk and a slight sweetness from the lilac. Sticks close to the skin. Nice, but not the earth-shattering musk I was going for ;) I should just be grateful the lilac didn't go wonky!

  17. This is gorgeous! An utter surprise for me :) I was frimped this luscious scent by a lovely forumite and I'm so glad. I was hoping to try this for the wheat since i'm a grains/hay nut. It went on in the juiciest burst of golden nectarine followed by a wave of cream :yum: Sooooo good. Now that it's drying it's become a creamy nectarine with a hint of rose in the mix. The myrrh and wheat stay in the background rounding things out. Warm, wet and sharply juicy. Fantastic scent!
