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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Stephanie

  1. Ooo this is not nice on me. I'm getting Peach Air Freshener! Like a peach-scented plug-in. I get a slightly spicy aquatic white floral spiked with peach. I don't how this doesn't work--maybe it's the honey? I wish I could detect the cream and amber. Maybe it's the fresh citrus kick of neroli that registering as "aquatic" with me? But I normally love neroli! :P

  2. Gelt

    Sadly, this smells like a chocolate eraser on me. Or maybe chocolate Play Doh. :P


    It's a flowery-like dry cocoa. A little musky.


    Hmm..it not playing nice right now. Maybe a little aging might help.

  3. This is like a richer, cinnamon-laden, slightly spiked version of Sugar Cookie. I :P it!


    I was wary of the rum being too potent, but it's not at all! It just gives the cookie a little "kick". I'm mostly getting buttery snickeredoodle. It's very good and definitely bottle-worthy! :D

  4. Orange-glazed cake, dotted with anise seed, and filled with custard, set beside a bouquet of celebratory funeral flowers.

    Candied oranges with caramel. Maybe some spice..maybe some roses and chrysanthemums. Mostly sweet vanilla-y oranges. Slightly cake-y. Slight licorice. Not too sweet. Pretty. I'm enjoying wearing this--it's slather-worthy. And I love the name!

  5. Love ths one! I smell fresh green hay overlaid with grains and carrots. I think I can smell chlorophyll! Like sweet leaves. Not too much maple, for me. But there is some sweet syrupy-ness, think.


    Nice. It's something different.

  6. This is a deep, blackened, film noir-type brown. Very sophisticated yet edge-y. I love it. And it looks good even with my brown skin tone (which is an NC35 in MAC).


    It's a little streaky in the first coat, three coats makes it even darker the bottle color. I put on three coats and it's great.


    I think I do see a bit of purple because there seems be a depth to it. This is not a drab, dead brown that's for sure!!

  7. Oh you have a super rare one!! Those were how the bottles looked at the very beginning (before I joined).


    And the that's how the labels looked on the imp's ears! I loved those labels with the twiney sticky "sinew". but they were too time consuming for the Lab to keep creating when they got super busy.


    I'd definitely hold on to that bottle! It looks so cute. :P

  8. This has the same "redness" of Snake Charmer, but it's totally different. While Snake Charmer is thick and rich with vanilla and plum, Marianne is dry and "dusty" and sexy. At first it's almost like peanut butter on my skin and Smut-like (I'm guessing because of the musk), but then the drydown is all red musk and patchouli. This is like Snake Charmer's "experienced" aunt--serious, calculating and drop dead sexy.


    eta: on a whim, I just layered Madini's Vanille on top and it's so yummy now! It's totally sweetened up and gorgeous! Just FYI for those who are into vanilla. :P

  9. I have to say, it would be helpful if there were a clearer statement about this on the Lab's website. It comes up so often, and the statement that is usually pointed to in the FAQ is technically about veganism, not about whether the oils are all-natural. If you were skeptical about BPAL's use of synthetics, you'd notice that it only says that the civet and ambergris blends are made of plant oils. It doesn't have anything to say about whether the strawberry and caramel blends are made of plant oils (they could be synthetic but still be vegan). This is what talula_fairie's friends were talking about.


    Personally, I do believe that BPAL is all-natural - but that's only from what I've read on the forum, not from the site itself. Why not be proud of this and state it clearly in the FAQ?


    Totally. I agree.


    I the beginning when I was new to BPAL, there used to be a statement on the website (in the FAQ's) saying that the blends were all-natural. But now that's gone and I'm not sure when it was changed.

  10. This is like Black Pearl with lilac!! Like a snowy blue springtime version of Black Pearl. I can sense that same lovely coconut note.


    Ashlultum, to me is predominately a sweet and flowery coconut tea. There is a slight smoky bitterness in the mix which adds complexity.


    I love it so it's :P for me!

  11. This is orange-flavored Snake Oil! :D


    The fruity-citrus hit of acai berry and neroli come on very strong. Underneath, I can sense some of the thick patchouli/vanilla sweetness of Snake Oil, but not much.


    The drydown is a bit plasticky. And then it's almost like a berry-scented shampoo! :P A strange side-effect from my skin chemistry, I think.

  12. Oh man..this is too sweet for me! I love foody scents, but this is just pure cloying stickiness on me! :D


    I don't get much cakeyness in here.


    It's pure honey and condensed milk with overripe grapes. My skin amps the honey like woah and not in a good way (too much honey smells almost urinal on me). But ultimately, I think it's the combination of milk and grapes that's the dealbreaker for me. It doesn't mix right with me. And that makes me sad. :P

  13. A deep, rich velvety blue-white orchid scent.


    It has dewy, crystalline top notes and dries down to gorgeously soft, slighty spicy flowers. It's like a twilight garden in the tropics--where it's not "humid" but lush.


    I'll echo most everyone's sentiments here and say that this is absolutely stunning. I will need more than one bottle.

  14. I have DCCCLVIII -


    From the bottle: Woah, fruity! Then melons. Then a ton of slightly soapy lemon--I think it's lemon verbena? All overlaid with something fresh and ozone.


    On my skin: Reminds me of June Gloom (I still have my 10 ml--I have to dig it out to compare)! It's lemons and fresh greenness, a bit of sugary fruit, melons, white flowers? Something like dryer sheets--something aquatic. The drydown is like faded Sweet Tarts...with soap.


    It's so strange, why have all the past Chaos Theories I've gotten been different variations of fruity-melon-ness?? :P


    This will be my first and only bottle of Edge of Chaos. I like it, but I don't think I'll reach for it often. It's aquatic, ozone, soap attributes are not for me.

  15. This begins thick and almost sweet and ends in curls of smoke.


    I smell the incense reminiscent of church..and a suggestion of sweetness like in Chimera. The drydown, on my skin, is nicely smoky (but not tobacco smoke, more like an incense stick or candle that has just been blown out).


    Very nice! Very...moody.


    I love it.

  16. The Dragon’s Isle: smoke and fire, earth and wind. The rage of the elements blasting over a primordial paradise.

    On my skin, I smell spicy pine. Then something like the fresh bitterness of green tea. Then Brimstone with cucumber. Like a green vegetal, watery freshness on gravel.

    I like it, but I was expecting more spiciness and less freshness.

    (eta to add description)

  17. (Forgive me if this has been mentioned before but...) do you know what this reminds me of? Do any of you guys remember that fruit flavored chewing gum that was striped different colors and had a giraffe on the package??


    FruitStripeGum.jpg Fruit Stripe Gum!!


    It's very sugary and fruity sweet smelling to me--just like Fruit Stripe Gum!


    (eta: Oh I just realized that it's not a giraffe--it's a zebra!! -"stripes", duh! :P )

  18. To me, this is predominately smoky, spicy, leather-y caramel.


    I could smell the sweetness of the muguet mingling wonderfully with the caramel. (I love muguet and caramel together!)


    The spice has a dry, "dusty" quality to it--very "dried leaves" (must be the tobacco and cinnamon leaf). The patchouli seems aged and very "brown".


    I like this a lot. It's mysterious and strange. :P


    I love my aged bottle. When it was fresh, I didn't like it much at all--it was kind of "sharp" somehow. But it's different now--richer, mellower, more blended.

  19. This is intriguing in the vial. Rich, regal cherry and woods..and something plummy?


    On my skin, it's sweet cherry, woods and something fresh and green almost? :P


    The drydown is a little soapy, though. And astringent.


    Sadly, this isn't for me.
