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Everything posted by ~AmusedMuse~

  1. ~AmusedMuse~

    Lucky #20

    My Impression:Jasmine with lavender and some other floral boquet, but with a bottom note of something woodsy and more, for lack of a better word, staying ...
  2. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Ohh the lemongrass, and mint jumps right out of the vial at you and demands your attention. I can definitely see why this is called concentration ...It pretty much stays this way upon drydown as well.
  3. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Okay, like previous reviewers prior to me I had to give this more than one try on this one..I couldnt make up my mind that it was a rose note..to me it was promiently cinnamon scattered wet roses... Truly alluring and sexy.
  4. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression:Boy this is hard to add anything to the description of this scent as it is SO dead on...Butter Rum, and ahh the cocconut blend together so lovely with the lightest hint of the tobacco note. Truely lovely indeed. On a scale of 1 to 5 this is 3.5 I might just hoard this imp myself ...(is immediately ashamed of saying that outloud)
  5. ~AmusedMuse~

    French Love

    My Impression: Dragon's Blood smeared across a field of flowers with an edgy spice added, maybe cinnamon? This is liquid fire in a vial folks. Use caution. Upon, drydown it settles into a more stable dragon's blood scent. I can't vouch for it's voodoo properties but I will say there is something amiss here...something that just falls short... My scale of 1 to 5...this is a 2
  6. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: I believe this to be a clean musky neutral scent, neither too feminine nor too masculine...more of a neutral calming airy type scent. Lovely as it is, I like something with a little more umph or fire to it...On a scale of 1 to 5 my rating is: 2.5 straight down the middle.
  7. ~AmusedMuse~

    Nine Mysteries

    My Impression: Whoa, Step back from the vial folks, there is exploding mint in the middle of this herb garden, and it is SCREAMING... After drydown, it softens somewhat but to me, it is still a little TOO minty for me
  8. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Queen of Hearts

    My impression: Clean, white floral with a hint of cherry. A very feminine scent that is both regal and refined as it should be. This says all woman, without screaming
  9. ~AmusedMuse~

    Seven African Powers

    My impression:Crisp, clean, herbal and grassy...somewhat like that of a summer day. It is like the other TA Oils I have tried very different interesting and uniqie. I am not sure I would wear this often, but somehow I feel like it is more of a "special" occasion type of scent. Upon drydown the scent stays true and is quite lovely.
  10. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Musky roses and amber I am glad that I got to try this one because it is one that I may not have opted for if I hadn't received it as a gift. The rose note usually doesn't like me but this is a lovely the way the amber and musk dominates this warm and seductive scent.
  11. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Fire in a bottle At first it is pine like or maybe the eucalyptus that stands out on this one, but after a while it morphs into a complex and compelling scent...Alas I have but an imp but I would wear it daily if it were an available scent... I am only sorry to not be able to have added anything worthwhile to this chain of reviews on this one. But I DO recommend it
  12. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Hanging Gardens

    My Impression: Such a wonderful blend of fruit & floral. To me this could be worn in any season and I love the green crispness of it. A really invigorating scent that make you pay attention. The fig note is softened by the gardenia and pear and is blendly lovely together..just as a walk thru the garden.
  13. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Empress

    My Impression: Sandalwood with Rosewood maybe..I dont get the rosey rose that preivous reviewers described...Maybe the throns from the roses but not the roses. This is kind of incensy and I think it would be suited better to someone else than me.
  14. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Lovers

    My Impression: Granted that I have not tried so many of the tarot blends. First off I get Citronella, with cinnamon & something floral in the background. I think it is lovely and has a duality to it that is interesting.
  15. ~AmusedMuse~

    Embalming Fluid

    My Impression: Wow, this one surprised me competely. It is light, crisp, clean, & citrusy with a lovely tea note. An excellent scent for soapmaking...This embodies clean itself. The longer it is on the more I like it and I did like it right out of the bottle..I may have to purchase a bottle of this...
  16. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impresion: herbaly eucalyptus with mint....still seeking the violet. This would make a lovely room scent but alas it is not for me. I guess my expectations were a bit high on this one somehow I expected purpel to be screaming from the bottle...Sorry but I pass on this one.
  17. ~AmusedMuse~

    Forbidden Fruit

    My Impression: Although the lab describes this as light & innocent as your first time should have been, Lotus is screaming out of the bottle while wet on this one. Fortunately after drydown it settles down to a softer more discreet floral that is quite appealing actually.
  18. ~AmusedMuse~

    Mata Hari

    My Impression: While in the vial and in the wet stage, the coffee was a bit overwhelming to me (& I like coffee mind you) Upon Drydown: the coffee has morphed and changed into something sweeter and much nicer...maybe its the rose and jasmine that softens this one up but I think it is the fig...The longer I wear it the more I like it. I am glad I did give this one time to develop on me... It is nice.
  19. ~AmusedMuse~

    Queen of Clubs

    My Impression: While wet I got the prominent earth and myrrh notes... After Drydown: I could detect the fruitiness and the slightest vanilla. I never would have thought that these notes would have blended together so lovely, but they do and the longer this is on the lovlier it becomes...
  20. ~AmusedMuse~

    King of Diamonds

    My Impression: Woodsy, earthy & masculine. It screams man in a bottle to me and I believe it is a perfect compliment to the Queen of Diamonds. I would love to smell this on a man...It is sexy and alluring... Thumbs up on this one.
  21. ~AmusedMuse~

    Queen of Diamonds

    My Impression: Do you like florals with citrus notes? This is about as close to perfection that there is with these two prominent notes....It is absolutely gorgeous and I wish I had a bottle of it to hoard, as I think I would wear it very often. I am so pleased to have been able to experience the lovliness of this one...It is a keeper.
  22. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: This is a nice musky oriental with a prominent Jasmine note. After drydown: The refined regal oriental musk of this is appealing, well balanced and very likable. A lovely evening scent, that appears to have not only some umph behind it, but also appears to have staying power as well... The longer I wear this the more I like it..
  23. ~AmusedMuse~

    Thirteen (13)

    My Impression: Chocolate with oranges while wet. After drydown: More Citrusy smelling without the chocolate. The herbal notes come thru now... some floral. I like this scent as I find it soft and comforting. I am glad I am getting a bottle of it as I think it would be a great daywear scent.
  24. ~AmusedMuse~


    First off I realize this is an older "thread" & secondly I realize this is a discontinued scent...but the grapiest scent I have tried so far is Black Widow...
  25. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: To me this is very earthy, as I mostly detect pine and the black pepper noted earlier. To me this is a masculine type of scent, or at least I would love to smell this on a man. It is almost on the verge of jumping out of the vial it is so commanding.