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Everything posted by arabella

  1. arabella

    The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child

    First Impression: A musky floral. Dries down to: Soft jasmine. Additional Comments: This feels very Oriental. It's a soft floral with the tea and teak giving it softness and an "edge". This is actually a jasmine that works on me but it's not anything special. Lasted: 3-4 hours. Rating: 2.5 out of 5
  2. arabella

    The Penitent Magdalen

    First Impression: Pepper, resin, citrus, musk. Dries down to: Settles into a slightly sweet and soft floral. Additional Comments: I'm surprised there's honey in here - it usually superamps up horribly on me. The amber lends a very soft glow and lily-of-the-valley is one of my favourite florals. It's lovely - another perfectly balanced little gem. Lasted: Unfortunately, only a couple of hours (or the rating would have been higher). Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  3. arabella


    First Impression: Calm and cool. Dries down to: Very faint hints of florals settle over the cool base. Additional Comments: This is very evocative of silence. It's barely there, calm and serene, lending a subtle perfume to everything. You don't realize it's there until it's gone; then, you miss something but aren't quite sure what. It's beautiful, ethereal and mysterious. Lasted: About 3 hours. Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  4. arabella

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

    First Impression: Cold, dry and musty. Dries down to: The mint comes to the forefront and softens the whole. Additional Comments: The mental image I get is of a crypt surrounded by a wrought iron fence under a soft blanket of snow as the morning sun breaks through the surrounding tree branches. It's quietly lovely. (I hadn't seen the painting when I wrote the review - I was quite shocked when I saw it come to life - almost exactly as I'd pictured it - at the head of these postings.) Lasted: 3-4 hours. Rating: 3 out of 5
  5. arabella

    Death of the Grave Digger

    First Impression: Ozone and sweet dirt. Dries down to: Stays pretty much the same. Additional Comments: Surprisingly, this one wasn't as bad as it sounded to me. I wouldn't wear it out but the sweetness makes it tolerable enough to use occasionally. In fact, there's an addictive quality to it that'll keep me coming back. Lasted: Several hours. Rating: 2.5 out of 5
  6. arabella

    Dragon's Bone

    First Impression: Dragon's blood with lots of cherry and musk. Dries down to: A hint of sandalwood joins the party; then, as it starts to amplify, the cherry departs but leaves sweetness behind. It really improves the longer it lasts. Additional Comments: This is definitely a "dry" scent. I really like the Ars Draconis category, but of them all, this is my least favourite, so far - but it's still great. Lasted: A few hours. Rating: 3 out of 5
  7. arabella


    First Impression: Ozone with a hint of lemon. Dries down to: Becomes more citrussy - almost like pink grapfruit; then, a faint floral emerges. Additional Comments: Looks like I was way off on this one. It's definitely ozone but I never would have guessed incense. I don't know what kind it is but I really like it in this blend - especially, for summer. It's like an airy grapefruit mousse on my skin. Lasted: A couple of hours. Rating: 4 out of 5
  8. arabella

    Dragon's Hide

    First Impression: Rich resin. Dries down to: Soft dragon's blood with a hint of leather. Additional Comments: I don't get any hint of smoke at all - which is probably good. The mental image I get is of stumbling across a hidden, deserted library, full of books bound in richly tooled leather and edged in gilt. Dragon's blood is one of my favorite notes. This is far from my favorite in the Ars Draconis category but I did find it oddly comforting. I'll probably use it as a room scent. Lasted: Several hours. Rating: 2.5 out of 5
  9. arabella

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    First Impression: Fall flowers and wine. Dries down to: It mellows a bit and becomes enveloped in wisps of musk. Additional Comments: Although wine isn't listed among the notes, it feels as though it's in here. Mums are definitely not one of my favorite floral scents, but this blend is a surprisingly perfect fall scent. Again, I'm reminded that I can't judge Beth's blends by the descriptions; they have to be tested. This is another happy find. Lasted: A few hours. Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  10. arabella


    First Impression: A gorgeous, fresh floral - definitely peony and, probably tulip with hints of "green". There's also a "glimpse" of Lily-of-the-Valley in this. Dries down to: Stays the same but the "glimpse" of LotV disappears. Additional Comments: To me, this is what spring smells like. The peony is obvious but not glaring. The tulips and grasses add the freshness and the water gives it a "sprinkled with frosty morning dew" feel. I just wish it lasted longer - then, it would be perfect. As it is, it's destined for the scent locket. Lasted: Less than an hour. Rating: 4 out of 5
  11. arabella

    The Coiled Serpent

    First Impression: Patchouli. Dries down to: Quietens down but doesn't really change much; other than for the appearance of sandalwood, or at least, I think it's sandalwood. I don't detect any other notes at all. Additional Comments: The sandalwood is in just the right proportion to tame the patchouli but not overwhelm it. I wouldn't wear this scent but would use it, occasionally, as a room scent. Lasted: All day. Rating: 2.5 out of 5.
  12. arabella

    Lotus Moon 2006

    First Impression: A light, pine-y floral with a hint of tea. Dries down to: The lotus emerges, very slowly, and adds a very light sweetness to the blend. Additional Comments: Fortunately, I don't have the "bubble gum" problem with lotus that a lot of people do and surprisingly, I'm not picking up on the rose otto. It must be the pine and opium that's really keeping it in check. Also, the amber is smothering the pine somewhat; so, it's not too overwhelming. This is quite an interesting combination. I didn't think I'd like this at first, but the dry down is simply stunning. I can see it being the perfect oil to wear on a humid summer evening - sultry but not cloying. Lasted: 2-3 hours Rating: 4 out of 5
  13. arabella

    Pink Phoenix

    First Impression: Pink honey. Dries down to: Stays sweet but turns a bit fruitier and, after a long while, a tinge of plastic pops in and out periodically - fortunately, it's very faint. Additional Comments: Normally, I'd run as fast as I could away from these notes. Honey, in particular, tends to really amp up on me and can make me gag. BPAL strawberry, likewise, tends to be overwhelming on me. For some reason, though, I can handle this one. The balance just seems to work perfectly. In addition to the obvious honey and strawberry, I can pick out the vanilla. I really like sweet pea and pear; so, although I can't detect them in here, I'm sure they're what's helping to temper this blend and make it tolerable for me. While this will never become a fave, I'll hang on to it for the days when I'm in the mood for something fun and sweet. Lasted: Quite a few hours. Rating: 3 out of 5
  14. arabella

    Peony Moon

    First Impression: Soft rose. Dries down to: Pretty much the same with a "green" undernote. Additional Comments: Thank God for peony. It always works on me, where rose can be very tricky, as it, usually, amps way up. This has a lovely, fresh softness to it - a very feminine scent. The other notes aren't obvious to me but lend an Oriental tinge to the blend. And, bonus, this one lasts on me longer than most and is one of the few BPAL blends I've received unsolicited, favourable comments on from strangers. Lasted: Several hours. Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
  15. arabella

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    First Impression: Light Musk. Dries down to: A complex, yet soft, musky glow. Additional Comments: I think the amber and orange peel do a lot to make this tolerable to me. I'm not usually a big fan of musk, but in the right blend - which this one definitely is - it can be indispensable. Lasted: Several Hours. Rating: 3 out of 5
  16. arabella

    Fruit Moon

    First Impression: Mixed fruit - berries, plums, apples, something fig-likeā€¦ Dries down to: Settles, very quickly, into a very mild, fruit jelly. Additional Comments: This isn't as strong as I usually like my scents but it's great for summer when I just want something light and not too sweet. On checking the notes in this one, it's amazing how beautifully they all blend into something so soft and summery. This one could be a good candidate for layering. Lasted: A couple of hours. Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  17. arabella


    First Impression: A smoky floral Dries down to: A subtler version of the same smoky floral. Additional Comments: I think it's the copal that I could do without in this blend. It's a very different floral which would be perfect to wear to a funeral or a board meeting and it's interesting enough to use occasionally. Lasted: 2-3 hours. Rating: 2.5 out of 5.
  18. arabella


    First Impression: Fruit. Dries down to: Fruit and leather. Additional Comments: Musty and medicinal; then, it turns into melting, sweet plastic. A lot of the notes that are listed - apple, coconut (love), pineapple - are among my faves and I like the rest, too, but for some reason, the combination just doesn't work for me. I am sadly disappointed. Lasted: Several hours. Rating: 1.5 out of 5
  19. arabella


    First Impression: Fresh earth right after a sudden spring shower. Dries down to: Still earth. Additional Comments: All I get is patchouli and a lot of it. I don't even get a hint of the apricot. This is too one-dimensional for me; especially, since 'earth' isn't a favourite note of mine. Lasted: Overnight. Rating: 1.5 out of 5
  20. arabella

    Old Scratch

    First Impression: An herbal floral. Dries down to: Feels like lavender and thyme. Additional Comments: This is very well blended. I got the lavender but missed on the rest of the notes. The tonka gives it a drop of sweetness and I can detect a hint of wood. This is quite nice and definitely masculine. Lasted: A few hours. Rating: 3 out of 5
  21. arabella

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    First Impression: A musky floral with lemon. Dries down to: Becomes more like fresh laundry hanging near the flower beds; then, finally, it turns very soft, yet sexy. Additional Comments: I don't know where the lemon note comes from as it's not listed in the description but it's definitely there and reminds me of lemon custard. EBM is also definitely powdery and ever so slightly sweet. This will be a great sleeping and calming scent. Lasted: 3-4 hours. Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  22. arabella


    First Impression: Coconut cream. Dries down to: It settles down a bit and a hint of gasoline coats it but that goes away after a while. Additional Comments: I had great hopes for this one - I love coconut - and I love the initial stage and later stages. I have to try this in a scent locket to see if it skips over that 'gasoline' phase. But, even if it doesn't, it's a keeper. Lasted: Several hours. Rating: 4 out of 5
  23. arabella


    First Impression: Honeyed petals. Dries down to: A light, creamy floral. Additonal Comments: This is beautiful but I wish it were stronger. I really have to work at picking up the scent. The vanilla orchid and stephanotis are in perfect balance here. Lasted: Two hours or so. Rating: 3.5 out of 5
  24. arabella

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    Not quite Turtle Soup: blurry aquatic notes, with a confusing, contrary splort of iris, ambrette, green apple, vodka, white mint and a squish of lime. First Impression: Anise with sugar syrup. Dries down to: The anise morphs into mint and fades very quicky and the scent becomes very innocuous and watery. Additional Comments: I wish I actually got all the notes that are supposed to be in this. I'd really looked forward to getting it as it sounded so promising. The first whiff was wonderful but it didn't last beyond that. I did get the aquatic note and the mint, but no iris, ambrelle, green apple, vodka (although, I'm not quite sure about that one) or lime. Unfortunately, this one was a big disappointment. Lasted: Less than an hour. Rating: 2 out of 5
  25. arabella


    First Impression: Roses. Dries down to: Rosewater; then, it turns slightly soapy. Additional Comments: This is very wispy on me and I wish I could pick up on the lotus, but I don't, so it's not really worth the effort. Lasted: Less than an hour. Rating: 2 out of 5