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Everything posted by ~AmusedMuse~

  1. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: While wet I got the citrus and spice overwhelming anything else, but after it dried down, I finally detected the sweet florals. It does seem to have more than enough throw to it and has dried into a totally beautiful blend...My scale of 1-5....4
  2. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Wow, they lab did it again. This totally overwhelms me. This was a frimp from the lab (thank you). Also I find it interesting that there are not many reviews on this scent as I find it simply delicious. I think I need a bottle of this. My scale of 1-5....5
  3. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Wow, wasn't expecting this at all. Two of my favorite notes musk and amber together make this a true classic scent. This was a frimp and am I so happy to have had the chance to review this. I may buy a large bottle of this. My scale of 1-5....5
  4. ~AmusedMuse~

    Blood Amber

    My Impression: Okay, of all of the Dragon's Blood Blends I get less Dragon's Blood in this one and more amber which acutally is a welcome surprise. It is not overpowering and I believe it makes a lovely daytime scent. My only wish is that it had a little more staying power as it seems to fade quickly on me. My scale of 1-5....4
  5. ~AmusedMuse~


    This is country in a bottle. It is the scent of the great outdoors when you go camping. It is very earthy and I do detect a mossy note as others have previously noted. This makes you want to pack your camping gear and hit the trail. To me this is almost heaven. My scale of 1-5....5
  6. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Jupiter is like......Peace on Earth & Goodwill toward all. I really can't even begin to describe how soothing this is to me. It is woodsy as earlier reviews have described and I do get a bit of a tropical note as well, but it is floral as well. Just like the new budding season of spring. Oh how I wish these weren't discontinued. This is one of the lovliest blends I have had the chance to try. My scale of 1-5...5+
  7. ~AmusedMuse~

    Sri Lanka

    My impression: This is SO totally masculine to me. I can detect all the notes listed in the description and it pretty well says it all, however, to me what makes all the difference in this one is the cedar note. I imagine this is what Hercules would wear on a hot date My sclae of 1-5...4
  8. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: This is lovely chocolate and sandalwood. An interesting combination that I would not reccomend as a daytime scent. However, it certainly has what it takes to spice up a nice summer night. My scale of 1-5.... 3.5
  9. ~AmusedMuse~


    My impression: Golden amber and honey with some very soft sweet floral notes. Totally not what I had expected. This one blew me away. I don't get anything rosey with this one. On my scale of 1-5 this one is a 4
  10. ~AmusedMuse~

    Belle Époque

    My Impression: definite sandalwood & soap???? This went a bit odd on me. After drydown I stated to detect some of the floral notes thank goodness. Although I found it pleasant enough, I still believe something is missing My scale of 1-5.... 2.5
  11. ~AmusedMuse~


    My impression: This is quite lovely and unique. In the vial and in the wet stage it is totally different than the drydown. I can detect only a small amount of sandalwood and the rest is floral bliss. Fit for a queen
  12. ~AmusedMuse~


    To me this one was somewhat odd it was floral drenched in spice and I got someting artifical about it. After dydown the strange artificial note I detected was gone thank goodness, but to me it still is a lovely daytime scent that I only wish it had more throw to it. My scale of 1-5.... 3
  13. ~AmusedMuse~


    Lovely tea & citrus. I cant detect the leather though The tea gives it a little bit of spiciness to the scent and it is quite light and lovely. My scale of 1-5...4+
  14. ~AmusedMuse~


    This is a lovely myth and a lovely scent as well. I love the pear note and the florals round this blend out beautifully. I only wish it had more throw. This is a perfect daytime scent. It puts me in mind of purity. My scale of 1-5...4 +
  15. ~AmusedMuse~

    Vicomte de Valmont

    Most Definitely masculine and dark and sexy.....Advice, slather it on him and dive in. Musky and amber are the prominent notes here. Whatever else is added makes it the bomb. My scale of 1-5....5
  16. ~AmusedMuse~


    Oh the lovoiness of this, violets and roses & a soft powdery type of scent as well. This is a very ligjht scent and does not seem to have a lot of throw to it but it is imppressive. My scale of 1-5....4
  17. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Icy coolness after the drydown. Upon applying all I got was the baby powder but after drying, it was lovely cool and clean with a floral note that I am uncertain about but truly it works in this one. Congratulations lab on a beautiful scent. My scale of 1-5....4+
  18. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: To me this is a lovely blend of amber musk and berries. I cannot detect the carnation however, I still am quite pleased with what I had hoped would be lovely and as expected is. My scale of 1-5....4
  19. ~AmusedMuse~

    Fruit Moon

    My Impression: Oh such lovely fruity goodness. I disagree with the previous review about Hawian Punch as the smell of that makes me nautious. The most prominent note that I get is the melon and the papaya and apple as well. On a scale of 1-5...4+
  20. ~AmusedMuse~

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    My Impression: WOW...This was a frimp from the lab (many thanks) and is it quite lovely. In agreement with earlier reviews I tried this today as I needed a smile. And true to its description wala A very unique blend and much admired. My scale of 1-5 4
  21. ~AmusedMuse~


    My Impression: Definite cinnamon and ginger notes to the honey is almost unoticed with all this spicy goodness. This totally caught me offgauard. My scale of 1-5...4
  22. ~AmusedMuse~

    The Black Tower

    My Impression: I can only agree with the earlier reviews and state that to me this is masculine and if I had a man I would slather it on him. Truly this is an awesome surprise to me. I definitely agree that it is like a burgandy wine. On a scale of 1-5.... definitely a 4
  23. ~AmusedMuse~

    Black Opal

    My Impression: This is definitely vanilla and floral and somewhat powdery to me. A very different venture from the scents I have tried thus far. I only wish it had a bit more umph and throw to it. My scale of 1-5 ....4
  24. ~AmusedMuse~

    Torture King

    My Impression: This is quite lovely and to me it is a smoky,citursy, type of powder scent. It is complicated and refiened at the same time. Regal as a king is. My Scale of 1-5... 4
  25. ~AmusedMuse~


    This is a delightfully dark and sensual blend. To me it is masculine and being Persephone's other half seems to fit perfectly. An incesne like, and earthy type of quality while wet and upon drydown the floral notes appear subtle and steady. Is that jasmine? My untrained nose is not so sure, but I have decided that this would be lovely on a man whose attention I wanted. My scale of 1-5...4 ADDED Sept. 17: My Impression: I find this to be spicy, smoky and resiny. I don't really detect the floral and there is one note that I cannot tell what it is that is an end note that makes me somewhat nautious while wet. After drydown, I am no longer nautious and can finally detect a soft floral note. Actually the more it dries the more attractive it becomes to me. My sclae of 1-5...3