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Posts posted by Nadirah

  1. This wasnt subtle on me, but it is definatey something that reminds me of something. Maybe its the geranium in it that reminds me of these sugar biscotti cookies my auntie makes. Don't get me wrong, this is not a food smell. Gorgeous, this is one of the few at the top of my list. I had a restful sleep the night I wore this and good dreams!

  2. Thanks to Michelle, Bless her heart I received a couple rosy smells in the mail today!!

    I first had to try this one because of all the reviews,

    This is a beautiful scent!! Alot lighter than I would've thought for a rose oil, it seams to get stronger as you wear it! Not sure I would buy a big bottle of this yet, but it is definatly a yummy once in a while perfume.

  3. I don't know why, but this one is very light on me... I almost bought a big bottle because I liked the name and ingredients but it is not happy with my body chemistry. I can barely smell this anymore . I really have to whiff at my wrist to smell it. I'm dissapointed as I really and truly thought I would love it.

  4. This one almost smells like *poison* to me, but more masculine. I wish I had an old bottle to compare. This is a STRONG scent, its hard to pin point whats in this. Powdery at drydown, theres something amazing in this....

    I wanna say maybe a fruity note in the backround but this is anything but sweet... Makes me wanna sit up straight and pay attention to my surroundings... if that makes any sense....

  5. Bewitching Brews

    The deepest, darkest point in a shadow; the area contained within the shadow of an eclipse. East African black patchouli, cedarwood, vetiver and a dribble of cinnamon.


    MMM< this is a masculine earthy scent, dark but warm. I can see myself wearing it on special occasions, but I'd much rather sniff it off of a man.

    The scent seems to last pretty well, I wore this a few nights ago to a dinner party and got many compliments on it, people I didnt know coming up close to sniff me. I can't belive no ones posted about this one yet. Its a good one. Not sure if I would buy a bottle for myself but it is definatly a sample I will keep, we'll see where it takes me from here.

  6. I really love this one... I bought it as a gift to my sister in law whom I love because SIN has all her favorite smells in it (shes a hippie chick too) . I had to try this one on an let me tell ya it LASTS you will not have to apply alot on . Good stuff. Lucky shes a great person else I woulda kept it!!! I got alot of queries asto what I was wearing that day, lots of compliments. Very yummy

  7. I like Velvet, it really isnt a *foody* smell after you wear it. I like how the sandalwood and myrrh really stand up and scream at you. With a slight smell of unsweetened cocoa whispering in the backround. My only complain is that I didnt feel it lasted long enough, maybe I just wanted more.

  8. This is another one that out of the bottle I did not like, but when I put it on my skin it became a fleshy multifarious scent that I couldnt get enough of. I love how it smells like roses but has that patchouli and wine hidden under the petals. I have been thinking of buying abottle...

  9. Created in honor of the Slavic Black God of the Dead. A nighttime god of grief, evil, chaos and woe, he is paralleled by his twin brother Bylebog, god of light, joy, order, and good fortune. A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein.

    Out of the bottle I pick up a lime scent for some reason, as soon as I try it on I am in love, I love the musky flavor to it and how it is laced with spice. For some reason I also pick out a slight vanilla scent, maybe this is the myrrh? I don't know but this might turn into a big bottle for me. :P

  10. This is defintaly a Mans cologne, even with the floras in it. There is no mistaking this for a femm scent.


    This discription reminded me of my boyfriend so I put a bottle in his stocking. I *tested* it before I gave it to him, The lavender and flowers really stand out to me, and this is great stuff, I love when he wears it!~

    it had all of his favorite oils, rosemary, mint, and jasmine. This stuff reminded him of the old perfume *Russian Leather* what his grandpa wore. He fell in love with it. I couldnt of picked a better perfume. The lavender and flowers really stand out to me, and this is great stuff! I love when he wears this one!!

  11. A profoundly erotic, lascivious scent. Black poppy, narcissus and civet.

    Out of the bottle I was originally struck with the scent of my grandmas house, I'm not sure why, she did have flowers and cats about. When I put it on it transformed into a really potent aphrodisiac, and a light flowery scent came with it. This is a special occasion scent for sure. Nights when the kids are gone and you have some time with that special somebody.

  12. Deep, mysterious, and full of dark portents: oakmoss, juniper berry, myrrh and patchouli.

    Out of the bottle I smell some kind of sweet juniper, as I put it on I find it to be very Earthy almost worthy of being a dark element kind of Earthy. The juniper & patchouli really stands out in this one, I love how it also has a smell that I just can't place. Mysteriously addictive stuff. I might just buy a big bottle.