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Posts posted by lady_pandora

  1. Minty, limey, some more eucalyptus as the scent progresses, and the amber lending a quiet sweetness that lurks at the back of the blend. I think this will make a great summer scent! It made me want to drink a lime LaCroix. And I did. :tongue:

  2. I dabbed this on as a sleep scent last night--I like to change them up sometimes, because I feel like I stop being able to smell them after a while. Verdict: awesome!


    I get basically no gardenia; I even forgot it was supposed to have any. This is herbal lavender with woody cedar on me, unisex, a little medicinal, probably not something I'd wear for a night out on the town, but definitely something I'd wear for meditation or sleep or just to calm my nerves. And I slept well and had a pretty neat dream too.

  3. I loved Seven Herbs Charm, and thought it made me smell like a cross between a lemon bar and the lemon Strawberry Shortcake doll. Alas, it only came in imp form and I've been out for ages. With Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat, I was hoping to recapture that.


    Unfortunately, this is just too sweet on me, in the same way Machu Picchu is, or Four Seasons: Winter. I'm not sure if there's a common note or if my skin is just doing weird things. I wanted more tartness from this, I think. I like the story, though!

  4. Cassiopeia is a cousin of Lucille and Black Moths who got lost on her way to the ancestral mansion and ended up in the sky instead. Starts out big bold wine and then morphs into smoky, incensey plum. I agree with ramblingrambler that this will probably age really well too.

  5. Early on, I can make out red musk and what I think is the cola-y scent of opoponax, but it quickly swirls into a mix of church incense that I can't easily pick apart into individual notes. It's a little sweet, and a little metallic to add some weirdness to it, and is a completely gorgeous church incense scent while being totally distinct from Midnight Mass. I really like it! It feels old, and sacred. This is what I was looking for in The Mournful Influence of the Unperceived Shadow, which has a patchouli that kind of curbstomps the church incense on me.


    I overamp red musk as scents age, so my time with this one may be limited, but I plan to make the most of it!

  6. Hypothermia starts out as a bracing, kind of mouthwash-y mint in the early stages, and then like others have described, it fades to mostly Snow White with a smidge of mint and a hint of cologney-ness. I seriously have so.much. Snow White that I'm not totally sure if I need this, but then, there was a day last week when this would have been the perfect scent: I was a little hung over in the morning and wanted a minty scent to counteract my headache, but then later in the day when I felt better, I started craving Snow White. It's such a specific fit that I think I'll hang onto my bottle a while and see if I end up reaching for it as the holiday-party season (and the morning-after season!) really gets underway. :laugh:

  7. I get snowy mint in the early going, morphing to a soft musk note (I would guess this is the "skin musk" note?) and a sweet element that reminds me of beeswax. Soft and pretty and cuddly. It doesn't really smell like the literal scent of a dog to me, but it does smell like snuggling with a dog makes you feel, if that makes any sense. Keeper! :wub3:

  8. Petite Planchette is amazingly faithful to the description. If you like the listed notes, you will not be disappointed. This is a beautiful warm smooth wood note (is this mahogany?) coated in honeyed resin. Medium throw and staying power, not a lot of morph on me. Utterly gorgeous.

  9. My first thought about Silk Road was that it smelled like nag champa, and then I was like "No! That's frangipani. It's a lot like what's in Delight." And maybe someday I will remember that nag champa has frangipani in it, and that I was right both times. :laugh: (And maybe someday I'll figure out why I like it when it's called frangipani, and not when it's called plumeria, even though they're the same thing. Are there two strains? Is it all in my head? Does it have to do with the other notes it's blended with? But that's a question for another day.)


    So anyway, nag champa is the dominant scent on me here. The considerable throw is almost all nag champa. Close to the skin, I get a slight camphoraceous note and an impression of dusty wood and possibly slight cinnamon, along with more nag champa. It doesn't morph a ton other than the wood gradually getting a little stronger in the background.


    It's too bad this is DC'd, because this is really beautiful, a floral-incensey blend that isn't quite like anything else in my collection. I will definitely be getting a lot of use out of this imp.

  10. This was a frimp in a recent order, and once again, the Lab knows me better than I knew myself! I might never have tried this, since the whole "belle" concept is just not something that really fits me, but wow, this scent is beautiful.


    The dominant note is a creamy, just this side of edible, lush, hypnotic floral, I think mostly magnolia, though I don't really know what oleander smells like on its own, so it might be in here too. The mandarin manifests as occasional bursts of citrus, kind of effervescent, with a pleasant bitterness to offset the big big sweetness of the magnolia. I can't particularly make out musk or spice, but I'm sure they're playing some kind of role in this gorgeousness. Not much morph, lots of staying power. This is Top 10 material for me and a definite big bottle eventually.


    Absolutely classic. I'm a nerd so this reminds me of Stella Mayfair drinking champagne, but this is classic enough that you could wear it to church with your grandma if you wanted to, and no one would know about the Hell but you. :wink: It's pure Belle.

  11. Croquet starts out with a light, cheerful mix of citrus, which then gives way to a "clean" rose note in the throw, while on my skin it smells a little...burnt somehow? It's very faint on me. In any case, once the rose came out, it reminded me a lot of the rose in Fresh and Blooming as a Rose, so I dabbed some of that on my other arm for an impromptu deathmatch. Fresh and Blooming has a lot more throw on me, and the skin scent is nicer, so I think, alas, Croquet will get swapped, but it would be a nice, fresh scent for summer.

  12. This works better on me that it has any right to, given my track record with ozone! I kept waiting for it to (a) give me a headache or ( B) start smelling like dryer sheets, but neither thing happened. What I get is a sort of watery/misty green scent with a hint of something sharp lurking in the background. No leather that I can detect. It has the potential to go overly masculine, but never really does that either, and I find myself going back to sniff my arm again. I'm still not quite sure if this is "me," but it's interesting!


    ETA: Alas, I spoke too soon; I did eventually get a headache from this. Fie on you, ozone!

  13. Total chemistry fail. :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: Zip Line goes wrong enough on me that I'm going to put it behind a spoiler cut so it won't give anyone else a preconceived notion if they don't want it.




    Pee. Leather and stanky ammoniac pee. Why, skin, why? :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: And the first glimmerings of a headache. I can usually do oudh--not sure if it's it or the leather misbehaving here.



  14. I bought this based on Haute Macabre's review comparing it to running across the moors in a gothic novel! I'm glad I did--this one works out pretty well on me.


    The pine comes out first and is sort of a cleaning-products blast in the early going, but the other notes come in to balance it out before too long. Opium usually works well on me and it does here too, a soft floral-incense cloud that I imagine as purple, and then the higher-pitched moonflower luminous and cold in the background. The pine isn't dominant anymore but sticks around to ground the blend.


    This reminds me somewhat of the "full moon night in the woods" feel of HM's Esbat, and I may deathmatch them at some point. But I think there will definitely be moods where I want this.

  15. The Dark Side of Fire: cinnamon, bitter almond, and neroli. Heavily spiced, torrid, and possibly conflagrant.


    Well, I've had a whole parade of BPAL hits lately, so I guess I was due for a scent that just wasn't my thing. In the imp, I get almond and cinnamon; on me, the cinnamon is dominant close to the skin while the throw is milder and a mix of all three notes. There isn't anything wrong with it; I can't even say it's bad on my chemistry. I think it's working as intended. It's just not quite my jam.

  16. I've been meaning to try this forever, and then it appeared as a frimp in my latest order. Thanks Lab! :wub3:


    This is one of those blends where every note in it works on me most of the time, and I was able to predict pretty well what it would smell like on. It's just as described: dragon's blood rounded out by creamy vanilla with hints of honey. Sometimes the honey amps up a little higher and I get O-ish wafts, but mostly DB and vanilla are the stars. It's beautiful and comforting, and will definitely have a permanent place in my collection.

  17. This is one of those scents where I just really love what Beth did on a conceptual level. The dominant note here is a light, perky raspberry, which will remind women of my generation of B&BW's Sun-Ripened Raspberry, but underneath it there's always this other note that is "off." It's like metal or rust or blood. You start relaxing into the simple pleasure of the raspberry note, and then you smell that. It won't let you forget that this blend is referring to something serious, despite its surface pleasantness.


    I don't smell anything identifiable as birch, but symbolically I like that it's there, because one of its associations is with punishment.


    I wore this for my Dolores Umbridge costume.

  18. Foody scents often go wrong on my skin, especially ones containing dairy or bakery notes, and the way they go wrong is that they smell burnt or bitter on me. So the cheesecake aspect of Beaver Moon had me a little worried even as the rest of the blend sounded delightful. Hooray, this is a foody scent that works! :joy:


    I start out getting mostly coffee, with a hint of chocolate in the background, and the chipotle as a spicy little tickle to the nose when I sniff close to the skin. I suspect that the reason the usual bitter note doesn't happen is that the coffee drowns it out--anything that smells burnt/bitter is just registering as part of the coffee's roasted quality! So I guess the secret to fighting the bitter note is to make sure something else in the blend is bitter-er? :laugh:


    As it evolves, it goes through a stage where it's oddly a bit woody, like the salty wood notes that sometimes appear in the pirate-themed scents. I can't imagine what note is causing this*, but it seems appropriate for a beaver scent. That dam's not going to build itself! :laugh:


    Ooooh, and then out comes the caramel. I love the British word "lashings" for large amounts of yummy stuff, and there are lashings and lashings of caramel here. I tested this in the evening, and by the time I went to bed, the scent was mostly caramel, and then when I woke up, it smelled good enough to devour my arm. And not a hint of bitter. So this is going to join my "Miracle BPALs that break all the rules" list.


    *Edit! I just read up a little on chipotle peppers, and what I didn't know was that they're just jalapenos smoked over wood. That's where it's coming from! Neat-o!

  19. Agony and ecstasy: black leather and damp red rose.


    Just what it says on the tin--rose and leather. It's a simple blend but it works--very Phedre no Delaunay. (For the rest of the Night Court, you need Long Night Moon!) The rose and leather take turns dominating the blend, back and forth. I don't amp it up super high, but I know it's there, and it makes me feel romantic and kinky at the same time. :whip:
