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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by UltraViolet

  1. 4


    In the bottle

    Lovely carnation, musk and iris is what I smell primarily.

    The last reviews of the evening were nearing as my nose announced and it was between four more DIMV blends to end for the night, I chose Dreamland of the 4 left because quite simply it was the prettiest smelling in the bottle of the 4.



    It's like "Eos" (the warm skin part without the jasmine) and "Amsterdam" (that fresh water and young green grasses thing) mixed with carnation and subtley sweet phlox.

    Love it.

    Waaaay better than "Maiden" for a carnation blend for me, because it's got a touch of sweetness whereas Maiden is pretty straightlined for me in that regard.


    30 minutes

    It's gotten a touch muddier on me but nothing heinous. It's still a beautiful scent that I would wear, maybe even at night before sleep.





    Scent category:




    This is a cross between a fresh floral, and a sweet soft and powdery floral with the scent of warm musk. And it works beautifully. There is one note in here that gives it that push towards a blend of "fitful scent of nightmare, rife with ill-omen" and I think it's the osmanthus. There is also a subtle creaminess about this blend.

    It's not too strong of a floral for you folks who don't like strong florals, an it's not cloyingly sweet for those who are leery of those.

    And you fresh floral folks like Cupide will like this I think. It also has good staying power.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)




  2. 3.5


    In the bottle

    The familiar scent of Vetiver(t) but it's actually nice in this blend, it doesn't scare me. I smell lime (even though it's lemon not lime in here), herbs and a bitterness, and it's nice and quite representative of the description and of the story.



    The patchouli is predominant and the vetiver and lemon is next in majority of what I smell when it's on my skin.


    30 minutes

    More of the smoke smell is there. It's quite even with the patchouli now and the vetiver is still beneath.

    The lemon peel is pretty vague now, the saffron is here now but lightly so.





    Scent category:




    I don't smell the musk nor the plum (gah!).

    It certainly does connotate darkness and bitterness. This blend is not sweet in the least. But that isn't a negative point with me just an informational fact.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)




  3. 4


    In the bottle

    Wow so fresh and lovely smelling, the same sort of vibe as Blue Moon to me but not really the same of course.



    This is lovely, the cucumber and wild peony are what I smell primarily. The sage and is there but lightly and the rest are like whisps of scent atop everything else.


    30 minutes

    Becomes more soft and powdery floral with lashings of cucumbery freshness.




    more than average


    Scent category:




    This so perfectly encapsulates "Annabel Lee".

    It's fresh sea air smell with a white floral perfume.

    Good lord.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  4. 116095862.jpg


    In the bottle

    Cinnamon definitely. And I even smell something else foody spicy and sweet.



    Very spicy with the cinnamon. And there is patchouli. For a brief few minutes I did indeed smell something citrussy, more orange than lemon or grapfruit. But now it's not really noticeable. There is indeed a resin in here. Amber? Not sure really.


    30 minutes

    Smells like the red hot toothpicks I used to chew by the hundreds when I was younger. I really love Cardomom and Sandalwood. I wish I smelled more of it in this blend but my skin is just amping up the cinnamon like there's no tomorrow.



    maybe a bit more than average


    Scent category:

    Spicy..and uh...spicy.



    As spicy as "Hellfire", and more spicy than "Malkuth" as far as cinnamon goes.

    The patchouli goes rather well with the cinnamon. Who knew?People who like the vibe of earthy meets spicy will love this blend.


    Purchase again?

    No. This is nice but I like Malkuth better so I don't think I'll be buying more "Alone".


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  5. 4.5



    In the bottle

    I smell a bright, floral, musk and it's very pretty.



    It's a classic smelling sensual and clean floral scent.


    30 minutes

    Becomes even more beautiful. Less astringent and more powdery soft. It's clean and has a very light sweetness. Light white floral that is not too much for me at all. And then there's that sensual musk.



    average maybe a bit more than average for me


    Scent category:




    There is that crystalline scent that is in so many bpal blends I love like "Sea of Glass" or "Empyreal Mist", but this goes a step further with the floral (not too much though) and adds the sensual scent of musk in equal measure.

    As it dries it gets better. It becomes even brighter on my skin (which is odd as bright usually turns muddy on me skin after a length of time). It also has more of a powderiness now and almost a citrussy vibe (lemon or grapefruit, not orange). It's scent on me when it is fully dry is clean, subtley sweet citrus, floral with a hint of musk. It has better than average staying power also.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. This is something I might were more than occasionally and at a conservative workplace too.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)




  6. In the bottle

    I smell menthol or peppermint. I just do. I has to be the rosemary.



    I still smell menthol or peppermint even while on my skin so I must be the rosemary. I'm surprised the Jasmine is not that strong, I was concerned but I didn't need to be because it's a soft jasmine. The oakmoss is also not as strong as in other BPAl blends that have oakmoss in them. The Sleeper smells herby, green and camphorish or maybe like something that has pennyroyal in it. Makes it nice to breathe.


    30 minutes

    It dries down to a more dusty floral.





    Scent category:




    This is green as TIA's "Dunwhich" is green, and spicy herby with just a touch of Jasmine.

    Crypt musk. Who knew?


    Purchase again?

    No. I like Undertow just a bit more for this kind of scent. But this is a pleasure to smell.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  7. 115967664.jpg


    In the bottle

    A light fresh floral.



    This is as pretty as "Fae", and "Titania" and all the other blends that have these same kind of florals. This is so lightly sweet and vaguely herbal, it's like a whispy breeze of fresh subtley sweet air.

    After about 2 minutes the lotus starts to turn as lotusy as it wants to be apparently. I hope this "phase" disappears as it sometimes does with lotus, if I'm lucky.


    30 minutes

    The mushroomy lotus smell on me is still there but it's not a heinous thing scent wise. I'm just frutrated because I can't keep smelling that beautiful fresh air floral that was there for a moment...and I'm taking it out on the lotus.





    Scent category:




    This is right up there with Amsterdam, Chuparosa as a fresh, light floral initially when wet. And while in the bottle. It also reminds me a bit of white light, but not that there's any melon or honeysuckle like scent in here it's just that same kind of blend.

    Then during the dry down it gets a bit muddier with the earthy lotus.

    And then ultimately my skin just sucks up all the scent. I slathered this on and it's so light to my nose.


    Purchase again?

    Yes an imp, I'm not sure about a bottle.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  8. In the bottle

    This is a pale gold colored liquid.

    Smells like Plumeria mostly.



    I smell mostly plumeria with a bit of pear in the background. Not as champagne-like nor acidic as "Bon Vivant" for instance. And not as pear-like as Titania. It's thicker, more floral and sweeter than those.

    I don't know how I worked two champagne blends and two pear blends into three reviews in a row, must have been subconcious, but I might review similar blends that way in the future as it's kind of a different and fun way to review.


    30 minutes

    It's pretty but too much of a floral for my skin. My skin just amps it all up to be a little too much.





    Scent category:




    This smells like the heady, tropical, and creamy plumeria flower.


    Purchase again? No, too sweet and floral, to cloying and not fresh smelling enough to balance this out for my skin.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  9. 115931975.jpg


    In the bottle

    It's a pale gold liquid.

    Yep. It smells like sparkly, strawberry something. It does smell liquor-like and bubbly as champagne.



    Well this just might be the best strawberry scent. Better on my skin than Hollywood Babylon, Pink Moon or Strawberry Moon many even :P,it's fruity and sparkly.


    30 minutes

    This dries down to a crisp and sparkling medium strawberry scent, a strawberry full of light and it's subtley sweet which is nice for me.





    Scent category:




    It's a perfect strawberry scent, not too thick nor cloyingly sweet.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. a 5ml.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  10. 3.5


    In the bottle

    This is a dark red brown liquid.

    I smell the patchouli and the red musk primarily.



    Mmm, the myrrh is divine. It's not too overpowering, but it is a firm myrrh.

    The ylang ylang is so subtle as to be almost unnoticeable but it lends this strong blend just that bit of sweet floral that this blend needs in order to have a wonderful balance with the strong dark smells of the patchouli, myrrh and red musk.


    30 minutes

    This is a good hearty blend with some staying power.

    It doesn't morph in any unusual manner on my skin. It stays that nice lusty dark sexual smell with the slight floral twang of ylang ylang in the background.





    Scent category:




    I didn't expect to like this as much as I do. I feel this deserves a place in my "darkly sexual" pile with Noir, Sin, etc.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. Another imp though, not a bottle.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  11. 4.5


    In the bottle

    It is a pale gold liquid.

    It smells like pear and champagne or something close to that.



    So fresh smelling. Like a fresh crisp pear and sweet grasses. The above poster was spot on with her comparitive of "this scent is to spring as what The Hesperides are to autumn."


    30 minutes

    It's still so fresh smelling just like a little fairy glade would smell in a patch of golden sunshine in the woods near a stream.





    Scent category:

    Fruity/ fresh floral



    Titania is the Queen of the Fairies and wife of Oberon in Shakespeare's Midsummer-Night's Dream. And this blend has that starry ethereal quality mixed with the freshness of greenery, crispness of grape and pear, and light flowers.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. I knew it would be beautiful, I don't know why I didn't just buy a 10ml bottle.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  12. 115342293.jpg

    BPAL blends which include Stargazer Lily single note as one of it's ingredients:

    Bearded Lady, Grandmother of Ghosts, Peitho, Juliet, Ophelia.



    In the bottle

    This is a very pale gold colored blend.

    The most beautiful lily smell but more powdery than it's cousin the calla lily.



    Soft powdery white floral smell. Like a baby powder kind of white lily smell with some lilac-like scent too.


    30 minutes

    It's a beautiful lily floral. It is very light when dry though so one would have to slather this I would think. Ithas almost disappeared on my wrist





    Scent category:




    This is perfect to me in every way.


    Purchase again?

    Yes I would purchase a 10ml if I could.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  13. 4



    No Lab description.

    Count Alessandro di Cagliostro was famous Italian magician and alchemist (1743-1795)

    In the bottle

    Deep mysterious smoke with a dark fruitiness.



    It smells deep and sensual and smells truly like a gender nuetral blend.

    It's got alot of smokiness, sort of similar to Wildfire and there seems to be ginger and a teeny bit of civet, maybe some dark myrrh as well. It's lightly sweet, maybe from some sort of resin or a plum-like fruit?


    30 minutes

    Hasn't strayed from it's original scent on my skin at all.

    It seems to have better than average staying power.



    a bit more than average


    Scent category:




    This is a familiar smell, and addictive smell, a dark smell. The feeling of familiarity keeps me sniffing my wrists a ridiculous amount of times.

    It's got this smoke primarily, then it's subtley foody because of the plum or whatever frutiiness that is, and it's also incensey. Nice gothic scent.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. I've not smelled anything quite like this. It seems to have a "ritual work" vibe to it, which is nice.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)



    ETA: Apparently I didn't wait till it was all the way dry. Now it is a more feminine powdery floral backing,still dark but with the smokiness gone. Very beautiful and this brings the rating to a new "4" from "3.5".



  14. 2.5



    In the bottle

    Floral and bright.



    Boy this is piercing. Yeah piercing is the word I'd use to describe this floral scent. It makes one whince, kinda like the tip of De Sade's blade. Yikes.


    30 minutes

    It dries down to a bright, subtley sweet but sharp floral.





    Scent category:




    It does indeed have a "Sweet Honesty" smell to it as described above.

    It's not the least tolerable of all blends but it's not something I would wear unless I'd planned on using a "safe word" in the near future. If your safe word is "Ow" than this just might be the blend for you. :P


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  15. 3.5


    In the bottle

    It's a pale gold colored blend.

    It's a bit like Zombi in the bottle. A nice blend of rose and mosses.



    Wow, this is different and it's good. I can smell the Greek incense, moss and rose primarily. The benzoin and myrrh kind of holding everything together. This is one of those "incessantly mushing your nose to your wrist" blends. Addictive. Sniff sniff sniff, it's wonder I haven't sniffed all the smell out of it. This isn't like Zombi as I thought it smelled like in the bottle. This is different, intriguing as hell.

    Why can't I smell the sandalwood? Hmph.


    30 minutes

    It dries down to a sweet incensey blend with a dark green mossy scent mixed in and a "pokey" bright pickling spice scent note in there that I can't place. Mastic maybe? I've no idea.





    Scent category:




    This is enchanting.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. An imp.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)




  16. 4.5


    In the bottle

    Mmm. This is somewhat of a masculine scent. I do smell a bit of leather and it's nice. This blend smells subtley sweet and a bit brighter than I initially imagined. It's quite lovely. It's a little like being out in some thick woods after a sweet rain, not that it smells like pine and that, in fact it does not, but just the nice smell of leaves and majestic wet redwoods.



    My goodness it's so nice, almost fruity in some sense.

    I smell mostly the lovely rosewood, tonka and incense when it's on my skin.


    30 minutes

    That deep rosewood scent dries down nicely. I don't smell the leather anymore but the blend as a whole dries to a lovely yet deep woodsy scent with a middle of sweet incense and a fluttering of parchment papers (so cool, how does she do that) on top.



    Only a wee bit more than average


    Scent category:

    Woody, Incense



    I admire the man very much as he was so influential with the Enochian, and Hermetic philosphies.

    I've studied his work for years and am convinced of his "mathematics is magic and magic is mathmatics" concepts. It's nice to be able to be reminded of him in a third dimensional way with this scent. I would imagine "Dee" would be an outstanding ritual oil as well and I can't wait to try it in that regard.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. It's so nice smelling and it's quite comforting too.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  17. http://pic7.picturetrail.com/VOL202/154131...4/113478295.jpg


    In the bottle

    Spicy floral with a touch of warm...vanilla?



    Lovely florals. Not too strong, nor too weak. The combination of jasmine, vanilla, lily, maybe hoeysuckle, and spice are alot nicer smelling than I initially thought they would be.


    30 minutes

    Tries to get a bot soapy on the dry down but the spices and the vanilla smelling note doesn't let it become soapy. Pretty and sesnsual too.



    A bit more than average


    Scent category:




    The warm vanilla note is more prominent in the bottle than on my skin but it is there when I put it on thank goodness.

    This is good. I'm picky about florals because they tend to amp up with my chemistry but this stays really pretty on me. The spiciness is not too much, everything is blended so that nothing really sticks out.

    It lasts a bit more than the average bpal blend on the skin.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  18. Here is a picture of the bottle http://pic7.picturetrail.com/VOL202/154131...4/113478311.jpg



    In the bottle

    No butter topper like Harvest moon 2004. Harvest Moon 2004 started out yummy buttery and then floral came and turned on my skin and choked me so this is more fruity definitely, which is good for me.



    OMG. This reminds me of Swank, Lughnadaas, and Mabon all rolled into one. I smell very little floral and alot of the dark rich fruits of Autumn....and folks...it's passed the 5 second mark meaning it's not going to do that "change-a-roo" that the old blend did. Yay!!!!


    30 minutes

    Ooh it dries down nicely; the floral is more to the fore and it is absolutely fresh and lovely. It's a fresh floral with crisp but cidered apple along with a nice "Swank" meets "Malkuth" vibe. :P

    Definitely an Autumn scent. Way to go Beth.



    a wee bit more than average.


    Scent category:




    This is foody and fruity on my skin with the wine-soaked apples being so yummy. It smells like pomegranates to me as well so that's the relation to BPAL's "Swank" that I have in my head.

    I smell the plums, pears, brown sugar and mullig spices most.

    I don't smell the gladiola, chrysanthemum, aster, dahlia, anemone, bergamot, marigold, sage, verbena, ivy leaves.

    I do smell only a wee bit the amaranth and lingum aloe.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! Why didn't I get more than one bottle???!!!!


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  19. 113389175.jpg


    In the bottle

    Spicy floral

    This is a dark orange colored blend.



    It smells like Cinnamon, Jasmine, Dragon's Blood.

    It's spicy, sweet, thick, resinous and floral.


    30 minutes

    Now I smell more...lotus?

    Other then that it smells the same not much has changed and that's a good thing.



    More than average


    Scent category:




    Long lasting scent that is spicy and sensual. It's feminine but powerful. It smells like Salome, and Hellfire mixed together. :P


    Purchase again?

    Yes! A 5ml or three.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  20. 113064283.jpg


    In the bottle

    This is a dusky brown liquid. Remarkable throw. It's a masculine scent with lovely musk, a bit sweet and dark green.



    Oh this does a great job indeed of reminding me of the "Green Man" or "The Horned God", "Pan" or any of his various incarnations. It's woody and dark green. There's a bt of a leathery smell from civet I think. The patchouli is earthy, and the subtley sweet note and the musk is attractive. Is this Ambergris that I'm smelling perhaps or a synthetic ambergris? I'm not very familiar Ambergris but I think there might be some in here. It's nice whatever it is.


    30 minutes

    It turns more civet-like on the dry down.

    I even smell a bit of mint! Yes, it's either mint or pennyroyal. Very nice.

    It's a changling blend! But not in that whiplash way like Harvest Moon does for me. Not in an unfavorable way.

    I love those type of blends that totally encapuslate what they're named after even to the point of changing midstream into a completely different scent, introducing different aspects of it's persona as it goes; such as Hermes, Chesire Cat, Salamander or this one. These blends don't smell alike but just that ability to shift as the energy they're named after. I was worried about the upcoming scent of civet but it draws back and up a bit to an actual agreeable amount...then comes this mint from out of nowhere like a breeze. Now I detect a bit of pine in the background.




    more than average


    Scent category:




    I'm guessing Patchouli, Civet, Musk, Herbs, Wood, Mint, Pine, and whatever the lovely mild sweet musky scent is.

    I wouldn't or couldn't wear this to a conservative board meeting at a stiff office setting I don't think but Temple of the Horned God as a whole is something I would wear. It's a quite extraordinary blend that is masculine but playful, sensual and a bit mischevious just like one would think "the protector of the wildwood" would be. :P


    Purchase again?

    Yes. I can't believe I like something with civet in it. This lively blend has made quite the impression on me. This does great things as an earth blend and can be used in ritual work to that end too quite well I think. It's a marvelous way to celebrate an archetype of male virility and sexuality.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  21. 112810602.jpg


    In the bottle

    Lovely sweet and resinous.



    OMG! Juicy! Orange, lemon, amber, heliotrope, cinnamon? OMG this is good. :P


    30 minutes

    Even less sweet and more orangey and lemony. Now it's like I'm smelling a fresh orange peel in one nostril and a fresh lemon peel in the other. Wow.





    Scent category:




    All this time I've been looking for the perfect orange blend, and I never though to look for a solar blend. Of course it makes sense now.Yep, this is the best orange blend from BPAL yet. It's way better on me than Seraglio and Kuntkzkammer, Rakhasha even. :D And as far as Solar blends it's better than "Ra", "The Sun" as well. It's more sunshine-y but more yummy too...more bright.

    I can't believe it took me this long to Finally try Sol.


    Purchase again?

    Yes. A 10ml if ony I can find one.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  22. 112809750.jpg


    In the bottle

    Smells like light roses with a soft aquatic background.



    So normally this might smell like Kurukulla or Two Six and Seven but because of some herbal or otherwise lunar-ty[e oils this is so much better. Instead of being a rose scent, this is a lunar type oil with a bit of rose to it. Pungent pickling spice herbies in there. Very ethereal like but more feminine than Blue Moon say. But Venus doesn't have that cool cucumbery air. Instead it has the rose.


    30 minutes

    Now this blend has some kind of "ewww" factor. I know it's just an herbal thing as I've smelled this before in a blend or two. It's pickle juice like.



    A wee bit more than average


    Scent category:




    This is more rosey and more pungent than I initially thought.

    This is very close to Kurukulla. :P


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  23. 112746823.jpg

    In the bottle

    Mmm, I do believe this might be the best rose scent ever.



    Okay maybe not. Roses, light and watery, light blue color in the minds eye. Pretty like two, five and seven or kurukulla. But with more of a bitter bright fruitiness almost like wine or cider.

    The rose geranium is strong in this blend. I do smell the slight twang of ylang ylang and the crispness of the apple but the apple doesn't stay long unfortunately. I don't smell the sandalwood at all, pity as this would definitely add what I think is missing. My skin must zap all the sandalwood in this blend. I don't smell any musk either.


    30 minutes

    It's turned a bit bitter, and soapy. The apple is really saving this blend.



    more than average, yes.


    Scent category:

    Floral/Fruity/Animalistic/Incensey (I only smell Floral and Fruit)



    My mother is a Libra. Need I say more.

    At first it's roses and champagne.

    Then it's soapy and headache inducing. The only saving grace is the tiny glimmer of bright crisp apple.

    The sandalwood and musk up and left apparantly, maybe because of the nagging.


    Purchase again?



    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  24. 112743971.jpg


    In the bottle

    Mmm...amber, cinnamon. Sweet but hot!




    Oh this is so good. It has cinnamon, clove, white pepper, eucalyptus (or mint).

    It reminds me of "Aries" but with more "Inferno" quality about it (except without the added orange of BPAL's "Inferno") and maybe a little Tulzscha or Undertow. :P


    30 minutes

    Incredible staying power. Dries down to a bright but hot scent. Sweet but not too sweet, hot, minty like the steel on a new sword.



    a bit more than average only.


    Scent category:




    As an Aries who are ruled by Mars, I couldn't wait to try this. I thought if it was anything like Aries it's gonna be great for me. It has this understone of scent that I don't think I've ever smelt or it's in some kind of combo that I don't recorgnize but it's really good. I think it's an herb or... camphor! I think it's Camphor! LOL. Now in "Salamander" it's not too good but in "Mars" it is good. If you like blends such as "Aries", "Three Witches", "Tulszcha", "Undertow", "Inferno" or "Hellfire" you'll love this.


    Purchase again?

    Yes! A 10ml if I could possibly find one. Oh God, if anyone could possibly have mercy and contact me if they have any to swap or sell.


    1-5 rating (5 being best)


  25. 112739185.jpg


    In the bottle

    herby, woody, spicy



    violet and something woody or dry leaf smelling.

    At about 2 minutes there seems to be an almost minty or cinnamony quality, that kind of spicy or minty nice burning smell. Now I smell smoke and there's a sweetness now that isn't all that good, I like it before the sweetness came out.


    30 minutes

    Um.... "The Celery, The Celery!"



    more than average surprsingly


    Scent category:




    Changling if a little bugger (just like Scorpio's hehe). At first green yet strong and fresh, then warm and smoky. I'm surrounded by the little bast...eh...creatures. My best friend, my husband, and my young boy/girl twins...all Scorpio's. I'm thinking of opening a workshop on how to deal.



    Purchase again?

    No. Too acrid. I think that says something right there, I'm going to tell my husband. :P


    1-5 rating (5 being best)

