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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lectriceye

  1. Shiny new forums! Yay!

  2. David Bowie new album. Die from happiness!

  3. Ever have one of those days where you just want to rip all your clothes off and scream?...Just me? Thought so.

  4. So many Yules so little time!

  5. Honey has been my summer styling agent, just a pea size! Great for my curls :)

  6. TLU imp pack 3! Yay!

    1. lectriceye


      Even though I just got around to ordering the 2nd...

  7. Had areally weird dream about Chris Kattan last night, and by weird I mean dirty.

  8. Realtor meeting today, take 2 trying to sell the condo...

  9. Huh so you can update these things still? Good to know ;P

  10. Thank goodness for coffee!
