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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by anguissette

  1. It kind of smelled like coconut oil (read: the suntan kind) on me. Maybe I should've given it longer to develop but I decided to give it to someone who wants to give it a try. Hopefully they'll get all the potential complexity out of this blend.


    Note: My decision may have been biased by the funny face my boyfriend made when he sniffed this one on me.

  2. Didn't work.

    I was so hoping it would work.

    I was looking forward to it with great hopes.

    The culprit: Patchouli.


    I have a vial of aged Vixen that I will try, will post if it does anything different. Will be interesting to see what effect aging patchouli scents has on my patchouli problem.

  3. Wet it was like cherry cough syrup.

    Now it smells like patchouli on me, dull, flat bad leather smell. Weird because there's no patchouli listed, but it smells like every patchouli scent smells on me, overwhelming every other note. Don't know why, but I'm swapping it out to people who I hope will enjoy it.

  4. First BPAL I tried, was a frimp in my first ever order from filigree_shadow.

    Beautiful. It lasted a long time and morphed through many delicious flavors of floral goodness. It wasn't a light, breezy, innocent floral, there was definitely an underlying darkness which makes this such an interesting floral for me. I think it was a good introduction to the complexity of BPAL, both in how it morphed on my skin throughout the day and the complex blending of notes to give what would be a light, typical average floral scent a dark edge that makes it very special.

  5. I LOVE IT. I'm hoarding it. My boyfriend thought it was delicious. It smelled like chocolate vanilla cake, sweet but not cloying, perfect dessert foodie bliss. I didn't really get pea, or sandalwood, and I don't know where I got chocolate from since its not a listed note but maybe the amber and vanilla gave it a caramel sort of delicious smell. Can't say for sure, but I can say I LOVE IT!

  6. I loved this ... which is why I was so sad when my skin drank it up and it disappeared. I'm going to try again and hope the same thing doesn't happen. It didn't smell like any of the other dragon's blood scents I've tried, it was a soft warm creamy not sweet, but delicious vanilla and then it was gone. And I was very sad because it was very yummy.

  7. I think the white mint and thyme overwhelmed the other notes. I may have to test it for a longer period of time, as the mint/citrusy scents do after 2 hours sometimes do really pretty things on my skin. I'm just not sure its worth the wait for me, since there are so many scents that I stay in love with throughout their entire morphing period and 2 hours is quite a bit to wait for a scent to develop.

  8. Ah the dreaded patchouli rears it ugly head. I wanted to like this one, I did like this one at times, but that patchouli always turns to a dull bad leather scent on me. It even overwhelmed the vetiver, that's how much my skin and patchouli do not get along. Shame, because the list of notes is lovely and I'm sure it's a beautiful scent on someone with the right chemistry. Hopefully my imps will find a happy new home.

  9. I didn't really get much berry from this. The green smell overwhelmed whatever fruit notes might have been present. If you like crisp, herbal, green scents I would definitely give this a try as, in my experience, it delivered and was certainly not a cloyingly sweet berry scent. However, it is not my style, and therefore to the swaps it goes.

  10. I put it on and went out for dinner.

    As I was walking down the street I kept getting delicious wafts of chocolate. Strong throw. That smells like chocolate. Happy so far.

    Then the cherry began to appear and all I could think of was chocolate covered cherries, and wow these notes are extremely well blended.

    My boyfriend liked it which is always a plus. I think I'll start hoarding this stuff.

    In the bar the red patchouli incense took over, which was also nice. But once outside I could swear the chocolate notes came back.

    Definitely on my favourites list, I thought this was a great scent.

  11. Urd

    As with all patchouli scents (but not red!) this one went to a dull, leathery, bland kind of smell on me. I swapped it out already, and hopefully it works better on its new owner.

  12. I ordered this one because I had to try it. Then I promptly swapped it. After making several funny faces. And the listed notes sounded kind of nice, but alas, I would only wear this outside if I wanted people to stay far, far away from me.


    And there might be some appeal to that...

  13. I don't get the woodsy depth described in some of the reviews, though I did with Black Annis. Red patchouli likes me but I can't get a whiff of it here. Midnight Kiss and Lust are some of my favourite scents but this was almost like what I would imagine a vetiver single note to be. I've found that my skin amps vetiver. Saturnalia smelled the same as Malediction to me, though my boyfriend said he definately smelled violets. Maybe its my nose, I don't know, but I felt like Malediction was a scent that made me smell like an antediluvian vampire fresh out of her grave. Which is kind of cool, but I'll probably swap it when the right offer comes my way.

  14. When I inhaled really deeply I could understand why this way called Malice, but it just isn't for me. There was definately something cold and sharp lurking under the usual BPAL dark scent smell. Still, swap pile for me. The scent did was it was supposed to, just not my style, even if it may suit my mood at times. Also patchouli and I do not make a happy pair so that turned me off at the beginning, but it did mellow eventually. But with so many great scents already, I don't feel the need to sit through such an unpleasant dry down process.

  15. I don't think I'd wear this. But it has depth. Its dark vetivert earthyness with layers. It reminded me of Malediction with some more complexity given by the wet dark woods notes my nose picked up. Mine ended up in the swap pile, but I would definately try it on my guy if he'd let me. Its just a little too earthy for me, but still a nice scent.

  16. It smelled lovely on me. My mom compared it to Este's Cinnabar. Spicy, musky, incensey at times but not overly so. IDidn't have tremendous staying power on me, is very faint now about 7 hours later, but the throw was nice. I don't think I'll get a bottle but I'll probably keep the imps that come my way.

  17. Complicated scent. I'm keeping it for its interestingness even if I didn't fall in love with it. On me it starts off aquatic with a strong burst of florals (my skin does amp florals) but after some time passes it morphs into something completely different, smokey and leathery but in a very interesting, complex way with other notes adding depth and balance underneath the taverny smells. Its worth trying just to see how BPAL scents can morph.


    Probably won't get a bottle, but hanging on to the imp because well...its weird and cool.

  18. My first review and where better to start then Snake Oil. I'll start off by saying I haven't tried this fresh, I've tried it from two different imps at various degrees of aging.


    I put on probably too much before leaving work in the morning. I could tell people were uncomfortable by what was a strong powdery incense kind of smell. Too bad for them because the aged stuff I have dries down beautifully. I think I just need to put it on a good hour or maybe even two before I want anyone to smell me. Then it becomes a gorgeous spicy vanilla, not really sweet but deep and rich.


    I'm kinda hoarding it. The aged stuff anyway.

    Considering buying a bottle and sticking it in a drawer for two years.

    And thanks to filigree_shadow for sending me a tester of aged snake oil with my very first BPAL purchase!
