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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. this is really a great scent, Very strong and long lasting, can almost be overpowering if too much is applied. Gives me a great feeling of Deja vu in a veracious way. I smell no florals or citrus in this, what stands out most to me is amber and musk. They blend together incredibly well. My little imp from october is nearly gone and I am contemplating a bigger bottle. Not sure if I can live without this one...

  2. A beautiful oil to capture the essence of Justice!

    Smells like Violet? Maybe tonka bean? Amber? Whatever it is, I find myself drawn to this one alot. Its light but not too light. It does have that touch of floral. Its hard to say what is in this. Its got a dry edge to it, one of my favorite tarot oils! Yay Beth!

  3. I usually finish a fragrance when I use it to slather on myself or in my oil burner. This takes me about 3 months. This is for performance, I reapply very often before and after performances, They go really fast for me. But it gives me the opportunity to try more!! I try to keep them in catagories,

    The daily;

    These last a while, I use them only as perfume 6-8 months(O, Sol, Capricorn)


    dancing, These go by fast, 3 months (seraglio, Dragons Heart)


    sleeping, Every night perfume 6-8 months (Oneiroi, Yuki Onna)



    But then I do switch oils to suite my mood. Also some oils are stronger on me than others so It all depends. I just like have a large selection!!

  4. Wow, No kidding this is beautiful, the smell of skin, edible but not in a cannabalistic way. Very sexy, watch out for this one! Very pleasing to my nose. I love it !! I got a sample in a swap and I am so glad I bought a bigger bottle, I could see myself wearing this every day.

  5. The moment I put it on the smell of lemon grass or something like that hit my nose. AS my skin absorbed it I could really smell a luscious incense. Like a really hard to find resin of some sort. I wish this was a bit stronger, since it seems to fade away.

  6. A sinfully playful lust blend. Inspires sexual spontaneity, a little bit of kinkiness, and new and inventive ways to get dirty.

    Bloody and menacing, this smells like dragons blood a bit of pepper a touch of rose and possibly jasmine?? Or is this powder under it all patchouli? ?
    Very nice, I feel so power hungry. I got this in a trade from Rosefaith and I am diggin this. I went straight for it, since the name diablo vermelho is my favorite drink when in Portugal and this reminds me of that. Deeply feminine and dangerous, seductive and captivating. Slightly rose but spicey in its depths.
    Please make more! :P

  7. Mmm Vanilla and heat, what more can I say that hasnt been said already?

    I still have my sample from my first order, though I don't classify snake oil as an everyday scent.(bought october 03') I am wearing it today to go out and wow some folks. Get a few compliments and hopefully my ideas will be a success. This is so strong and sensual, my mom who loathes all perfume even commented on how I smell good. This is an all around satisfying blend. I will be buying a bigger bottle once this lil sample runs out. (which is soon unfortunatley)

  8. This one is heavy on the cedar, with vetiver and resins coming out, those 2 smells I can really pull out, with a touch of patchouli. This is good, lasts long feels completely unisex it is one of my favorites. I was so happy to smell a capricorn fragrance that I love this much. Its earthy and warm, I've gotten *you smell like incense* from a few people since I've been wearing this.

  9. Yes this is a strong grapefruit that tones down to a citrus laced tea. Very light, but there, its a perfume for those days when you don't want to be too physically overpowering, more subtle in your takeover. I like it, the staying power is not there, but a very nice refreshing scent. I'll be taking this bottle with me for the rest of the day for touch ups.

  10. This one is very strong, I really thought I'd love it but oils with wine/ alcohol really have not agreed with me. That remains true with Bordello, I let a friend of mine have my sample since she absolutley adored it. But just being around her gave me a headache!! It was a very long lasting scent too.

  11. This is a festive *bubbly* scent. I don't know whats in here but if I where to guess I'd say apple blossom, maybe something a bit fruity, this is nice! I really do like it. I've gotten, mmm you smell good twice now, from 2 different people. Its a happy scent and I think bubbly is the perfect word to describe it!


    Ok after wearing this a few days I am smelling some mintyness in it. Maybe pennyroyal, its so light I didnt notice it till now!



  12. I have BPAL mini parties all the time!! As soon as I get my package I run over to a friends place to share the goodness. I usually end up giving em an imp or two but its so much fun!! Could you imagine all of the forumites in a room with their fresh new orders???

    Imagine... The smell of every single blend all at once on a few hundred different people!!

    Whew, maybe a bit too fragrant ! :P
