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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by neveroddoreven

  1. neveroddoreven

    The Hesperides

    First review on an imp I didn't even order, haha. When I first got my packet of imps, I had no memory of this and I've looked through all the category almost a hunderd times through the years before my first order. I decided to try this one today when I got home and March Hare wore off. So, I placed it on my wrist casually... Wet-It was horrible! I kept gagging...for some reason it smelt like baby poop and spit up. I couldn't stand it and wanted to wash it off, but stopped myself. Dry-Different...I can smell the tarty apple slightly, but the memory of it wet haunts me. I asked my sister if she liked it so I put some on her. She said she couldn't smell what I smelled and actually smelt a chocalaty scent to it.