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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. WOW, this tarot oil smells so different from all the other ones I've tried! This smell reminds me of spellbound but better, not so musky but just a touch, maybe its amber, This is an enchanting scent. One of the best tarot oils Ive sniffed.

  2. Absolutely beautiful. The gardenia is what stands out most for me, makes me feel beautiful, but does have a sadness to it. I also picture a beautiful funeral with many loved ones and the loss of a good person to the other side...

  3. Man this is my new favorite scent!!! As soon as I put it on I went from an annoyed nervous wreck to a confident and ready to get the day going kinda gal!! I don't know how to explain it but It changed my mood in a good way. I feel like this is a strong long lasting scent but still slatherable and not smell too overpowering.

    So I have a performance today, and I felt a bit out of shape and yucky and this totally brightened up my day!




    glad I got a big bottle of this one!! :P

  4. mmm this one is a very *dusty* kinda smell, I can definatley picture a walk through a dry hot heat to come to a running river with birds and trees.

    This one lasts a good long time too, I love how the vanilla and sassifras mingle w/ the cedar. I like cedar smells, with the vanilla, this one is slightly foody. I smell yummy.

  5. Mmm theres gotta be cinnamon in this, like a peppermint candy almost, with some hot spicey cinnamon in the backround. Maybe a bit of lemon, or even maybe almond?

    Your right about it being genderless, its applicable to men and women and everything inbetween.


  6. Name; Jennifer


    URL, coming soon...


    Photo, how do I do this? heres a temperary foto;





    Sin of choice; Anger/wrath


    Virtue you embody; faith... hope...


    Astrological Info; Capricorn sun, moon, mars, Scorpio rising...


    How you found out about BPAL; Ummm, I'm thinking I did a gothic fashion search and saw somewhere (who I think) was slythwitch who posted about Black Phoenix, and knew right away I am buying some to give it a whirl. That was in september '03.


    Any comments you'd like to add about the Lab or life in general; Ok I like to dance and do mostly gothic inspired belly dance in an urban tribal fusion kinda way. I'm more of a *hippie* chick. Its so hard to say which scents are my favorite but I seem to grab these more that others, oneiroi, sol, capricorn, loviatar, and black lotus is what I am wearing as I type this.

  7. Oh how lovely this one is on me!! I thought for sure it had to have some lavender in it! But from the discription there isnt. Its similiar to Oneiroi, but with a crisp clean feel to it. I will definatly get my hands on a bigger bottle of this!

  8. Maybe I put this on on the wrong day. It definatly reminds me of something, waking up too early from the sound of the shower and a shaver being dragged across wet skin. Weird but thats what I pictured... This was a wash off for me as well, but I think on a day when I am ready to come back to that place I will perhaps like this one. Its more of a manly scent to me, very strong, almost overpowering. I put on some Tempest after I had this one on to feel more feminine..

  9. I am wondering if there is a touch of pine in this? I mean its very floral, but it has that early morning dew foresty scent in it as well. I didnt think I would like this one at first but once I put it on I could truly experience its intensity... I might get a big bottle of this one...

  10. Yes! another scent for a hot day, this is stronger than seraphim but has a similiar scent. The rose stands up tall with the lily of the valley and I'm not quite sure of the other oils in there, the frankincense is there, Another beautiful scent!

  11. This is a light scent on me, for those days hot days this would be perfect. Not too strong but its there and lovely. I like most rosey oils, and this one has that dusty backround once its on for an hour or two that I like. Not sure if I will buy a big bottle, but the sample is a keeper.

  12. WOW this is really good, almost edible, that tonka bean is different, spicy incense in a flowery breeze. Sensual wow wow wow. I really like this, it might have sandalwood in it? I would guess so, but its delicate and a warm breeze...

    I likes


  13. Wet it smells like that new car smell, or plastic. I see where the docs office smell comes from. Once applied The clove pepper cinnamon and resin intermingles nicely. Sometimes wrath is a good thing! This is sweet and spicey, a good fix for meeting that X you hate so much. Or even just getting what you rightly deserve, demanding, forceful, and I feel a bit self righteous...

    I don't know how long the staying power is on this one, and I prob won't buy a bigger bottle, but the sample just does me right for now.

  14. At first whiff I'm thinking bubblegum, or maybe jollyrancher. It is NOTHING like that at all, peppery, and light, once this hits my skin. It might just have some pinepossibly pennyroyal? maybe a splash of fruit, definatly peppery, a truly interesting and blessed scent!

  15. Nyx


    Named in honor of the primeval Greek Goddess of Night. A scent reflecting inky black skies and eternal desolation. Night-blooming jasmine, warmed by myrrh, lifted by the promise of rose.


    This goes on almost dusty at first, the jasmine & myrrh really go so well together in this. It has a rainy smell to it, almost like your standing in mist surrounded by jasmine and flowers of all kinds. Or maybe a walk after midnight, just as the temperature finally cools off the Earth. The rose IS there though hidden in the backround. My only tiny complaint is this doesnt last long enough on me-but anyone who enjoys jasmine scents that arent too overpowering will like this one.
