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Posts posted by azndragoncrimson

  1. I was really hoping to like this since I would have loved a "Seattle" BPAL scent...but alas, it wasn't for me. It started off a little fruity and then morphed into the smell of lipstick. Hm. Ah well, I consoled myself with buying a couple GCs. Glad to hear that it is working for others!

  2. Anyone here ever use Nivea lotion? Because that's what Moon Rose smells like to me. I do like the scent, but not as a perfume for myself. Moon Rose is flowery, but I was looking for more rose, and I agree with the aquatic comparison. Ah well, pass.

  3. As a lover of Katrina Van Tassel, who blooms into a rich honey and rose scent on me, I was very curious to try this one. On me, this is straight Snow White [which, incidentally, smells like Dana O'shea on me too] and if I try really hard I can maybe pick out some rose. Alright, another yule to pass! So I personally am not enamored by Pink Snowballs, but glad to hear that so many people are enjoying it!

  4. I have discovered I like my scents on the simpler side. Honeyed peaches in the bottle, which is something I wouldn't mind smelling like, but it fades a lot when it hits my skin, like a slightly sour, weak peach tea with honey. On it's own, it feels like the Gaoler's daughter is missing something, so I decided to layer it over some of my Body Shop Satsuma body butter and it turns into a quite lovely, wearable addition. Dithering over whether to track down a bottle...as in what are the odds of finding a better simple honeyed peach scent?

  5. Oh my...oh my, this is love! I may have just found the perfect scent for me! Perfect for sunny days anyhow ^_____^ It's very crisp and lemony with overtones of ginger...and stays that way! Very little morphing. Kumiho also lasted for hours on my skin. The throw is not strong, but I still could smell it six hours later. Mmmm....wuv! ^___^

  6. I get cinnamon with a hint of coconut milk, but very pleasant and lasts a long time. I tried it on before I went to sleep and it was still recognizably there when I woke up. Someone mentioned Pumpkin Spice previously and that's probably where the cinnamon is from. Again, I'm not knowledgeable about smells, so take my review with a grain of salt.

  7. In the bottle: Hello frosting!

    Dry: The frosting quickly fades down to florals...then stays as an overpowering lemon/lemongrass scent. I don't get any grapefruit, which is a tad disappointing. Its throw and wear length is really good, but the strong lemongrass make Cheshire Moon something that I would have to be in the mood for. Say, perhaps, early spring.

  8. Starts out as sharp grapefruit and stays that was for about half an hour. Cheshire Cat then sweetens quite a bit to nice floral citrus combination. I'm not knowledgeable enough to pick out the notes, but this is much nicer for me than Cheshire Moon.

  9. Mmm...green grass.... When I sniff closer, I can smell the sweetness of fallen leaves. But it's mainly grassy. It reminds me of raking leaves in October since the grass is still growing in California. I don't think this is a scent I will wear often, but I'll definitely keep the imp around when the occasion presents itself!

  10. Hm, I'm relatively new to reviewing, but Katrina starts out as a lovely light rose on my skin, drying down to a creamy honey. It keeps close to the skin, as Lookingglass pointed out, but that's quite alright with me since I wear it to make me happy and don't want to broadcast it to my entire workplace. And I kept getting whiffs of Katrina since it lasted the whole workday! ^_____^
