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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. Pink Moon May just be a favorite of mine. Its thick, creamy, and PINK. Hmmm sounds a bit naughty to me. I've never smelled Phlox and have no Idea what it looks like but if it smells anything like this then I need to get some growing around my house.

    I originally thought this would smell like cotton candy pure and simple, but its not cotton candy, its a bit like bubblicious but with more floral notes. I just can't say what gives this its scent, its gorgeous, longlasting, and beautifuly pink.



    I just had to add that this is strong without being overpowering. It starts to smell like Tea a the end of the day. I really love this oil, one of my favorites!

  2. Dorian DOES smell a bit like a foody version of Ice Queen. Theres a bit of Russian tea cake, a touch of lemon and a day at a tea shop. It is lovely and I keep getting wonderful complements from how yummy I smell and "what is that wonderful smell!?" unfortunatly it is soo strong that I love smelling it out of the bottle but on my skin it just amplifies and can become overpowering. I can see why this is loved by many, it is yummy, It just doesnt work for me!

  3. At first this is medicinal, its a bit harsh, then it cools a bit making me think there may be some kind of mint or somthing similiar in this (anise, eucalyptus?). I also feel like there is sandalwood and something fruity, maybe citrus or a touch of berry. I really enjoy this, It is beautiful.

  4. The sublimely beautiful, fiercely independent, impeccably cultured, fascinatingly worldly and witty courtesans of ancient Greece. A seductive and dazzling blend of golden honey, fiery patchouli, sweet fig and clove, and a blushing touch of ylang ylang.

    YUM. At first its all honey and fig, then out comes the clove. This is good stuff! I am so happy that I have a 5ml of this~ ! I don't really get too much of the Patchouli, its a musky scent in the backround, it warms up very nice. Ylang ylang and honey, oh gods yes! Another new scent to the top of my favorites list!!!
    Not only does it smell wonderful but it lasts a good while. I can see how easy this would be too overdose on. It is a bit sweet, the earthyness of the patchouli brings some stability to it, so its not candy like. I can see how the fig in this *could* get overpowering if slathered on generously.
    A dab to one wrist and spread out works great for me!


  5. Warm cinnamon spice . A touch of floral, is this saffron peaking out? This is just gorgeous, This is 10ml worthy because not only do I love it on myself, but I love it on my boyfriend too. It seems to last a good amount of time. I think the best thing about Silk Road is that its not at all perfumey, it lasts and is not as strong as Morrocco (which began to smell of yeasty bread) This has hit the top of my favorites list, my only regret is that I got a 5ml rather than a 10ml.

    You should try this if you love spicey warm scents!


  6. This is sweet and juicy. Definatly rose in this and something a bit warm, resin of some sort? Amber? myrrh? This must have some kind of fruit in it maybe apple or pomegranite? A bit woodsy and very comforting. Mmm I smell sandalwood incense, I really enjoy this and am very pleased with this blend!

  7. Oooh, The Lion is pepper at first on me, it really warms up and gets me all lazy, It brings to mind the smell of Haunted but with a spicy edge to it. I think this would be great to warm up by the fire or a walk in the rain. Its very beautiful, I'd like to try this on my man to see how it ill develop on him. Definatly warm and regal.


  8. I can't decide if this is a watermelon bubbleyum or tropical fruit out of the bottle. On my skin it doesnt change much for a while. Its got that watermelony watery kinda smell too it. Very Pink, it reminds me of a big wad of fruity bubblegum. There may be some sort of flower in this that I am not familiar with, but doesnt smell outright like a flower. After a few hours it becomes a burnt watermelonrind/sugar scent, I asked my old man what he thought it was and he smelled burnt sugar. I think my mind is wanting to believe this has some kind of melon or possibly cucumber in this... (flowers and cucumber maybe?)

    Very beautiful and sweet, not as strong as some of the Voodoo blends seem to be, this is my first Orisha from the Lab to try. I look forward to smelling more of em!

  9. This is a beautiful crisp scent. The rose is light in this, what I smell the most is the honey apples with the ylang ylang giving it a fresh bitten feel to it. I LOVE THIS and I think I will possibly buy a 10 ml because it could be used on my skin, in my car and in an oil diffuser. I am very happy with this one!





  10. I'll have to say that I did not like the World at all. At first it smelled of black Pepper with cinnamon and maybe sandalwood? Then it turned to Bug spray which then made me think of the world clouded in bug spray. I'm sorry, I'm just being truthful and I had high hopes for this one but my skin decided to morph it into Bug Spray :P

  11. It is green, I really didnt think I would like this one at all but Its not that bad. It has a violet and grape smell to it, but it almost smells of Neem or an natural pesticide. I like the idea behind this and it makes me feel festive so I may just keep this lil imps ear for my own personal use.

  12. :P Yes I think I will have ot agree that there is some kind of Orchid in this! It is very flowery and smells SO good. IF there is Dragons Blood in this there is VERY little, possibly none at all but I can't say for sure. Its deliciously fruity as well, pomegranite or berry. Its really hard to tell, whatever the blend, it works together so well that it just becomes itself. Oh and it is a little Musky with a touch of smoke at first. :D



    The amber necklace of Freyja, Norse Goddess of Love, Sex, Attraction and Fruitfulness. Her magnificent necklace was bough from four Dwarves [Alfrik, Berling, Dvalin and Grer] at the price of four nights of her passion. When Brisingamen graces your throat, no man can resist your charms. A glittering mantle of rich golden notes: five ambers, soft myrtle and apple blossom, myrtle, and carnation.


    On first sniff:

    Earthy Amber, smells of stone, sensual. I am LOVING this out of the bottle. Its almost Eucalyptus smelling, I am really excited about this one, I get a hint of aged snake oil as well, and can only imagine this will get better with age.


    first hour on skin; The apple blossom comes out on top of the Amber, it is Gorgeous, theres that minty/eucalyptus which I imagine is myrtle. This is heavy and smells like the scent of skin. It really glows, so golden.


    It is beautiful and recommend you try this if you love the golden scent of amber. The apple blossom really hangs in there. ETA after wearing this a while I can really smell the carnation, it gives me a bit of a headache. I was hoping this one would work!

  14. I tried the 2003 Spooky, that being said I think 05' Spooky is so much better! Its less coconut and more minty cocoa vanilla. The coconut is in this but its not screaming at me and everyone else in the room. Its not like The Star to me either. The Star is more of a tropical coconut, Spooky is minty (and almost has a Dirt quality to it, or at least the teeniest amount of cedar) the mint LASTS. I really do love this and I was worried about it being too overpowering. Beth did a great job on this one. :P Again, this is a happy scent, I could see myself wearing this alot, its too bad its not ever going to be available again!!!

  15. 1st impression: Cinnamon, anise, cardamom maybe? Smells similiar to Tum but better, maybe some light cedar or some kind of wood. This is a dusty herbal so far.


    As I wear it 1st hour: It really does change, one minute I'm thinking it is an old dusty library sort of smell then it shifts in another direction, a bright light citrus (but I don't want to say citrus, maybe bergamot? Lemonbalm? Frankincense?) Oh how lovely this is getting.



  16. This is pretty. I smell rose, jasmine and/or Honeysuckle, maybe even some green in there. Its nice and strong on me. I ordered this because I love Hummingbirds, and this would be the smell of a hummingbird to me. Thats what I think of when I wear this. That it smells like the sweet nectar of many flowers with rose and Honeysuckle leading the pack.

  17. Another *Thank you* to quantum spice for trading with me to get to try out Pumpkin King. At first when I put it on, I can smell pumkin, a very nice patchouli and some kind of mint. Yes a mint, its not prominant but its making me wonder, *Is* there mint in this(pine maybe)? Its spicy, its not as obtrusive as Samhain and not nearly as buttery as Jack. It is pleasing, maybe there is some clove in this as well. Its as if Yuletide and Samhain had a child and its name is Pumpkin King.




    Ah now after an hour I can smell the animal in this, its giving me a bit of a headache. Ah it started out well!

  18. I was scared at first of the coconut mentioned being in The Star, but from such great reviews how could I resist trying it ?!


    I'm so glad I ordered this. Not only does this smell of a lovely light cocoa, coconut, vanilla, mint with a teeny amount of gardenia it makes me feel like the center of attention, really! I NEED to have a 10ml bottle of this in fact I could bathe in The Star its that good. I feel blessed that it is not a limited edition because it is THAT good. Next order this is going on, top priority. Its not a strong overpowering scent, its light, if it where a color I would say pink with silver sparkles and powdered blue lining. If it were a fabric it would be Microsuede as soft as silk but as tough as leather. The scent is of The Star and Beth did a great job in helping me interpret the card by making this blend. I LOVE THIS.



  19. :P I really didnt expect to like this as much as I do from the description. This is very close to the smell of Ice Queen but without so much musk. Its crisp, invigorating. I can feel the mint and Eucalyptus, very beautiful. Its something I could justify slathering all over myself in the summer just to feel the cool breath of snow on my skin. Lotus and I don't usually agree, but in this blend it works. I really can see myself wearing this alot.

  20. This smells like candy, or a new strawberry shortcake doll. If I was to say what I thought was in it before reading the description, I would say strawberrys chocolate and musk, maybe a bit of peppermint. This is a really lovely smell. The juniper isnt overpowering on me like juniper can be, it doesnt smell like juniper at all. It does make me think of a dog, not the scent of a dog, but the feeling a dog can bring you. In fact this really makes me want a dog. :P

  21. Hmm Ace of Swords...

    On me I first get a lemongrass jasmine scent. Its very light (air, makes sense). Maybe this does have a bit of white sandalwood in it too. It has that smoky incense feel to it after a few minutes. This would be a great slathering perfume but it smells just fine with a dab here and there. I'd say this lasted about 4 hours on me. I was a bit surprized since it is a light aroma, that the lasting power was still going on after a few hours.

  22. Eoywin Kindly sent me a sample of All Saints to try out.

    At first It has a hint of chocolate, but it doesnt last. It really has that thick mryyh smell to it. Oh and the initial Cinnamon that floats lightly in the backround. I don't really smell flowers but it has an aqautic feel to it. This really blends together so well. After an hour or so it has a more powdery feel to it. Its there after 2 hours but is very light. I'm happy to have tried this but I can't imagine wearing this too often. :P


    I need to add that this is one of those, the more you try the more you like kinda scents. I still have that generous imp left because this baby is steerong!! If this comes back I will be getting a 5ml!!
