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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by ~AmusedMuse~

  1. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: I normally love ctrus scents, but for me this was too lemon pledge like. I didnt get any musk notes or lilac... I agree with the first reviewers statemet that "This is citrus that slithers."
  2. ~AmusedMuse~


    Dry white sandalwood wrapped in thin woods, soft grasses and the lightest white flowers layered over cajeput and the warm, deep scent of embalming herbs. My Impression: Okay I admit after reading the descriptioon I thought I would NOT like this at all, however, I found it to be clean,crisp & almost a purity of something soft and white...I love it ... but as with all lighter scents I wish it had more staying power
  3. ~AmusedMuse~

    Blood Kiss

    My Impression: Oh how lovely. I love the clove in this and it shines thru with a cherry vanilla bliss.
  4. ~AmusedMuse~

    Dragon's Heart

    My Impression: Red Sex in a bottle. This is my favorite of the Ars Draconis series so far...I love the muskiness of it. A really great blend.
  5. ~AmusedMuse~

    Black Phoenix

    My Impression: Dark,Warm,Spicy & Sexy... I can detect a fruitiness and maybe almond? Such a well blended oil, I am unable to pick out specific notes other than what I have said thus far... I can certainly understand why it is a signature oil...This is a keeper for sure
  6. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Patchouli,ginger & orange blossom in that order... To me the patchouli, (not one of my favorite notes) is a little overpowering in this one although I have to admit it certainly has staying power and does not fade away as fast as some of the other blends do...If patchouli is a good note for you, then you should love this one...
  7. ~AmusedMuse~

    Juke Joint

    My Impression: Bourbon & Tobacco...dont know why I sense tobacco but I do..has a mint note as well, but the tobacco shocks me.
  8. ~AmusedMuse~

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    Lab Description:Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct. (Gender neutral) My Impression: I am not sure I can add much to this very well written & insightful review, but to me it smells exactly like my Atmosphere Natural Incense Brand Incense in the scent of Dream Catcher, which I love. I can't ake up my mind on this one though as complex as it is it seems to change from moment to moment. I think it would be better classified as masculine as I would love this on my man. Great Review olympia301
  9. ~AmusedMuse~

    Silk Road

    My impression: Dark, seductive and very complex changing scent...unfortunately something in it makes me want to sneeze and I am not allergic to anything. I would love to smell this on my man if I didnt have sneezing bouts...but it is all that the description says it is and more
  10. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: This is definitely a dark, woodsy, herbal kind of scent...unfortunately nothing suits me about it..I found it chaos in a bottle..and never calm...I have to pass on this one
  11. ~AmusedMuse~

    Moon Rose

    My Impression: If Rose is your favorite note you should love this rose mixed with a crisp cleanness and just a hint of herbal...One of the nices roses scents I have tried
  12. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression Peach Musk. In the botlle: Peachy Musky and some other non detectable note I cannot pinpoint.' Wet: The Same Drydown: Fades more quickly than I would like, if it were amped up a bit I would buy a bottle. Overall, Its nice but not enough staying power for my taste.
  13. ~AmusedMuse~


    OMGosh this is another scent I could totally wear daily, at night and every season. My nose went into this scent and has totally amped my senses up...I do detect the rose and apple but it seems to me a perfect blend....I highly reccommend anybody who hasn't tried this give it a chance...I dont think you will be sorry. My nose is still having noseasms....
  14. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: This is the truest tea scent I have had the opportunity to try to date. The creaminess and vanilla come out after the drydown but it is truly lovely. I love it but it wil be a bit longer for me to be able to tell if it loves me...As light as it is it seems that it would fade quickly but I find that it has not...good job lab on a really nice blend
  15. ~AmusedMuse~

    Ace of Hearts

    My Impression: OMGosh I love every floral in this scent...It is so PERFECT, it is totally indescribable. I could wear this day & night and even slather in it, even though I am not a slatherer...I am hooked...
  16. ~AmusedMuse~


    ... A deep, rumbling scent, warm, soft and as cozy as a dog by a hearthfire, but with a fierce and feral soul: deep chocolate, deeper musks, with a dash of fig, bittersweet walnut, and the wild essences of juniper berry, cubeb and rum. My Impression: Rum,Figs & other unknown spices with a warm butteryness...Iloved it in the bottle but IT did not love me...and I so much wanted this one
  17. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Hesperides

    My Impression: The description is DEAD ON.. I have never smelled such an accurate representation of a golden delicious apple...I applaud you lab as it is perfection of apples in a bottle.
  18. ~AmusedMuse~

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    My Impression: Although it smells nothing like I thought that it would it is quite lovely.. I detect a sweet,spicy, and smoky mixture with gardenia & perhaps vanilla? Not sure but it is both complex and compelling...I like it alot
  19. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Living Flame

    My Impression: Definitely floral though like most of the previous reviews I cant identify what particular notes. Also I detect the vanilla and a small musk note which blended all together is in a word FANTASTIC...This is a keeper & if it were available I would wear it everyday
  20. ~AmusedMuse~

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I would be interested but I have Microsoft works and I have to wonder what file format you are speaking of ...ie.. I cant read the excel spreadsheet with works and I cant afford Office because the money it would cost has been going to BPAL
  21. ~AmusedMuse~

    Email order acknowledgement

    just added as an update ...no worries I got a letter from customer service about my 3rd order which was for Love in the Asylum
  22. ~AmusedMuse~

    Helping Hand

    Sharp, herbal minty EARTH...a little goes a long way. This is only the 2nd Twighlight Alchemy oil I have had a chance to try and after trying only 2 my only thought remains....I WANT more of this line..True to its description, it is AWESOME
  23. ~AmusedMuse~

    Queen of Spades

    My Impression:Rich,Dark,Woodsy & Exotic...Oh a nose could definitely get lost in this wondrous blend. I can see why it is such a desirable scent. The blackberry sofens it just enough. Love it & Keeping it
  24. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Apothecary

    My Impression: Crisp, clean, aquatic, green herbalness with a sharp citrus note. Perhaps the herbalness I detect is Green Tea as stated in previous reviews but I liken it more to Grass in the Spring after a long winters lull..Very nice indeed
  25. ~AmusedMuse~


    My impression: It's creamy amber carnation & cloves. I agree with the previous reviewer that said it was "perfect blend of spicy and sweet". Totally reminds me of the early morning Sun, before it becomes too hot in the day...Bright, Yellow and White