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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. This is really beautiful. It brings to my mind, my grans house about 20 years ago. She wore a tea rose perfume, shes chopping limes, and out in the backyard theres that soft breeze of Lavender (or is it the Marjoram?) I actually wore this visiting her a few days ago. Shes been incredibly depressed, She loved it so much I'm making her a spray bottle with it! She actually smiled and said the smell was so good! I know Beths oil voodoo blends work, but this was absolutley the most wonderful reaction I have ever had from a voodoo blend.

  2. I smelled apple ginger beer, :P the stuff I usually make about this time of year, when I cracked open the lid. After about 5 minutes on I smell the blackberries, the smell of something woodsy, cider, and *almost* citrus. This is really beautiful! It doesnt last as long as it should though! So I added about 20 drops to a small spray bottle with a bit of castille soap and that seems to give it a bit more life. A great scent for lotions too!!

  3. WOW, Taking a sniff from the bottle I smell the plum and a bit of Hibiscus.

    Once I put is on I smell Passion tea from Tazo.

    As it absorbs a bit into my skin it becomes this light coconut/vanilla flower that is just BEAUTIFUL. It lasts and lasts, a very strong but noble scent. I love this and I'd love to get more. This is truly a work of art!! (the bottle is beautiful too!) I hope Beth does create more because this is up there on my favorites list. The coconut is subtle but there as with the vanilla. The plum and flowers bring it up to beautiful. I feel really good wearing this!

    :D :P :D

  4. I can't believe how much I love this. I didnt think I would like it from its description! But the lovely Minilux offered me a sample in trade and I've fallen madly in love. This is up on my favorites list. It is so beautiful, Its a dark floral, its not overpowering to the point where you would get a headache. (Plum does this to me sometimes) The Plum, blackberry and amber is what I smell the most in this. Oh how I should've ordered a bottle!! I feel lucky enough to have tried this. Shes strong, in control, respected and admired. Oh this is too lovely, I am having the hardest time explaining it, it is so well rounded!

    :D :P

  5. In the morning I've put mine in the fridge when its been sweltering. After a couple hours I pull them out and put them back in my dresser. It would be interesting to see how long they would last in the freezer... I wonder if they would solidify?

  6. This is a little late, but Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo smelled like cotton candy on me...at one point. (It started off sort of strawberry, then went bubble gummy, then it was chocolate for a litlte while, then cotton candy. :P) So that might be a good one to try, too.

    I agree, I put this on and asked my man what I smelled like and he said cotton candy. It is very sweet, you definatly need to get your hands on a lil impsy at least to try it out.

  7. hmmm I smell Myrrh, Patchouli and definately Jasmine. It's almost like there is the smallest amount of coffee imaginable in this. Either that or it makes me think of Beths' Mata Hari so much that my nose is making me think its in there. It is definalty masculine, earthy and warm, even with the jasmine in this. I'm really curious to know what is in it.

  8. wow Horn of Plenty Smelled like Honeysuckle to me... No vanilla or almond, but straight honeysuckle. Maybe there is something else (citrus?)but the honeysuckle is so strong in this that it is all I can smell. I'm not a fan of honeysuckle, so this is a no go for me. I might just annoint candles with the imp that I do have, but as soon as I opened the vial I got a sneeze attack. Oh well...

  9. This smells like coconut suntan lotion :P

    It's not bad, but I have some homemade lotion at home that this smells just like!! Theres vanilla and tonka I quess that make this smell so coconut to me. Its got that Malibu rum scent going on too. This is strong and lasts well, just not a perfume I would wear. This was a scent I thought I would love from the description but I was mistaken!! Glad I got a lil imp instead of a big bottle!

  10. I smell peppermint, cassia and violets. It really is invigorating. I put some on before bed last night and I sat up thinking (about my next order) and reading a bit. This is a great morning perfume and it is strong too! I'm tempted to buy a bigger bottle because I could see myself wearing this alot! Thanks ot the Lab for throwing this in as a freebie! I LOVE it!




    My first thoughts are coconut, pennyroyal, lavender and something unknown hidden in the backround.


    As I wear it I can definatly smell the mint and lavender in this, though its not sharp (like pain) and it is a warm scent. It is strong and I'm starting to think it may have some amber in it, or a white musk. Now I'm not positive there is coconut in this, if there is its only a drop or so. There is just something I can't quite place in this...Maybe a flower, its almost creamy, milk and tea maybe? Or is this the scent of heliotrope??

    I wish I knew what was in this for sure, what I do know if how it makes me feel~peaceful, content as if I'm sitting in the middle of my herb garden w/ my cup of milky tea feeling the gentle breeze touch my face. Shaded but warm.


    I love this, perfect chaos theory. I've never smelled anything like it!



  12. This is very pretty on me. I'm a big fan of Lavender so I think I could really love this. It is sharp when first applied and I really like that. After about an hour or so it calms into geranium lavender with a squeeze of fruit. I usually don't care for overly orange scents but this one seems to balance pretty nicely. I'll keep the imp but I don't think I'll order a bigger bottle.

  13. :P

    I agree with alot said Lixolux, I wanted to add that I loved the first 5 minutes this was on. My boyfriend said I smelled good. After about 5-10 minutes, it turned into cigarette ash, or a burning something, I couldnt quite get it. Needless to say my body chemisty did not like this one. Its so sad too because out of the bottle it was really yummy, foody and dark. It really does capture the season though its not a scent I'll be able to wear :D :D Maybe more as a room scent.

  14. Whoa for some reason I thought I already posted a review for this one!! Lughnasadh is apples cinnamon/spiceyness to me. If I put this on when I am unhappy, it changes my mood instantly. I've been wearing this alot lately the smell reminds me of walks with my great grandfather, he'd bring me an apple(I really loved apples) and we'd walk down the cobblestone to see friends of his and he'd show me off. It really is a happy smell, definatly deserving of a limited edition scent. I'm so glad I have this!!

  15. Yes this is powerful for sure, in a very good way. The Dragons Blood scent is wonderful. After getting this imp I really need a large bottle. It not only is strong and smells great but gives me a feeling of strength. The description says it all.


    Berry/resin like but not too sweet, just an all around must have oil.

  16. Its so beautiful its incredibly hard to describe. This is definatly a *me* scent. I've been wearing this since I got it. I even like this more than Blue moon which is an amazing thing to say since Blue moon is wonderful. Could it be possible that the lunacy blends just keep getting better? MMM I don't know but for sake of simplicity this out of the bottle smells of fruityness, as I wear it it becomes an aroma of sweetness but not too sweet, you can't really pick out any single note, they all melt together to form something new, and beautiful. This also gave me vivid memorable dreams, I'll let you know if they come true :P

  17. I LOVE IT. I'd roll around in it buck naked if I could... and wouldn't get a migrane. It's so complex and incredibly delicious. On me, it turns into pure sex. Thank god. I have to admit, makes me wanna touch myself. Ahem. *plays the song*

    Um I totally agree with that qoute!!

    Wilde is me sneaking out on the town as a boi. It smells absolutely handsome. Its floral, but w/ it comes this masculinity.(it may inspire exssesive rubbing ) :P

    The bergemot peaks after the first hour or so and fades a bit w/ the jasmine undertone alive and kicking underneith it. It smells so good you want to rub it, savor every Phase of it, till it becomes you. Great for an *intimate* massage (that is it inspires raw sex) but not to be rubbed in intimate places please!! :D A great scent to mix with UltraViolet as well.
