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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. VOODOO blends

    This formula is used to attract good fortune, peace of mind, safety and speed to travelers.


    This has a baby powder mixed with some flower scent. I wear it when I am feeling troubled or need some luck and it helps me out. At first out of the bottle my nose couldnt pick up the scent. But as soon as it went on I knew it was there. I like this one.

  2. Wicked and vicious! A sharp, cruel blend of lavender and pennyroyal.

    Its pennyroyal and lavender and I love this one. Its the kind of scent you use when you are feeling down, it will help to bring you back up. Very *minty* from the royal but not in a spearmint way. You really just have to smell this one!!

    EDIT: Added Lab's description --Shollin