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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Sienamystic

  1. I'm not a fan of the very spicy scents, and unfortunatly, that's what Florence turns into on me. Although there's some berry around when it's still wet, the second it starts to dry the spices (especially a clove scent) come out and drown the rest into nothingness. The end smell is a very old-lady sachet / bath powder one, and it's not working for me at all.

  2. In the vial, I thought this would be way too sweet for my liking - too bubblegummy. But once on, the stickysweet smell fades away, and the frutier notes come out, and it all turns into something very light and fun. I think I want a big bottle of this, to make my own shower gel.

  3. I'm new to BPAL, and this is the scent that taught me how much chemistry makes the difference. When I opened the vial, it smelled soapy - this was reinforced by my little sister, who compared it to the kind of soap you'd find in a public bathroom. We both tried it, and disliked it very much - it had an odd chemical tang.


    I was talking to a friend about BPAL, and showing her the imps I had purchased, and she made an "Oooh!" noise, tried on Neo-Tokyo, and fell in love. On her, it smells fresh, and clean, and bright! So I gave her the imp - it was obviously destiny!
