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Nox Eterna

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Posts posted by Nox Eterna

  1. :D

    In the bottle this smells just like last year's October oil, (Which I LOVE in the bottle but does funky stuff on my skin)

    I sprayed my pillows with it about 3 days ago and every time I walk in the room the loveliness is still wafting around the room. Love this stuff and know what I'll be doing with that bottle of October. :P

  2. :P OMG!

    I haven't taken a bath in this yet either, but I rubbed some on my arm and....

    You know how the pavement smells after it rains? This is IT . Like walking on a damp sidewalk through a neighborhood where someone is having a fire in the fireplace and another house in the far distance is baking something delicious.

    Beth, this is absolutely AMAZING! :D

  3. When I was little, we had a little flower tree in the front yard-- the one with pussywillows that turn into big, waxy, pink-and-white, tulip-shaped flowers. I remember waiting each year for the first flower to appear so that I could break it open and smell it before it blossomed. Baobhan Sith reminds me so much of that broken flower's smell that it nearly sends me swooning.


    That is why I HAD to have Baobhan Sith. We had the same tree in my front yard when I was small and I did the same thing. Magpiedee is spot on, this takes me right back to that house when I was 5 years old playing under that tree. :D

    I love this scent and amd SO glad it is back. :P

  4. Shango


    In the imp: Banana


    Wet on: still banana with coconut coming out a little bubble-gummy


    Dry on: A giant fruit salad sprinkled with chili powder like they sell at flea markets,

    and a bit of muskiness.


    Over all: This IS what Summer smells like for me, fruity,warm and tropical.

    And it layers fabulously with Designer Skin's "Worship Me" suntan lotion. :P

    Off to order a big bottle. :D

  5. This is the resurrected Saturn


    Let me start off by saying..... Saturn :D

    One of my ruling planets so I HAD to get it. In the bottle woody/smokey/earthy

    Imagine Satyrs and Nymphs dancing around the fire deep in the forest. Wet on my skin pretty much the same, then it morphs into the most glorious sweet, earthy, vanilla musk :D Already got a compliment from the male house mate.

    Is there really civet in this? If there is, then I have two civet loves...Saturn and Morella. All I know for sure is I NEED to find another bottle of this :P

  6. I had such high hopes.......


    In the imp....Chapstick, you know the original one in the black tube?


    Wet on: Still kinda Chap-sticky with a weird spicy undertone

    OK now I know the weird spicy undertone, it's, it's.....CURRY CHICKEN????? :P

    OH hell no! Soap and water my kingdom for soap and water!

  7. I bought Morella based on andrabell's review so here goes...... :P


    In the bottle: Very green and herbal

    Wet on: citronella candles? Oh no....

    Dry on: OK... HERE'S what she was talking about...soft and fresh very clean smelling, what I hoped it would smell like. Don't let the civet freak you out, this is lovely!

  8. In the bottle: Something green, just cut,like herbs or grasses.


    On wet: Calvin Klein's Obsession


    Dry: Still Obsession


    This never changes once it hits my skin. Not bad at all, just not me.

    I think I'll let my sister try this one.


    **EDIT** And now for something completley different....

    I tried this again and have been wearing it for the past three days :P

    OK FINE!, I am even seriously thinking I should get another bottle. Calvin is no longer around. I obviously was suffering from temporary insanity before. :D

    Good thing I never handed it of to my sister.

  9. In the bottle I can't really pick anything specific out. I can bearly smell anything.

    Once it hits my skin it slowly starts to develope into a soft spicey floral,this is very nice. I really like Beatrice and will wear her often. :P

  10. :D

    I love this!

    I have been hoarding my imp for so long that I HAD to get a bottle

    First on it is very apricoty

    Then it blends into a fabulous scent of the apricot, musk, and orange blossom.

    None really stand out as overpowering above the others.

    I guess the best compliment was my Mother who said, " What are you wearing?THAT ONE smells like you"

    I put it on at 9 this morning and over eight hours later it's still going strong



  11. When I first opened the bottle I thought, cinnamon graham crackers?


    After applying it, Devil's Night turns warm, spicey, sweet with a touch of musky smokiness.

    I wore this out on Halloween night, it was a chilly evening so there were Autumn fires in the distance, blended with the scent of Devil's Night it was wonderful. :P


    I hope it makes a return next year.

  12. I put this on and instantly thought WOW this is fabulous on me, then came the true test I said nothing but walked past my Mother (who suffers from horrible migraines and is set off by certain scents) "What are you wearing?" she says. In a panic I think oh great,something else I can't wear around her. So I ask "why?" and she says "Because it smells nice"... :P I can't believe it! So now when we go off on shopping trips she says " Ah Love in the asylum, that's a good one"

    Woo Hoo!

  13. In the vial: Green apples and a bit of caramel


    Wet on: Like being in an apple orchard the scent of apples but also the bark of the trees.


    Dry on: Like a bunch of just picked pippins set in an oak bushel.


    Overall: A Very Autumnal scent, I think it would be good on a candle or in an oil burner. A little too foody on me as a perfume,but lovely. :P

  14. This reminds me of an antique shop my parents used to frequent. Old wooden dressing tables, underneath, a hint of what might have been stored in it's old dusty drawers, linens with a lilac sachet tucked carefully in the folds. After wearing it for a while the woodiness disappears and it becomes all lilac. Very strong lilac

    not for me, but glad I got to try it and evoke some old memories.

  15. This was a frimp from the lab. I had considered getting an imp but something else would always get it bumped from the order.


    Wow, for me this is "Funeral in A bottle". It has the scent and memory association

    of every funeral I have ever been to, from the smoke and ash of the incense burning in a hot metal censer to the dampness of holy water being sprinkled on

    the floral casket blanket. Scent is the strongest memory trigger, but these aren't memories I want to relive. Very disturbing in it's effectiveness though.

  16. Nocnitsa


    In the vial: Warm damp forest floor on a Spring day.


    Wet on: Sun warmed damp earth with new pine sprouts starting to emerge.


    Dry on: Sweet and fruity. Fresh wild berries warmed by the sun, entwined

    in the branches of pines.


    Overall: Warm day in a Spring forest. Maybe a picnic or camping trip. On me it is

    a warm forest scent, where black forest seems like a cool forest. :P

  17. Black Forest


    In ther vial: A cool crisp day in a pine forest


    Wet on: Cool,sweet bayberry


    Dry on: Something spicy, cinnamon? And pine. Like cookies for Santa under the



    Overall: On me it's a cool freah scent like a wintery forest, out looking

    for the perfect Christmas tree where nocnitsa seems

    like a spring forest. I like it alot, especially for the cooler weather that

    I really hope will be here soon. :P
