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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eleventhousand

  1. This is so sexy I can hardly handle it.


    The peach and patchouli melt into the glowing golden core of the musk and amber. The peach is brighter than I expected, but not sickly sweet or overpowering. Resin-y and thick and just sweet enough.


    I LOVE it. It's my new favorite...



  2. This has an odd, vaguely chemical tang when wet. It is gone in less than a minute, though.


    The lab's orange blossom note smells like creamsicle to me rather than the orange flower water that I spritz into my hair (bought at the middle eastern grocery store). I like creamsicle...but I love orange flower water.


    Everything fades quickly to the background except for the beautiful dark honey.


    I love it. It's a new favorite.

  3. Sweet and spicy and subtly exotic. All of the notes stayed twined around one another...my nose couldn't even pick out the carnation, which usually dominates any blend on me.


    Alas, it made me quite itchy and is winging it's way to a new home even now.

  4. This smells STRONGLY of opium on me.

    Opium, the musky/amber-y note from Spellbound, a bit of clove, molasses, and finally vanilla. It is dark and not as uber-sweet vanilla and baby powder as I had expected.


    It lingers in a wafting sort of way.


    I wish it didn't stain my wrists...




    This burns my skin!

  5. Sharp and dark and feminine. Balanced. None of the notes come roaring to the forefront. It starts almost chilly, but warms to the skin.


    A lovely going out sort of scent...I wore it last night and the muskiness of it still clings to me.

  6. This is one I would never have wanted if it weren't for the reviews...I usually am not a fan of fruity scents.


    The strawberry in this one is smoldering stick of strawberry incense, and I smell something darkly musky among the poppies as well. I love it! Thank goodness for the reviews!

  7. Musky and grassy with (I think?) cinnamon and clove. There's something dark and sharp at the bottom of it all...civet maybe?


    Outoorsy and summer-y without being sweet and light.


    I can't wait for this one to be released...I'll be getting a bigger bottle for sure after smelling the imp!

  8. In the vial it smells a bit overwhelming and with a faint chemical tang. On my skin this is lovely...sweet and heady and true to the flower, but with a faint buttery coconut note. A slightly wilting hot-house flower...


    I love it!
