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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Citrongirl

  1. On my skin all this gives me is tea rose, not luscious but quite sedate almost aunt-ish. I cant smell the cinnamon specifically but it does have a certain spiciness to it.


    Its very pretty but not the sexy wet rose i was hoping for.

  2. In the imp: Sweet sweet honey with a hint of amber


    Wet: Slightly less sweet honey but i can definitely smell the vanilla now.


    Dry: Honey and Vanilla soften and the amber peeks through a bit more. It reminds me a lot of TBS's vanilla oil.


    Overall this is a bit too sweet for me but i can understand how ppl would go nuts for it. Didnt help that my bf said it reminded him of his Nanna's Bathroom :P


    * after having this on for a bit longer the powdery amber is what i am getting the most. I think the vanilla and honey are hiding from me now...

  3. This is my first review so i apologize if it is a bit inadequate :P I got my first order this afternoon and Snake Oil was the first i chose to try on my wrist.


    In the imp and wet on my wrist i could hardly smell the vanilla mostly just a slightly sharp but sweet incense/spicy smell. It was a bit like standing between an occult shop and a spicey indian grocery store at a market. A bit more in your face than what i would usually wear!


    The drydown was much better. The spices softened and the vanilla made itself known but wasn't overpowering.


    Overall this is such a different take on vanilla and is a bit full on but absolutely worth trying!
