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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by totalimmoral

  1. In the bottle: Hmmm. Very nice with a scent that is familiar but I can't quite place it.


    Wet on wrist: I've never smelled anythng with Dragon's Blood in it before but this is simply devine. Very powerful and bright.


    Dry on wrist: Nice. It has mellowed out but still is wonderful. It's fading fast though. This is one that I will probably have to touch up.


    Later at a gas station: Some woman tells me that I smell good and wants to know what perfume I'm wearing. I can smell anything except that barest hint when I hold my wrist to my nose.


    That night: I havent touched up since four PM and it is now eight. My mother tells me that I smell like a flower.


    I have come to the conclusion that for some unknown reason, the scents seems to fade extremely fast for me but to others, it still clings. I really need to remember this so that I dont overdo the scent.

  2. I have a new favorite!


    In bottle: A very warm scent. I do not smell leather but I can pick up on the myrrh and musk. Its a very dangerous scent that I can not wait to try.


    Wet on wrist: Ah, there's the leather! This is very powerful but not in the smell kinda way. It's a dark, sexy powerful that makes me want to put on the shortest skirt I own and walk outside.


    Dry on wrist: What happend to the myrrh and musk? And leather? I smell like sandlewood. I've gone from dark and sexy to downright mysterious. I love sandlewood and therefor love this smell.

  3. Ah Debauchery.


    In the bottle: I love it. Its all opium and musk, dark and sensual. Cant wait to try it on!


    Wet on skin: Hmmm, where did the opium go?


    Dry: Wow. There is something in here that I am going to assume to be civet that is making my eyes water. This is too overpowering and I'm going to wash it off...


    Five minutes later: This is going to sound really weird but after washing my wrists with dishsoap, I can smell the opium and musk again. It's a barely there smell that I keep getting a hint of when my hand is close to my face.


    Maybe this scent would smell better watered down.

  4. My vote is for Lolita or Bewitched.


    Lolita is a more yellow scent, all fun and sexy. I can really smell the heliotrope on me at it is by far, my #1 favorite BPAL scent!


    Bewitched smells light and woodsy. Very green with a hint of berry.
