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Everything posted by ~AmusedMuse~

  1. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Star

    My Impression: It is a complex scent that I have a hard time making out single notes, but I agree with earlier reviews about the citrus and coconut, beyond that there is something else that I keep trying to put my finger on and can't. Its driving me batty. A nice enough scent, but I wouldn't wear it everyday.
  2. ~AmusedMuse~

    Email order acknowledgement

    Ok today upon placing my 3rd order with BPAL via paypal, I got my paypal reciept as usual. I didnt get an acknowlegement from the lab like the first 2 times I ordered. I hope it is not because I ordered Love in the Asylum and it may or may not be avialable its on the LE page still....so I ordered it...Any comments?
  3. ~AmusedMuse~

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I just reviewed Chaste Moon and had no problems. Additionally I have never had an allergic reaction to any ot the oils but ofcourse I dont have any sensitivities that I know of.
  4. ~AmusedMuse~

    Chaste Moon 2005

    My Impression: definitely butter cookies in a bottle with a light cream and just a hint of mint....I could see this as an everyday scent as it is THAT good...bravo on yet another lunacy I love...
  5. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: I simply adore this, I definitely get the roses but am unsure of the pomegranate at the time of post. I thought I detected something somewhat citrusy so this may well be pomegrante to my untrained nose...at any rate this is FABULOUS, and its a keeper for sure
  6. ~AmusedMuse~

    Rose Red

    My Impression: Fresh Cut Roses straight from the florists fridge...I LOVE IT, unfortunately, it disappears way too fast....But oh how I love thee
  7. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Snow covered Christmas trees in a bottle....I would LOVE to smell this on my man... It truly embodies the fresh cut Christmas tree...
  8. ~AmusedMuse~

    Egg Nog

    My Impression: Well it is true to its description with the exception of the play-doh. I believe after the drydown it disappears. I think the play-doh smell I got while it was still wet was almonds. I agree with previous reviews about its yummyiness, but I found that the scent fades rather quickly. I wish it had more staying power or umph. All in all great scent for candles or tarts, but it doesnt last long enough on me.
  9. ~AmusedMuse~

    Blue Moon 2004

    Crisp, and herbal,with a definite cucumber note Not for everyday but for special occasions I would reach for this. Although it is lovely it is not my favorite LUNACY yet, course I have yet to try all of them. If I had a chance to get some more of this, I would. Thanks, t3andcrumpets for allowing me the opportunity to experience this lovely blend
  10. ~AmusedMuse~

    Water of Notre Dame

    Brings peace to the spirit, a sense of calm and fulfillment, and attracts the aid of beneficial spirits. MY IMPRESSION: Pure,Clean, Aquatic & Green This one is a keeper
  11. ~AmusedMuse~


    Well, the description has it...but for me it doesn't work. I find that it is a masculine scent not really all that neutral. I wanted to like it and I wanted it to like me. Would work great as an incense scent on a positive note.
  12. ~AmusedMuse~

    Email order acknowledgement

    I have placed 2 pending orders and paying via paypal ....1st I get a recipet from paypal as usual and then I get a confirmation from blackphoenix....then I watch the calandar day by day...
  13. ~AmusedMuse~

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Now I understand why some of these scents have me from hello....Thanks
  14. ~AmusedMuse~

    June Gloom 2004

    Ok I get the lemon pledge thing too, but I find it both clean and refreshing, maybe not a scent I would wear but I would definitely make a linen spray or room freshener out of it. I get the "just rained cleanness of it as well." Truly an interesting and lovely blend
  15. ~AmusedMuse~

    Cold Moon

    To me I get sweet, clean, crisp, auquatic floral with some sort of green note that I cannot identify. I have heard it referred to as smelling like blue moon which I have yet the opportunity to try. That being said I CANNOT wait to try Blue Moon as I found this one very intoxicating and lovely. A keeper
  16. ~AmusedMuse~


    I cant pick out the floral notes that reviewers prior have noted but I do get the musky dark sandalwood and something definitely "uncommon" a real different kind of scent. Rare even. I like it and would like to have a bottle to soak in as it has me completely captured. I also can see where this could be a masculine scent as well but nah, think I will wear it instead
  17. ~AmusedMuse~

    Tiger Lily

    I am not sure I ever got the honey note on this one but it reminds me of laying in a field of lillies and soaking up the sun. A girly scent for sure that I am going to hang onto this imp. I wish I had of gotten a bottle of it when it was still availalble. A keeper for sure.
  18. ~AmusedMuse~

    Snake Oil

    I can easily see why its one of the labs best sellers. Vanilla, exotic spice and maybe musky? I think it also has a sizeable doze of sex-em up. This could be a favorite and I plan to buy a big bottle of this as well as many others...OMGOSH that wanting a big bottle list is getting kind of large...
  19. ~AmusedMuse~


    Wow, this carnation has been dipped in peppery goodness. I can detect a green note in here as well and this is quite lovely not at all what I expected. As pleasantly surprised by this one as I am on a scale of 1-5....this ranks a 4 with me.
  20. ~AmusedMuse~


    A lemony floral that would be perfect for springtime or summer. Im not sure I got the green tea but to me it is delicious...would like to have a big bottle of this for wearing in warm weather as there is something totally energizing about this scent.
  21. ~AmusedMuse~

    Black Cat

    Buttery roses with clean herbal notes. I love it and although I am not sure of any magickal properities I will wear it often and will purchase a bottle at some point although I have so many bottles I want to purchase I not sure when I will be able to get this one, so in the meantime I have to settle for a 2nd imp. A definite must try....
  22. ~AmusedMuse~


    Although herbal, very medicinal, sorry this one isnt for me
  23. ~AmusedMuse~

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    Honeydew, pineapple, mango fruity and PINK PINK PINK I sure wish this was a catalog instead of a Limited Edition. I would buy a bottle, I was lucky enough to get one on a swap and plan to keep it. Cheers to beth for another great blend
  24. ~AmusedMuse~

    Wolf Moon 2004

    To me: aquatic, woodsy, pine and maybe I am crazy but a hint of something buttery? A keeper for me
  25. ~AmusedMuse~

    Frost Moon

    Definite mint and herbal with something medicinial? Sorry this one isnt for me