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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by UltraViolet

  1. 119802905.jpg


    BPAL blends which include Pineapple single note as one of it's ingedients:

    Mi-Go Brain Canister, Baba Yaga.

    In the bottle

    smells kinda like bubblegum



    Smells like what's in Snake Oil, doesn't smell like pineapple to me, which is odd...cuz it's pineapple.


    30 minutes

    It had totally disappeared at 10 minutes.





    Scent category:

    Fruity he he



    I've been wanting to try this one for quite awhile. There is a blend that reminds me of a bpal blend or two and it's not Baba Yaga nor Mi-go Brain Canister. Dunno.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  2. 111281533.jpg

    In the bottle

    Hmm..so light, so different, almost like water with light melon.



    Hmm...peach or melon and something almost invisible, un-catchable, un- pinneable, so thin and veiled and wafting like trying to catch a butterfly but yet a definitive energy.


    30 minutes

    Now there'a s wee bit more ozone scent in here but the soft water and melon is still there and lovely. Could be some floral like Jasmine or Honeysuckle in here but it's hard for me to tell in this blend.



    Very little


    Scent category:

    I have no idea...Aqueous/Ozone/vageuly Floral/Fruity



    On my skin White Light smells almost as if one mixed "Amsterdam" with "Bella Donna Della Mia Mente" but not quite. It's not perfumey fruit and there are no green notes like Amsterdam but it does have the peach or melon and water quality just lighter and more...spiritual. There's a light melon like scent to it but it's very light in scent and it does indeed suggest and imply the protective White Light that we use to surround and protect us.

    One could wear this light lovely scent anytime at all, even in a conservative board room full of old fuddy duddies.


    Most of all--This WORKS. It is powerful and it does indeed banish all negative little buggies or residue that you've accumulted as well as forming a protective barrier of spirit. I had no idea until I pushed "submit" that its had changed my mental and even my phsyical mood entirely, without me even thinking about it (conciously anyway :P ). I dont know if I really needed this or if it's that powerful but I am getting chills (like we do when "they" are around). I also feel that there's a higher viration of Angelic presence having to do with this blend as well. Wow, what an honor to be able to wear this.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 10ml and keep buying it when I run out.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  3. In the bottle

    Fruity, resinous, herby goodness



    It almost smells like Kephri incense with a touch of floral and a hefty herb/wood undertone.

    There's either definitely some citrus (orange) in here or it's a Kephri mix.


    30 minutes



    more than average


    Scent category:




    It's nicer in my opinion when wet, bright incensy loveliness.

    As it dries it turns kind of celery like undertone but it's not yukky really because the goodness that is in the bottom or middle is so good that it can even make the dreaded celery smell be worth it to smell the lovliness underneath. I like the other BPAL Kephri blend better than this one but this is very nice indeed.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 5ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  4. Firstly I've gotta say Blackrayne's imp labeling is the best thing I've ever seen in my life.


    In the bottle

    lovely lightly minty scent with a bright fruity sweetness



    This is so different smelling but Krikey this is good. It's sort of herby/foody smelling. A light smattering of cinnamon with some spearmint and it's just most perfect blend of hot and cold.

    This does not smell odd in the least as you'd think it's absolutely yummy but not too foody because of a subtle herbiness.


    30 minutes

    It doesn't change much but the cinnamon isn't quite as light as it was initially.



    more than average


    Scent category:




    Initially it's almost like those little buttercream mints (kind of smells like Snowblind) sort of bright and cheerful.

    Then the warmth creeps in from the cinnamon, there's almost a sweet creamy note too that's wonderful. This is what I would call a medium cinnamon scent, not strong like in other blends.

    When dry, the sweetness from the mint but not neceassirly that nasal brightening power of it, is there still and the cinnamon also has good staying power. There's almost a light perfume and incensey note trying to come out but it could be my imagination. Mmm.

    Leave it to Beth to combine these two things. If scent were a color wheel the cinnamon and spearmint would be sitting opposite each other on the wheel. Who'd of thought it would be so different and good.


    Purchase again?

    Oh yeah, most definitely if it were possible someday.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  5. 3.5

    In the bottle

    unusual but nice perfumey and slightly foody.



    Patchouli and omg, my mom used to buy Avon Skins-So-Soft for her bath and there's a note in here that smells just like it, like that smell but underneath some dirt or earth smell but it works surprisingly well. :P


    30 minutes

    It hasn't changed much, it's still a vageuly sweet, earthy, slightly incensey patchouli-ish blend with a slight perfume in the background.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    Again, I may not like all the new elemental blends but I am impressed at the more complex scents they seem to be.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  6. In the bottle

    lightly medicinal smelling



    Light camphor, and uh...camphor.

    Okay some minty sweetness is coming in, yum.

    Now it's like mint or minty herbs or camphor-y mint.

    Now I'm getting...pathcouli coming in?

    The camphor and mintiness has COMPLETELY gone away and now I smell....sulphur....and now cinnamon is coming in!

    Wow, this really changes, it's almost whimsically like the creature but the smell of the sulphur is not whimsy...no, no whimsy there.

    Now it's more earthy and cinnamony.


    30 minutes

    Yep, it morhps to a sulphur-like, earthy and cinnamon dry down.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:

    Earthy? I've no clue on this one.



    It's a changling, it changes (like a salamander I suppose).


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  7. In the bottle

    Hmm. Odd scent, not bad, just odd.



    Oh...God. I don't know, there's lime, and vetiver or something that smells like dark green moss or algae, and a couple of other ingredients that I'm unfamilar with.

    Now it's getting nicer with each second, sweeter, more powdery and soft, and also watery and now I also think I smell lotus (not sure).

    These new blends are very different. They're more complex almost or more unusual in a good way....vetiver aside.


    30 minutes

    Whatever is the note in "Queen" is in this blend as well, I can assume it's vetiver but anyway, the blend as a whole does morph somewhat into a creamier sweeter smelling blend then when initially put on.





    Scent category:




    Underneath the strong vetiver or algae like note are so many beautiful scents; lightly sweet, undulating, watery green amd citrussy...but I just can't get past the topper of the vetiver (or whatever that unusual and mildly off smell) to smell those softer notes. It does have a remarkable represntation of the Undine however.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  8. 111282455.jpg

    In the bottle

    light, bight citrussy lavender



    playful and bright lemon maybe some orange or grapefruity too Im' not sure.

    It's more astringent smelling but not too much at all. Herby from the lavender. I do get the feeling of being lighter than air with this, that is amazing.

    It's getting just a tad powdery which is nice because it did start out so acidic.

    It's still fresh light lemony and wonderful


    30 minutes

    I do agree with the gender neutral aspect of this blend because while it's bright light and lovely, it's not really feminine but not masculine either. It's not sweet at all, in the least.

    It's lasted longer than I thought it would.





    Scent category:




    A lovely bright, airy, lemony clean scent.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 5ml


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  9. 119804505.jpg


    BPAL blends which include D' Anjou Pear (vs. English , Red or White pear) as one of it's ingredients:

    Endymion, Glitter.

    In the bottle

    *sigh* Lovely. A lovely juicy pear.



    Why didn't I get a bottle of this when i had the change...Why?!



    30 minutes

    It's still a perfect pear scent; tart and sweet, fresh, juicy.





    Scent category:




    Another one to pine over for it's discontinued status. At an hour it still smells wonderful.


    Purchase again?

    Yes without a doubt, a 10ml if I could be tranported back in a flippin' time machine.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  10. 119809456.jpg


    BPAL blends which include Lily of the Valley (as opposed to Calla Lily, Cobra, Fairy, Stargazer, Water, White, etc) as one of it's ingredients:

    All Saints, Belle Epoque, Dragon's Eye, Endymion, Hakkotsu, Hymn, Noir, Queen of Hearts, Moscow, Spectre, Suspiro, Wings of Azrael.

    In the bottle

    Another gorgeous, soft floral.


    So lovely, and more soft, feminine and rounded than the jasmine even.


    30 minutes

    I can't describe Lily of the Valley properly. I'm trying to think of a blend that it brings to mind and I can't. So at the risk of sounding sarcastic it smells like lovely bridal bouquets. Beautifully soft fresh feminine not what I'd call strong or cloying or too sweet, it's just right in all areas for a floral.



    Great bit of throw, yes.


    Scent category:




    It's similar to a soft jasmine but this is more sunshine and fresh air-like and less sensual. :P


    Purchase again?

    Yes! A 10ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    5 This is another winner.

  11. 119810077.jpg


    BPAL blends which include Jasmine (vs. Nightblooming, Star) as one of it's ingredients:

    Black Widow, Caberet, Delight, Eos, Euphrosyne, Feu Follet, Honeymoon, Ligeia, Kitsune-Tsuki, Mata Hari, Mi-Go Brain Canister, Moscow, Muse, Namaste, New Orleans, Oneiroi, Peitho, Phantasm, Santa Eularia De Riu, Siren, Suspiro, The Caterpillar, Twilight, Venice, Venom, Versailles, Vicomte De Valmont, Wicked, Wilde, Yuki-onna, Zorya.

    In the bottle

    A beautiful pure Jasmine. I hope it smells this good and rounded on my skin. I'm kinda picky about my jasmine only because I love it but it does not like me so I have to be a bit more careful when finding a good one.



    Yes, it's that rounded, feminine scent we love, and it has that one bright ray of fragrance in the background that Jasmine has. There's absolutely nothing off or weird or too anything about this pure single note of jasmine. Some jasmine single notes have that sorta piercing jasmine about it? This doesn't. It's not cloying and it's not shouting he he.


    30 minutes

    Well, this is the best jasmine i've ever smelled.



    lovely throw


    Scent category:




    It's a perfect jasmine really. There's just nothing that "sticks out" that would interfere with any enjoyment of this lovely floral.


    Purchase again?

    Yes, a 10ml if I only could.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  12. 119811662.jpg


    BPAL blends which include Carnation as one of it's ingredients:

    Alice, Bathsheba, Brisingamen, Carnivàle, Desdemona, Dreamland, Fée (Naughty or Nice blend), Gypsy Queen, Love In The Asylum, Maenad, Maiden, Masquerade, Morocco, Moscow, Pink Moon, Queen Of Spades, Saint-Germain, The Caterpillar.



    In the bottle

    Oh my, the most beautiful carnation scent ever.


    It powdery soft and fresh yet it has that spicy carnation scent as well. It smells light pink to me. :P

    30 minutes

    It's so marvelous. There isn't anything to change for the better in Beth's single note Carnation. It's perfect. I only wish it would last longer but carnation is like that on me, so wafting, soft and fleeting.



    Scent category:



    *the sound of a baseball getting hit clear outta the ballpark*

    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 10ml if that were only possible.

    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  13. 120189583.jpg


    BPAL blends which include Red Sandalwood (vs Black, White) as one of it's ingredients:

    Alone, Anne Bonny, Ave Maria Gratia Plena, Belle Epoque, Black Widow, Fenris Wolf, Libertine, Morocco, Nefertiti, Peitho, Salome, Seraglio, Titus Andronicus, Venice, Viola, Wanton.

    Thanks to the lovely Brumbjorn for letting me borrow this tarted imp. I'm a sandalwood freak so this should be good...


    In the bottle

    Nice. :P Dark and smooth, not "rubber" smelling at all which I've had the unfortunate experience to smell on lots of other companies red (or white for that matter) sandalwood.



    Oh it's sweeter than the white sandalwood to me, and it's definitely got a light cedar smell as mentioned in a post above. It's also sharper and not as nutty as the white sandalwood.


    30 minutes

    As it dries the cedary smell lessens (but doesn't disappear) and the lovely nutty dry familar smell becomes apparent.

    Get's even smoother (if you can believe it) on the dry down.





    Scent category:




    Darker and richer than white sandalwood, cedar-like at first.

    Sweeter, smoother but still cedar-y during dry down.

    Lovely smooth, nutty, deeper, more sandalwood scent when dry. Mmm. This also has great staying power. Not quite as buttery or nutty as white sandalwood but fantastic stuff here.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. If it were only possible, a 5ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  14. BPALPeonySN.jpg


    BPAL blends which use Peony (vs. Wild Peony) as one of it's ingredients: Amsterdam, The Dormouse, Grandmother of Ghosts, Mi-Go Brain Canister.

    In the bottle

    A lighter, more soapy floral. Springlike and pure smelling.


    Oh this is really really lovely. It's almost a rose scent. Not as heady more flat but similar. It reminds me of oh I dunno Two, Five & Seven maybe or something like Lucy's Kiss.

    30 minutes

    Doesn't become more soapy on the dry down which is what I was iniiitally afraid of. Nope, it gets less soapy actually, and a titch sweeter. It winds up drying down to something more like "Amsterdam". I think my friend Cupide430 would like Beth's Peony SN. It smells exactly like fresh air and sunshine.


    more than average

    Scent category:



    It's a light fresh floral that has fair throw and lasts hours on my skin.

    It dries down to a medium light, subtley sweet, fresh airy floral.

    Purchase again?


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  15. 119862740.jpg


    BPAL blends which use Plumeria as one of it's ingredients:

    Xiuhtecuhtli, La Belle Au Bois Dormant, Thalia, The Hanging Gardens.

    In the bottle

    It smells spot on.



    Now I smell the almost coconut smell mentioned above. It is almost creamy. It's such a fragrant flower. It's already morhping a bit, becoming a bit piercing and less rounded.


    30 minutes

    It dries down to a nutty medium strong floral.



    more than average


    Scent category:




    It's a strong floral, very lovely, having an almost nutty cream scent as well. And it's also quite long lasting.


    Purchase again?

    No. Not Only because I'm the freakish one who doesn't get along with coconut nor florals too much.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  16. 120198307.jpg


    BPAL blends which use Lotus (vs. Lotus root, Black Lotus, etc.) as one of it's ingredients:

    Forbidden Fruit, Frost Moon, Glitter, Kali, Kurukulla, Naiad, Muse, Ophelia, Pandora, Paris, Shattered, Strawberry Moon, Undertow

    In the bottle

    Wow, so feminine, bright and watery. It's almost a fruity floral.



    Just an insanely gorgeous scent. I mean it in and of itself is a perfume, it's so damn good. Actually this floral smells almost like pears in syrup. Wow.


    30 minutes

    This is usually the time some Lotus EO's starts smelling mushroomy to me but it is a long lasting scent this pretty little thing. It hasn't morphed into anything remotely mushroomy and it's been 40 minutes. It's just lovely smelling.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    It's medium in strength, and it has an above average lasting time on my skin. It Starts out a clear, bright, pear-mixed-with-jasmine smelling, watery floral.



    Purchase again?

    Yes, so good.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  17. 120238817.jpg


    BPAL blends which use coriander as one of it's ingredients: Tenochtitlan.

    In the bottle

    Wow, that's coriander. :P It's suprisingly nice to smell because it's so pure smelling.



    Lovely. :D It kinda has that bitey lavendery scent to it. Very fresh smelling.


    30 minutes

    Doesn't last very long on my skin. It faded away totaly after about 30 minutes, but what remains is a lovely light coriander scent, almost smells like coriander leaves even though this is from the seeds.



    A bit more than average.


    Scent category:




    Great scent. It's a spice that smells more fresh and herby really than you'd think.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  18. 120239214.jpg


    BPAL blends which use Green Grass single note as oen of it's ingredients:

    Amsterdam, The Apothecary, Rosalind, Shroud, Two, Five and Seven, Unseelie.

    In the bottle

    Yep. Lawn clippings after my dad cut the grass and it was still kind of damp. :D



    It's so wearble is the thing I would have never thought about this blend.

    It's almost pine like in it's green-ness.


    30 minutes

    Has great staying power and it doesn't morph in any way. Still smells like green grass just not as sharp as it was when wet. I prefer the dry scent, it smells more airy and light.



    A bit more than average actually.


    Scent category:

    green :P



    Amazingly pure green grass scent.


    Purchase again?

    Oddly, yes I believe I would.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  19. 120239392.jpg


    Brumbjorn thank you so much for this sniffie of BPAL's Plum single note.

    BPAL blends which include Plum (vs. Asian Plum, Black Plum, White Plum, Wild Plum, etc) as one of it's ingredients:

    Noir, Fruit moon, Harvest Moon 2005, Midwinter's Eve, Bathseheba, Bordello, Megaera, Hanging Gardens, Yerevan.


    In the bottle

    Plum, dead on, clear and bright and lushious.


    Oh man, this is good. It's fruity but sexy. This plum single note has got a musky quality to it and it's really great.

    30 minutes

    Sweet mother of God this is so good. Same subtley spicey dark red fruity goodness.


    A big winner in the throw department. Yay.

    Scent category:



    Omg this plum has it's own perfumey scent too, it's very natural though. I'm not trying to say it's fake smelling because it's not, but it's almost a tweaked hollywood version of a plum. In other words it's almost too good to be true. It's almost spicy and sexy with it's red purple fruitiness. It' almost as if one added a bit of perfuminess (just a blush), some musk, and some cinnamon. And that's how it smells just naturally. Great throw and great lasting power too. Wow.

    Purchase again?

    I wish. I would do a 10ml.

    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  20. 120240797.jpg

    BPAL blends wihich use French Lavender (vs. Bulgarian Lavender) as one of it's ingredients;

    Arcana, Arkham, Azazal, Bluebeard, Calliope, Casanova, Chesire Cat, Chiroptera, Corazon, Cyphre, Despair, Emvy, Gaueko, Mad Hatter, Naiad, Nephilim, Ode on Meloncholy, Old Scratch, Oneiroi, Pain, Paris, Psyche, Santa Eularia Des Riu, Sophia, St. Germain, Twilight, Veil, Villian, Wilde.

    In the bottle

    More sharp than the Bulgarian lavender, I can tell the difference.


    On I love ths lavender. The Bulgarian is lighter and sweeter but this is really nice too. It's not a wimp that's for sure.


    30 minutes

    Turns kind of flat and metallic like , as most good lavender blends do on me.



    a bit more than usual


    Scent category:herby



    Noticeabley less sweet than the other kind of lavender.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  21. 120240963.jpg

    BPAl blends which use vetiver as one of it's ingredients:

    Alecto, Anathema, Azathoth, Black Annis, Blood Kiss, Blood Lust, Bluebeard, Czernobog, Damnation, Fallen, Highwaymen, Hurricane, Iago, Incantation, King of Spades, Kiweku Anansi, Lex Talionis, Malediction, Marquis De Merteuil, Nephilim, Saturnalia, Serpent's Kiss, Sloth, The Caterpillar, Torment, Tortue King, Typhon, Umbra, Voodoo.

    In the bottle

    Yep. It's Vetiver(t) In all it's green imagery. I always see green when I smell vetiver, overcooked pea greyish-green.

    (Reminds me of why kids don't like the word "Yogurt".)


    Oh man. Those who know me know I don't like Vetiver, but I had to try it so I could more easily identify it in blends, etc. Yeesh.

    30 minutes

    I never wanna hear I didn't take one for the team. :P

    I must admit it does become better when it dries, smoother, not as pungent or piercing. It's almost frgrant...I suppose.


    more than average

    Scent category:

    Vetiver category.


    The words do I have to come to mind.

    It smells like rubber and green peas.

    Okay, that wasn't so bad.

    Purchase again?


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

    Do I love it? It's a 1. Is it a great Vetiver? It's a 5.

    So to be fair I'll average and give it a 3. :D

  22. 120241256.jpg

    BPAL blends which use honeysuckle as one of it's ingredients:

    Anathema, Bearded Lady, Chimera, Chiroptera, Eos, Juliet, Lolita, New Orleans, Shanghai, Twilight.

    Thanks to my friend Brumbjorn here on the forum for allowing me the opportunity to smell this.

    In the bottle



    It's definitely a honeysuckle smell of course. It's almost jasmine like it's so rounded and feminine. In the background is a light and even a bit powdery or dusty scent as they are sometimes when you inhale deeply in the center of the flower.

    30 minutes

    Stays so true and doesn't fade for a long time, literally hours. The dusty smell is gone and it's not as strong but it's still recognizabley honeysuckle.


    a wee bit more than average

    Scent category:



    It's not too strong at all, nor is it a weakling in strength as a single note floral goes.

    Purchase again?


    1-5 rating (5 being best)



    EDIT: Merged with existing thread --Shollin

  23. 120241649.jpg

    BPAL blends which use saffron as one of it's ingredients:

    Lenore, Schezerade, Bastet, Azathoth, Baghdad, Katmandu.

    Again, I need to thank my friend Brumbjorn here on the forum for allowing me the opportunity to smell this lovely blend.

    In the bottle

    An unexpectedly sweet spice, almost a delicately fruity scent to it.


    It's still a light fruity spice on me. It's light and airy like a whiff of fruitiness combined with a delicate buttery scent. There's a mintiness almost, yes a very light spearminty quality to this too.

    30 minutes

    I'm surprised at how long the delicate scent has lasted on my skin. It's been about an hour.



    Scent category:



    I've never smelled anything like this, it's surprisingly familar smelling. It's smooth, sweet, fruity, kind of creamy almost and of course having a lightly spicy feeling to it as it is a spice. It is that same wonderful foody perfuminess to a great dish of saffron rice.

    Purchase again?


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  24. 120240799.jpg

    BPAl blends which use Bulgarian lavender (vs French lavender) as oen of it's ingredients:

    Lurid, Melpomene.

    In the bottle

    Thanks to my friend Brumbjorn here on the forum for allowing me the opportunity to smell this.

    In the bottle I smell a light lavender scent.



    The original poster is right, it's a smoother lavender, not with as much bite in the beginning. It's just as fresh smelling as anything, very clear and sweet.


    30 minutes

    The dry down is always were lavender's leave me wanting, but this is good in that sense. It stays true and doesn't completely fade away like some lavender blends (bpal and otherwise) do. It stays long lasting on my skin and it is sweeter and lovely.





    Scent category:




    This is a great, differnet, smoother lavender, it is sweeter as said above and really soothing.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  25. In the bottle

    Too yummy for words. Smells like oranges but kicked up a notch.



    OMG this is beautiful. It's a spicy orange (I swear I smell orange) and then the rose is underneath and becoming a bit more strong, and then this smell like cinnamon tea or something. Thus far I'd be getting a 10ml of this soon. Where am I picking up the orange smell, is that the sandalwood and my nose is twisting it around? *scratches head*


    30 minutes

    Now it's more like yummy candied orange peel but with spices and rose added. The patchouli's there but it's not the primary note, it blends into the background in this blend.




    a bit


    Scent category:




    It's citrussy spicy with a the rose not being primary but sort of supporting the other notes.


    Purchase again?

    Yes, a 10ml. Best "orange" scent since Seraglio. :P


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

