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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. Wow, This smells just Like SHUB on me... Its a little spicey, buttery, n green but so so like Shub! Its got nice staying power, seems to hold up well on me. I really like this, and it may just bump Shub outta her place. Beautiful!!

  2. I absolutley Love this scent. Its like Samhain but without the apple and pumpkin. Its autumn leaves, Trees and damp earth. There is almost that element in Devils Night that I didnt like, but this isnt that overpowering Sugary Aquatic scent that is in DN. Nothing sweet, except maybe the smell of Pinion. Overall, its definalty something I want to wear alot of!

  3. Glamour: roses and linens with the slightest touch of resins. It lasts and lasts, and I have worn this as a perfume and worked with in spells and such before going out and I have to say that this is incredible. I really can't go into too many details with what has happened when wearing this but I will say that I get noticed. It has the ability to bring out lust in people with whom you may be attracted to (and also those you don't) Of course it helps with what YOUR intent is and how you handle it. But damn, this is my scent to wear when I wanna get some.

  4. Excuse me for a minute... OHYES OH YES OH YEA!!


    ahmm, well, I put off trying this for a few weeks can you belive that?? Just because when I opened the bottle I smelled um, straight up MAN. I tryed this yesterday and could not believe it. I thought, "no, it must be Clio I put on earlier today" But As I wear it now I smell the wonderfullness of Cedar and leather, oh gods its beautiful. I'm on a Cedar kick lately and this shit rocks my world. It smells almost like cold metal and lavender flowers. Really beautiful, I thought about giving this to my boyfriend but now I wants it! ME! MINE!

  5. Yellow Flowers, Oxalis, Dandelions, field flowers, Weeds. This is what Asphodel brings to mind. Like I'm on an open plain with tons of blooming yellow flowers.There is almost a wax smell to this, maybe even honey could be in this. Its not something I would wear very often, but it is a sunshine smell to me. Lots and lots of sunshine.

  6. Right away I get the same feel that Bearded Lady had with me, very jasmine, with something sweet alongside. After I've been wearing it for an hour or so I have to say it smells like Daturas, clean Laundry and Chocolate. It mostly reminds me of coming home late at night and the Datura is putting out its heavy scent and someone is doing laundry in the house (we use the lavender scented soap that sells at Trader Joes) With chocolate on funnel cakes. Its good. I will have to see how it wears over time more.

    The throw is above average I'd say but not too intense that it makes it so it is unbearable to be around.

  7. Mmm, This is a sweet Dragons Blood right away, after a few minutes you can really smell the myrrh and Patchouli in this. Its still stays sweet but its smokey at the same time. There is also that faint touch of a cinnamon smell in the backround. The throw is average, not light but not heavy either. It seems to last a bit on my skin maybe 2 hours or so. I havent worn a Dragons Blend Scent in so long and I've forgotten how it makes me feel. This is a wonderful scent, I love the blood and smoke that give this its body. (the Patchouli Myrrh and Cassia help too) I have to add that I bit the bullet and order a 10ml of this and I am not regretting it one bit. Tanin'iver is in my top ten.


    In Two words: Smokey and Sweet.

  8. Of course as everyone most likely can agree this is in the Snake family of scents. Right away I can notice this, as it begins to work with my skin chemistry , I smell Cedar and lemongrass but not overpoweringly so. Maybe it doesnt have these two ingredients, its just what it brings forth on me. It really is beautiful, There is no question that I will be getting more of this and it may just replace Snake Charmer as my most favorite scent of all time. Its sweet, Its smokey, Its spicey, and just a little dirty smelling, everything I love in Bpal together in one bottle. It kind of goes without saying that if you are a Snake Oil/Snake Charmer lover, you need to try Mme. Moriarty. two thumbs up, five stars and ten fuckin' hats.

  9. I think this is just about everything I enjoy in a scent. Its a light floral that becomes smokey without being overpowering. I can smell the Opium smoke an dthe lovely Ginger that is in this. It has good throw but isnt taking over the atmosphere around you. It is almost subtle but not quite. This lasts for about 6 hours on me which is great. Really beautiful blend! So glad I can wear this ! Definatly a keeper :P

  10. Currently Unemployed and seeking a decent paying part time job that will work with my time restrictions~ I am giving Gainful Employment a try (thanks to a lovely forum member via the swap forum). Right away I notice the heavy clove and cinnamon. There may be other oils in this, but right now it is heavy on the clove with a bit of cinnamon breaking through. Hmm Maybe even a little bit of licorice? As it touches my skin it sends a heat sensation , not burning, but hot. This leads me to believe there may b some black pepper in this. I do not have sensitive skin, so I had no red bits on myself but I can imagine this burni: ng the hell out of someone with sensitive skin, definalty use with caution. After annointing my candles tonight and praying beside my bed I'm hoping to be able to do something I enjoy while still having a life outside work. Will Gainful Employment help? I'm Hoping it does!


    ETA: Gainful employment is one of my favorite scents in my locket. Really beautiful spicey and warm scent, there is something sharp in there that really cuts through the air. I *love* it!


    I'll get back to ya on how it goes!


    Update: I am not a brown noser, I Promise! I will send pics of my nose to you if you arent sure :P I have to add that I have met, a wonderful person whom has helped me sell alot of my handmade clothing. She tells people about me and buys things for herself, and she is also someone I feel a deep connection with personally. I also have been selling well online and making enough through my business to live on. Ain't that a trip? Plus I anointed my Old mans shirt with it and he has been making BANK now doing what he loves most. Really this stuff works well, Ihave time to go out and have fun, plus I work from home and take care of my son 24/7


    Gainful Employment really helped me :D

  11. Samael is a thick juicy floral. I get Jasmine and tuberose possibly honeysuckle and some kind of fruit, I almost want to say pear but I could be way off. Its honeyed and sweet , its what I've been grabbing when I go out with Ken . He really likes it and it lasts long enough , so that I don't have to reaply. Its sexy and comforting. I have to say that this is one of my most used oils right now, and I am DEFINATLY a Jasmine person, sometimes honey goes yucky on me but jasmine and similiar scents are wonderful on me most of the time, and I love this blend. I am so glad I have a 10 ml!

  12. This one has alot of throw, and lucky for me that I love the earthyness of it! It must have vetiver and patchouli in this and something that takes you deep down in the forest, very lovely on me. I have found myself going back to this chakra oil alot, simply because I can't get enough of the earthy scent. Truly beautiful.

  13. Ok this smells like chocolate and spice to me :P Fresh it smells of wood and musk, but theres that sweetness. I had to check the color to make sure this is right, its green alright. This is definatly GREAT stuff for anyone who likes something that almost smells sweet and has a dark undercurrent of resin and wood in it. This one lasts on my skin for about 2 hours or so, I put more on because it smells wonderul :D

  14. Hmm Joy, Out of the bottle I smell Oranges, almost like one of the Stations of the Sun, it has that smoky edge to it. When this is wet, it is absolutley unbelievable. I kept this in my pocket so I could reaplly all day, it doesnt seem to last in this stage for too long. It starts to smell like melons or some other fruit~ With frankincense very strange, it does keep me feeling good when the pressure is on, it's a very beautiful oil on scent alone, and it really has helped me when I wear it!

  15. Hmm I'm not sure what is in this that is making me think of dessert wine. It smells alot like sweet port, but also has some spice to it. Theres something else in this I cannot place... I have only worn this for the scent so far, but it smells wonderful, I know alot of the TALs are not ment to be worn, but I sure hope this one is, because it smells great.

  16. Ooh yes I smell florals, a bit like antique lace, very warm and inviting with a touch of earth. Wow very beautiful, sweet and earthy, patchouli and vanilla with some resin, maybe frankincense or something with white flowers light in the backround, absolutley beautiful! This might end up as one of my favorites, it is GORGEOUS.

  17. If I could only wear one BPAL perfume it would be Smut. That really says alot about this as I have many favorites, Its musk, its sweet and its boozy. Whats not to love? It does have that Snake oil bit in it, as well as the Sed Non Satiata, but its so unique. The throw is wonderful, I get tons of compliments and I love it. Just a beautiful blend, I hope it becomes a GC and not just a limited edition, I would buy this in a few 10ml if I could. It's one of those scents that just gets better and better as you wear it.

  18. I was hesitant to try this when I got my first sniff from the bottle, it was herbacious mostly, with some rose. After about two weeks of having the bottle stare at me in the morning I decided to try this on. It's rose definatly, but it is also ash, like when you put out a candle and you get some ash on your fingers, its like that but with white roses everywhere. (i do get the tiniest hint of mintiness/verbena/Something! in this as well) I really could see myself not only wearing this but using it in rituals. Trying Venus makes me want to invest in the other celestials as well simply because they are so different and interesting. This is very light and pretty .

  19. You stink Alone, your breath is like death and dust.

    You reak of peppers and funk

    I don’t want you to touch me, no way.

    I feel the need to swap you away!

    Your rot can bloom far away from me

    I will set your liquid free.

    But wait, I cannot yet judge.

    My nose will not budge

    Though, through the bottle, Alone I hate

    I promised to try you, its not too late.

    I hold you in my hand, far away

    In fear of what my skin will say…

    Your cardamom spreads to my heart

    I want to eat you and scream to the stars!

    You smell so good, you do!

    I’m so glad I got to know you!

    You float to my nose on butterfly wings,

    Herbs, spices, flowers~ such beautiful things!

    Spanked comes to mind

    Another favorite of mine,

    I want to keep you for awhile

    I love how you make me smile.

    So spicey and sweet.

    When my skin you did meet!

  20. Oooh, this one is cold! It gives that same *feel* that Numb had but there doesnt smell like any violets are in this. Right away I can smell the thyme and lemon peel, it has that oakmoss type smell in it too, like death touched with beauty. Not sure if it is me or not, but enjoyable. It isnt too heavy or light, this is one to think about . I give it 3 out of 5 stars :P

  21. First off ~Arabian Nights Smells wonderful. Its darks and resinous with some musk or something keeping it from being too smoky. Headshop comes to mind, as does mindblowing sex ~ THERE I said it.

    The results where a bit shocking. I put some one last night and had a phone call from a gal I worked with a while ago who wants to get together on business matters. I put AN on this morning, with a touch of Harlot on my shoulders and Arabian Nights on my forehead and wrists (hey it was a bit of a ritual this morning with the stuff, I had a taste of it, now lets see some action) To make the experiement fair. I went out looking like crap. No shower, no wax, just jeans, sneakers, and my Marvin the Martian T-shirt. I went shopping and had a very good looking man at first pass me by with a long stare. Then as I continued shopping I could see him peeking through the shelves looking at me. I thought OK who is this guy? DO I know him? Nope, just a good looking guy dark hair eyes etc. Then he caught up with me he smiled big, said hello and just stood there. Hmm I remembered that yes I am wearing Arabian Nights AND I made absolutley no effort to look good. So I giggled a bit and said Hi back. He was a very nice man. Not someone I've ever seen before in the place I was shopping and uh, he was hot stuff.

    Just my experience, but so far this is the best TAL I've ever tried.

