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Posts posted by UltraViolet

  1. In the bottle




    Buttered popcorn Mmmm.


    30 minutes

    This doesn't morph in any way shape or form, it stays a real buttered (and salted) popcorn scent.





    Scent category:




    Not too strong, not too weak, and a true buttered and salted popcorn scent. How fun.


    Purchase again?

    No, I wouldn't wear it as a regular scent but it's fun to wear it on weekends or to just sniff it now and again because it's so real smelling.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    4 (mostly because it's so true to description)

  2. In the bottle

    spicy, resinous sandalwood? I think it must be the rosewood.



    The ginger, wood, and elemi are primary.


    30 minutes

    It's quite nice especially after it dries, it's not as strong but it is sexy. If you like a strongly scented, spicy, musky, woody, reinous quality, this is your blend.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    It's nice actually, it reminds me of a sexy men's scent. I'd love to smell this one my husband. *slurp*


    Purchase again?

    No, not for me but maybe for my husband.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  3. In the bottle

    Vanilla and spice, like a creamier more milky spicy version of Snake Oil.



    Oh my God...it's a...rootbeer float. icon_eek.gif

    It seems to have vanilla, spices, sassafrass (maybe) and maybe amber.


    30 minutes

    Oh about 5 minutes it turns a little more piercing and less yummy...but it's still good.

    Now it's just bad. I smell amber, and sassafrass and smoke. Dangit, why can it smell good one me?





    Scent category:




    It's foody and yummy on me at first and then it turns kinda weird on me.

    My skin hates me.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)



    This is probably Snake Charmer, but I don't know for sure so I'm leaving it here --Shollin

  4. In the bottle

    Hmm. Aqueous, almost spicy with the ozone, more of a mens cologne type of scent.



    It's kind of citrus (orange) now. It's one of those ozone-y water blends such as Sea of Glass etc except this has more. I can see how it would be clean and fresh and sort of steely smelling to some.


    30 minutes

    It dries down more powdery on me and it's quite nice. It's something similar to "Dublin". Smells sort of as if you mixed Dublin with Sea of Glass. Okay, here comes the minty kind of smell. Ooh that's nice. The mint is very very subtle.



    A bit more than usual.


    Scent category:




    It smells like the description. It's clean and fresh to smell, especially when it starts to dry.


    Purchase again?

    Dunno. It's nice and I'll cherish this bottle. I probably would. I think it's one of the top "aqueous" blends.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  5. In the bottle

    Other than Midway this is the one I was looking forward to most because of the description.

    It is enticing just as a snake charmer would have to be, and then it's pinpoint sharp too like the stare between the charmer and the snake. I get an emerald green at times. I hope it stays good.



    What is that? Oh God why didn't I see this had coconut the first ten thousand times I looked at the description? It's almost citrussy but a bit more bitter nothing bad really. It's got a different fruitiness to it now, must be the plum, it's a welcome addition to the coconut madness.


    30 minutes

    The plum is sexy and it really goes nicely with the spices in this blend.





    Scent category:




    It's nice in the beginning before the coconut hits me.

    I think most folks would love this.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  6. In the bottle

    Mmm. Something foody and warm...almost vanilla or a bakery smell like, but muskier.



    Thus far i'm pleased with Torture King. It's kind of fruity as in orangey and deeply foody with spices.


    30 minutes

    There's a small undertone that isn't the best when it dries. It reminds me of a similar ingredient in Snake Oil (which is why I don't wear Snake Oil...I'm way in the minority here). It isn't even my skin, it's my nose, it's just this way smelling it from the bottle. I have the same thing with Lush and their coconut stuff...dunno what it is.





    Scent category:




    At first it's fantastic foody, bakery, yummy and spicy scent.

    Then it's sorta weird smelling on top of a bakery.

    Then it becomes good again.

    Then it disappears. The scent faded so quickly on me.


    Purchase again?

    Previously I'd written "Yes! a 5ml" before but now I'm editing it to be a "maybe". It's good but not a "Wow!" to me.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  7. In the bottle

    At first I sniff I thought "Oh lord, this isn't going to be fun" but when I continued to hold my nose over the bottle it began to smell nice. On the skin next, this should be good. :P



    Oh gosh I thought this was going to be a strong floral. There's a strange note in the background, but it's nothing gross or anything, it actually does add interest to this otherwise angelic floral. Is there pepper in here?


    30 minutes

    It's turning a little bit bitter. I think I'm all sniffed out for a while. I'm trying to compare and contrast now ...it's like Havisham with Queen but not quite maybe Havisham with Loviatar, I dunno. Maybe I'll let me nose take a break and edit later.





    Scent category:




    All I can say is I don't know why I like this as much as I do but it totally works for me. I think it's the soft powdery scent of it is what makes that spicy note work with the floral notes.


    Purchase again?

    Not sure...I think yes.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  8. In the bottle

    Ooh! It's different, more bright then I expected, must be the bergamot, it's seems like a slightly different bergamot too smelling greener or more lime or lemon smelling.

    *is scared*



    Krikey another great blend (thus far).

    Oh God, this is better than Bearded lady to me, and I didn't think that would be the case. I thought it'd be a toss up.

    It's funny I smell no smoke, and considering my last review (it smelled smokey on me) just now on Bearded Lady, that's pretty funny.


    30 minutes

    Ah shoot, ubnfortunately it loses it's brightness and dims down a bit but that's okay as it allows the powdery sweet soft carnation and finally the smokey incensey smell to proceed forward. Mmm the second phase of this scent is good.





    Scent category:




    Powdery subtley sweet carnation, tangy bergamot, and neroli.

    As it dries it gets a tad darker, incense, and an iota of smokiness.

    I don't smell the rose nor the amber necessarily.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  9. In the bottle

    Um, from the ingredients it shouldn't, but this smells like "Noir-Lite" mixed with "Himerus" to me.


    *has the post office just forwards her paychecks to bpal*



    Turning vanillery now and the stargazer lily scent is coming out more, the stargazer lily is knocking my socks off in the usual manner. There's something almost incensey in here that surely isn't listed in the ingredients so it must be my skin. Maybe I need to stop smoking.


    30 minutes

    Again, it's just getting sucked into my skin like a sponge. :P It's still jasmine-y, vanilla foody like, and not as sweet.



    a wee bit more than average


    Scent category:




    It's floral jasmine, sweet, but fresh at the same time with a little bit of a deeper woodsy or incensey note (on me) and a goodly drop of fresh vanilla, and maybe add a drop of fresh cream. Yum. Maybe the incensey smell is the amber (which I usually love).


    Purchase again?

    Possibly...I need to smell this one more. I mean it's not like as good as Midway or Kunstkammer or anything crazy like that but it's good.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    3.5 it could be a 3.5 or a 4. I'm going to compare it to my other jasmine faves in a minute; Salome, etc and edit this post later today.

  10. In the bottle

    Okay this is the first one i've tried, unless you count the imp of Midway I won a month ago.

    OMG. *sniff* I think I'm in love. Fruity in a different way. Ethereal. It's more citrus (okay I see above me it says blood orange) and thus right up my alley so far.



    Oh my goodness. It's as I described above but better, almost buttery in a way, but light, more so than when just in the bottle. Heaven. Please let this stay this way...


    30 minutes

    Yeah, it's still like heaven on a stick but the scent sure is disappearing fast.

    Too fast.

    But I can buy bucket fulls to slather on once I get that fourth job.





    Scent category:




    It's blood orange and I know what that smells like (and love it) but this seems I don't know different, it's almost yummier, more like tangerines. Like tangerines if they came from the heavens.




    Purchase again?

    In great quantity on a continual basis.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    5 This is just as good as Midway (to me).

  11. In the bottle

    Yum. It's like anise and honey



    Licorice and Frankinscense maybe. It's really good and it does remind of of the black twizzlers as someone said. :P


    30 minutes

    It stays exactly the same (yay) but just a bit lighter.



    A bit more than average.


    Scent category:




    Initially the licorice kind of took a back seat but as it dries the anise scent gets a little bit stronger on my skin but it's still so yummy.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! a 5ml


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  12. In the bottle

    aquatic, citrussy, floral



    Nice. It's a bright, citrussy, sweet herbal blend. Wow this is really nice and bright so different and perfect.

    I know this sweet note I just can't place it. It's almost melony. Ishtar is so right, the wet stage is a bit reminiscent of Delirium. All citrussy and all over the place. Yum.


    30 minutes

    As it dries the rose comes out and really makes it's presence known. And some rose blends just do not agree with me and they just wind up smelling vile... I'm just lucky that way. Well the rose in this blend is doing the same thing. Before my skin morphed it I thought this smelled alot like Lush's "Amandopondo" with the lemon and the rose but this blend is stronger. It's also got the lilac thing going on now, that must be the sweet melon like scent that I was smelling earlier.



    a bit more than average yes


    Scent category:




    Initially the smell is just so outstanding, it's bright, sparkling, citrus. Sunny and almost sparkling...then it gets more floral with the rose and then the lilac comes in so that it's equal parts floral and citrus now. If I could freeze it at the initialy applied stage it would be a 5 star blend for me.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  13. No lab description for this blend.


    In the bottle

    I didn't buy this for the scent, but for what it represents and for "working" with, so what a grand bonus that it smells absolutely divine. It's soft, feminine, floral foody, and minutely incense-y and mysterious. Like spiced vanilla or some kind of bakery goody kicked up with some spices. There may even be some anise in here but if so, it's not as strong as in other blends. It doesn't overpower the creamy goodness, it appends to it. This blend is so comforting and emits lots of feelings. When I close my eyes I can see a warm golden rose color.



    It's ever so light in scent strength.

    Now it's somewhat floral, somewhat licorice-like, resinous, and maybe fruity. But not lemon kind of fruit, maybe fig. Yum.

    This is the weirdest thing. When I smell it in the bottle it smells like I said above, but on my skin, it almost disappears. I would actually wear this to my somewhat conservative workplace...it's that good in a light way. It also seems like a watery blend but doesn't have any of the typical salty, ozonish, tangy quality of the water blends.

    I cannot get my nose out of my wrist.


    30 minutes

    It doesn't morph at all at 30 minutes dry. I can't believe the luck with this blend. It has some pretty good throw too. At 30 mintues Horus it's still mysterious, and ethereally beautiful.

    Bravo Beth.





    Scent category:




    It's lightly floral, foody; smelling of vanilla, with maybe some amber, some kind of spice or incense like frankinscense (it's not cinnamon) and maybe a drop of anise? And there's this sweet scent that familiar and comforting and it kind of hovers. The heavenly hovering note is fabulous but I can't place what the heck it is. It's so incredibly comforting and familiar yet I can't place it.

    I can't believe Horus has now become pretty much my #1 scent now.

    I think the Goddess is teaching me that good things come to those who wait because I had such a bad day today.


    Purchase again?

    Yes, without question. I think this is a scent that I would buy and wear all through my life (alternating with Noir). If it's possible I will be getting a 10ml when I run out.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  14. 125917548.jpg

    In the bottle

    Bright and fruity



    Oh my goodness this is a yummy foody scent. It is indeed a tropical fruit smell like pineapple or mango or something. I know there's an herb in there but I don't what it is. It's sort of spicy cinnamonish or something. Whatever the other note or notes are they go really well with the tropical fruit smell so that it's not just fruity, it's got some dimension. I think I smell lotus. It's like a running joke now with me with the lotus.


    30 minutes

    There's a floral that's trying to peek out, it's shy. :P I've smelled this other note before, is it in Peithos? Or Himerus? Whichever one is the jasmine one, this note is in there too, it's creamy and nice. I can't tell if it's a floral note, a woody note, an herb or a spice.

    Edited to Add: I'm thinking this floral is Pikaki. I have Pikaki sn now and it's a dead ringer. Doesn't explain the pineapple scent but the floral note of this blend.





    Scent category:




    It is initially a bright sweet (not too) pineapple-y blend. As it dries and when dry it gets a little less bright and more "thick" but it is still lovely.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! This is the best blend that has a tropical fruit type of scent that I've tried yet from BPAL. That includes, The Star and Black Pearl. There's no coconut smell (thank God) like those blends but I'm just trying to compare with something foody and tropical in nature.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  15. In the bottle

    Ooh, nice. wink.gif

    It's floral and has ylang ylang and similar to "The Lovers" maybe?



    Jasmine. Jasmine is primary. There must be other notes in here but I can't tell what they are.


    30 minutes

    This doesn't morph at all, it stays a true sensual jasmine and possible ylang ylang blend.



    more than average


    Scent category:




    It's a medium strong jasmine blend. This is a Panacea aromatherapy blend that is dead on. It's exactly what it says. The best way to smell it is to just take a big breath of it.

    Fans of Lush's "Flying Fox" would go nuts for this blend.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  16. In the bottle

    water, and something gentle and lovely



    So very pretty. It a light scent and it smells like sunshine, tulips, and water with a wee bit of grass.


    30 minutes

    It doesn't morph much if at all. Yay.





    Scent category:




    A fresh floral that is light and very pretty, plain and simple. :P


    Purchase again?

    Most definitely. A 5ml for sure maybe even a 10ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  17. In the bottle

    Lovely earthy floral scent.



    Wow I cannot get over how nice this is, I should not like this by all accounts.

    I smell earth, patchouli, vetiver, and some beautiful note that I swear I've never smelled before. It's almost foody. But not. It's feminine, perfumey, sweet but not in a cloying way at all more sweet in an incensey way.


    30 minutes

    More of the cyphre scent is coming out now. Why do I like this? :P

    It's damned addictive smelling.



    More than usual


    Scent category:




    So we've got earth, patchouli, vetiver, cyphre and then this scrummy beautiful feminine musky other note wafting on top. Nice throw.


    Purchase again?

    I think I might actually, not right away, too many other priority blends.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  18. In the bottle

    Ooh, magicky, he he. It's sort of licorice scent or something.



    It smells a tad medicinal, sort of minty, anise-like.

    It's turning cherry like with vanilla maybe?


    30 minutes

    It's sort of like licorice and cherry now. It has pretty good staying power.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    It really hasn't changed much, it's still sort of minty, it might be pennyroyal as stated above.


    Purchase again?

    Possibly. It's a good representation of the High Priestess.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  19. In the bottle

    yummy lemon chiffon cake



    urgh, coconut. Yep, it smells as wonky on me as it did a year ago.

    I smell camphor which is nice at times, but not when everyone else is smelling yumminess. And the cocnut brings a dirty smoky scent to the whole mix. My skin chemistry hate me. :P


    30 minutes

    Yeah, more of the same.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:

    foody citrus...I suppose.



    I suppose it could be a good representation of The Star. How come whenever I take my arm away it smells good, but when I sniff it up close it's completely different. *sigh*


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  20. In the bottle

    very light floral



    ooh, it's so alive, initially it was in the sam eorder as The Dormouse, very light herbally sweet floral. Now it's got this lemony pop that's coming from the juniper. It's definitely a lemony juniper on me now but there's a freshness occuring on a different leven which makes this even nicer.


    30 minutes

    It loses that juniper edge completely and is a light herbaly floral.





    Scent category:

    green/ floral



    Initially shy, the blend turns up the volume with the juniper.

    Dries down to a lightly perfumey herbally blend.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. I like this a whole lot. It's different too.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  21. In the bottle

    smells nicely fruity



    I had no idea it would be this good. It's like mandarin and something herbal, and pine as mentioned above. It's very fresh while being yummy. I don't know how she does it.


    30 minutes

    I took off a point because it just sunk in to my skin, the lovely smell got sucked all away at around 30 minutes. I think this one is worth it so I'll just have to slather it on.





    Scent category:




    At first it's yummy in a succulent orange way, then the pine comes out and you go "uh oh", but it's so soft and subtle and the creaminess of some note and the freshness, it all works really well together to make a absolutely fresh but fruity scent.


    Purchase again?



    Rating (1-5, 5 being best)


  22. In the bottle

    tuberose and jasmine



    Wow, lovely jasmine. That's all I smell thusfar.


    30 minutes

    Still primarily jasmine and lotus.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    The jasmine is quite strong and is the only thing I smell, it's quite nice though.

    5-10 minutes later I smell lotus. In fact it' coming out stronger now almost completely covering up the jasmine.

    Purchase again?

    Possibly, but I still like Salome more.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  23. In the bottle

    light herbs and fruit



    Fruity and green, there may be sandalwood, not sure about that.

    As it dries the sweet fruitiness fades alot and the smokey, herbiness is primary now.


    30 minutes

    It dries to a nice powdery musky fruity floral. It's light.





    Scent category:




    Fruity, smokey green.

    It dries to a powdery musky fruity floral.


    Purchase again?

    Yes, for ritual purposes it's divine, I don't know that I'd wear it for the scent alone.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  24. In the bottle

    WOW Too yummy.



    It's like someone mixed Bastet with Eclipse. I like each of those quite a bit, in fact more than this blend.


    30 minutes

    It turns spicier which is good, it smells better at this stage, not as strangely foody, just foody sweet and spicy.





    Scent category:




    When wet on my skin it was very foody as Penance said in a cloying almond way.

    As it dried it became less cloying, just foody, sweet and spicy.



    Purchase again?

    No. I've got Eclipse, 3 Witches,and Bastet and I like them better.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  25. In the bottle

    lovely fruity powdery floral, something bright almost eucalyptus like but not quite.



    Oh it's a lovely aquatic floral. I think that bright note is indeed heliotrope. Pisces is along the lines of Ophelia as stated in an earlier post on this thread.

    I say thank God for the sweetness. It is the perfect note to compliment the aquatics and the florals.


    30 minutes

    It's gotten a bit more perfumey but nothing too strong nor too floral. It's still got the sweetness, the heliotrope and or the honeysuckle, and maybe even a bit of lotus. This is really pretty.





    Scent category:




    Powdery, lightly sweet fresh aquatic floral. Very much like "Ophelia" from the "Illyria" category. Pisces' scent lasts for hours on me. :P

    PS For you "Lush" lovers, the B Never store's scent called "B" is similar to Pisces in a certain way. :D


    Purchase again?

    Yes, a bottle if if were only possible. Luckily this scent is such that a little goes a long way.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

